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NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread

04-06-2009 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
am I late to the Cheryl Miller Scot Pollard meltdown on nba tv party?
lol this is incredible. She sux so bad.

edit: wtf with deadspin taking her side.
04-06-2009 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
officially a fan of Scot Pollard
"I'm lost... you didn't get my jokes, I'm trying to set you up with layups here."
04-06-2009 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by kbfc
So ****ing weak.

There's no asterisks or partially meant BS. Anytime a team loses a major player, it sucks. The 2nu2 missed the playoffs because of this. If KG isn't healthy, it will basically ruin the EC playoffs. Houston is only a super darkhorse, fringe title contender because of this. And Detroit doesn't have AI for the stretch run...well, maybe that's a bad example...
Oh don't get me wrong, I do honestly feel badly about it. And I find myself holding my tongue about Joe Johnson in 2005...or Amare, Kurt Thomas, and Raja Bell in 2006...or the suspensions in 2007. I just don't want to annoy people as tempting as it is to whine. Plus I realize they can only care so much about a team that isn't theirs.
04-06-2009 , 11:49 PM
deadspin is seriously ******ed. She's in the HoF basically because of title IX thinking. How can you not slam her for how unprofessional that is? What a massive c-word.
04-06-2009 , 11:51 PM
I'm only 2 mins into the Miller/Pollard clip and I can barely continue due to the awkwardness - going to trudge forward.

Already Cheryl is going to far with this - It's funny as a one off joke, but she is beating it to death
04-06-2009 , 11:52 PM
LOLOLOL @ "do you have a knee brace with you?"
04-06-2009 , 11:53 PM
The only reason I'm glad Deadspin sided with her is because I think someone had to. Also, I'm not going to check but perhaps the bit was written by a woman.

Also, last night I took sleeping pills for the first time in years (trouble sleeping since I got on the wagon). Recommended dose is two pills, so I took that. I have the tolerance of a large elephant so I may go for three tonight cuz that didn't do much for me.
04-06-2009 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
deadspin is seriously ******ed. She's in the HoF basically because of title IX thinking. How can you not slam her for how unprofessional that is? What a massive c-word.
gah, QFT. Asking him to explain himself on LIVE TV like he is a 7th grader that was late to 1st period is f'ing rediculous. "Oh TNT said you could fly in today? Really?" - fdsajhfkahhfsda.
04-06-2009 , 11:58 PM
she's probably jealous cuz he's seen Reggie naked more times than she has
04-07-2009 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by D104
gah, QFT. Asking him to explain himself on LIVE TV like he is a 7th grader that was late to 1st period is f'ing rediculous. "Oh TNT said you could fly in today? Really?" - fdsajhfkahhfsda.
If I didn't think tarheeljks would read this I would suggest she takes the "bitchy black woman" stereotype and knocks it out of the park. But since I don't want to incur his wrath I won't.
04-07-2009 , 12:03 AM
dude he knows, that's why he dates white women.

really I think she acts and talks JUST like Reggie. They both pick fights all the time and make it super awkward. I especially dislike it on gamenight, cuz that show is the nuts for catching highlights.
04-07-2009 , 12:08 AM
04-07-2009 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
she's probably jealous cuz he's seen Reggie naked more times than she has
From what I have heard she isn't into caulk.
04-07-2009 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
deadspin is seriously ******ed. She's in the HoF basically because of title IX thinking. How can you not slam her for how unprofessional that is? What a massive c-word.
Ummm, no. Cheryl Miller was considered the greatest woman BB player ever when she retired, she changed the game for girls and brought it national attention it never had. She was Candace Parker twenty years ago.
04-07-2009 , 12:59 AM
Forgive me for reposting this from the sportsbetting forum into this thread. But I think I found an opportunity for free money (or a chance at it) online. Want to run it by you guys before I actually pull the trigger on it.

A book has these props. The only way to bet them is "yes" for the value listed below:

Will this team make the playoffs?
Chicago -5000 (also 1/50, 250 max wager wins 5 bucks)
Detroit -5000 (same)
Indiana +15000 (150/1, 5 bucks wins 750)
Charlotte +10000 (100/1, 5 bucks wins 500)
no other teams available

here are the current standings, team w/l % and gb

6 x-Philadelphia 40 36 .526 21 ½ (clinched spot)
7 Chicago 37 40 .481 25
8 Detroit 37 40 .481 25
Charlotte 34 43 .442 28
Indiana 33 44 .429 29
New Jersey 32 45 .416 30

So here's my thought... put the max 250 to win 5 each on chicago and detroit. then just put 5 on indy and charlotte. if Chicago and det go through, you break even. If charlotte or indy go on, your 5 wins 100 or 150 to 1, plus 250+5 back minus 250. if BOTH charlotte and indy go on, 10 wins 125/1, but you're out 500, still a big profit. The only way one would lose is if NJ gets in ahead of both Charlotte and Indy, which would mean NJ wins 5 in a row and both Chi and Det go 0-5 to close out.

Am I missing something or is this a total free roll?


I did some additional research into what the schedules look like, to see if it was even possible for NJ to make the playoffs, the only scenario that could lose money if one went 250/250/5/5 risked. What makes things interesting is Det plays Chi on the 13th, making one of them at least having 38 wins, which means the best NJ could do even in a perfect scenario be a playoff game (the max they can win is 37, which is the # det and chi are both on currently).

NJ, to make the playoffs, needs:

The loser of the chicago-detroit game on the 13th to lose their other 4 remaining games.
NJ win out going 5-0 to close out the year.
For neither Indy or Chicago to stay ahead of NJ.
And win a playoff game, or whatever they do if more than 1 team finishes with 37 wins.

It would take an absolute miracle for NJ to make the playoffs.

Last edited by stats79; 04-07-2009 at 01:11 AM.
04-07-2009 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by joel2006
Ummm, no. Cheryl Miller was considered the greatest woman BB player ever when she retired, she changed the game for girls and brought it national attention it never had. She was Candace Parker twenty years ago.
I know that. and it means very little in the grand scheme of things.

I mean, I was mostly just busting her chops, because HoF or not, nothing excuses such pathetic professionalism. Even if Pollard was 100% wrong and he just skipped because he didn't want to, you keep your mouth shut, do your job, and bring it up with the brass off camera. You don't whine and make an ass of yourself on national TV just because you feel slighted. Honestly, she should be suspended for that. It hurts their product immensely.
04-07-2009 , 01:45 AM
The last line in Cheryl Miller's wikipedia page is now, "She also might be insane."
04-07-2009 , 02:29 AM
yeah Cheryl completely loses the argument as soon as "unprofessional" is thrown at Pollard. I am mostly amazed they haven't suspended her for her behavior.
04-07-2009 , 02:55 AM
wow, I know this has been said before but Ginobili out for the season. The Spurs should be a dog to get out of the first round regardless of opponent.
04-07-2009 , 03:35 AM
Dear Dallas,

Just close out 5-0 one ****ing time and draw the Spurs and pwn. Then take the Nugs and ****ing blast them too. That's like a month's time for Kobe and LeBron to dislocate their kneecaps. (We assume KG's already down.) I mean, that can happen, right? McWorld? Is that Arcade Fire video really going to be my fondest Maverick memory for the next 10 years minimum? ****.

If you could just BEAT THE ****ING GRIZZLIES **** we wouldn't have to have these little rap sessions.


04-07-2009 , 04:06 AM
thread has been pretty awesome lately imo
04-07-2009 , 04:47 AM
Well, this is how I see it. Raph "would" be the best fighter, if it wasn't for his temper. It's no secret, he looses his cool from time to time, and that's what causes him the loss of his fights. But from his sheer power alone, he is the second best fighter on the team, only inhibited by himself. If he was to finally put aside his temper and focus, like he did in this movie, then you saw what happens, he's instantly the top dog.

I also think the creators decided to use Leo is the all around best to put aside their bias. Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman, the two who created the Turtles, had their favorites. Peter favored the techno wiz, Donetello, and Kevin has always declared Raph as his favorite. So, I think they decided to label Leo is the best fighter to avoid future confontations with eachother, if that makes any sense. But they did keep the door wide open for anyone of them to top the other. Raph's case, if he's focused, stay the hell out of his way. Once in the comics, the Turtles were resting on a farm, like much of the first movie hinted at, and Raph started to get restless and wanted to go back to stand his ground against the foot. He was getting ready to when Leo pulled out his rank of leader on Raph, and got in his way. Leo didn't stand a chance that day against Raph, who simply picked him up and flung him through a brick wall, without hitting stride.

Then, look at Donny. What he lacks in all around fighting power, he makes up big in his brains. If Leo and Don had to battle it out, and Don was allowed to use things outside of ninjitsu, I think he's kick Leo's ass to Venus and back with what ever gadget he can muster.

And Mikey, he's like Raph, held back by his un ability to focus as well. Would rather play around then get down to business, but out of all of them, he is the most natural and gifted athelete, and the fastest. He too, if he was to focus, would be a problem for Leo.
04-07-2009 , 05:28 AM
Raph is my hero among them. I relate to him the most. We all strive to be Leo but that's not real life. Raph deals with his self-conflict better than the rest, and it's even more impressive considering his inner troubles are greater. He feel he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. He thinks he's all alone in the world. He has the most potential, but it'll never be reached and deep down within, he knows it.
04-07-2009 , 05:31 AM
04-07-2009 , 05:44 AM

