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NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread

03-30-2009 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
what the **** @ josh smith. Why is he such a bad shooter?
Sometimes when watching Smith, I see Antoine Walker redux - but with vertical lift.
03-30-2009 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Seadood228
Chicopee area. I guess that's small townish right? Sure felt like it but I'm a city boy.

Chicopee, along with Holyoke, should be considered as part of metropolitan Springfield.

Chicopee is, by far, the most stable of the three communities. Decent school system and a fiscally responsible local government.

Holyoke's school system struggles big time and there's some horrific neighborhoods, but as you go up the hills above the city, there's some nice living areas.

Springfield, where I grew up, has turned into an updated version of HBO's Deadwood without the iambic pentameter.

Chicopee's biggest claim to fame - it once was the home of the yearly Kielbasa Festival during which the organizers made annual attempts toward establishing a new world record for the biggest stuffed sausage on earth.

It was not a pretty sight.
03-30-2009 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
Chicopee, LOL. I have a chicopee story.

I went to boarding school in Northampton (which is a great area, I love western mass) which is ~20 mins away from chicopee. (chicopee is close to springfield) Anyway, during high school my friends (and extended group of friends) played cards. senior year it was ALWAYS poker, largely, but junior year we played a fair amount of "pitch". pitch is a fun game, but one of the rules implemented was the "no chicopee" rule. basically, if you wanted to make up a rule, it was a chicopee rule, bc apparently people from chicopee would constantly make up rules if they were losing. (since it was a gambling game played w/ points, they'd make up a way to earn back a few points, thereby lessening how much they lost)

im not sure im doing that story justice, so hopefully GKA can illuminate the details. also, not that there's anything wrong with chicopee. just that noho is much better. imo

Regarding Chicopee Pitch, the common version out here is that it means to slow play for high by leading out with the ace when also holding the king.

Regarding Northampton - Hamp is among the most unique communities in the country. Cultured, diverse, comfortable and affordable. Any small city that has the Pleasant Street Theatre, the Academy of Music, the Eastside Grill, the Florence Diner, Smith College, the City Cafe, Herrell's Ice Cream, the Fresh Pasta Company, the Iron Horse Music Hall, the Dirty Truth, Pearl Street, the Calvin Theatre, Look Park and FACES is just ****ing awesome.

Finally, on Pulp Fiction - there is no better film in the 1990s.
03-30-2009 , 02:31 PM
sailorsaint for mod, obviously. I doubt anyone would argue against that.
03-30-2009 , 02:33 PM
Regarding Chicopee Pitch, the common version out here is that it means to slow play for high by leading out with the ace when also holding the king.
how do you slow play for high when leading with the ace ?

edit: didn't know Herrell's was a Northampton product. I lived next to the one in Allston, MA. I grew up next to a creamery that makes their own. Coffee Chip is the nuts.
03-30-2009 , 02:33 PM
that 50's diner in pulp fiction, i was ed sullivan's lawyer lol. that was his only gig, impersonating ed sullivan, but they sued him, the estate did. i was his attorney for something else, he couldnt do ed anymore.
03-30-2009 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
also, my friends who are originally from eastern mass (the boston area) have a strong bias against western mass. one in particular feels that western mass is full of weirdos. (I dont agree)

Western Mass is comfortable with its eccentricities.

Eastern Mass is comfortable with western Mass tax dollars.

Eastern Mass is getting the better end of the deal.

And so it goes.
03-30-2009 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
how do you slow play for high when leading with the ace ?

edit: didn't know Herrell's was a Northampton product. I lived next to the one in Allston, MA. I grew up next to a creamery that makes their own. Coffee Chip is the nuts.

I ****ed it up.

Leading out with the king while holding the ace.

03-30-2009 , 02:43 PM
that's what i figured you meant. That became so standard in our games that leading with the A and saving the K became the expert play. Sorta like fast playing a set.
03-30-2009 , 02:47 PM
wtf is everyone talking about?
03-30-2009 , 02:49 PM
can we move the discussion to the DAY-O chant plz?

did this come from those DAYO BON MARCHEEE YO commercials or what. this is begoggling me to no end.
03-30-2009 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by sailorsaint
Finally, on Pulp Fiction - there is no better film in the 1990s.
These guys disagree.

03-30-2009 , 02:52 PM

we talkin' 'bout pitch. similar to euchre which a lot of my friends in college played, but which I never bothered to learn.
03-30-2009 , 02:53 PM
Euchre is sick
03-30-2009 , 02:55 PM

There is no way I would EVER rate Shawshank ahead of Pulp Fiction. Partly because I had already read the Stephen King novel and was sort of disappointed, and partly because Pulp Fiction was a screenplay (that I know of) and Shawshank was just an adaptation of a book, so that loses points for me right there.

Euchre is a great game because it requires limited skill so you can play it when you're really drunk.
03-30-2009 , 03:20 PM
I studied at Oxford for a year and spent most of my time between classes and banging girls with bad teeth, playing euchre.
03-30-2009 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by sailorsaint
yesh, Williston Northampton. Actually is in easthampton, but is tougher to explain than it's worth.

Regarding Chicopee Pitch, the common version out here is that it means to slow play for high by leading out with the ace when also holding the king.
jesus christ how did you know this. sailor, you scare me. this is indeed correct, leading for less than ace whilst still holding the key card in your hand. WOW


Regarding Northampton - Hamp is among the most unique communities in the country. Cultured, diverse, comfortable and affordable. Any small city that has the Pleasant Street Theatre, the Academy of Music, the Eastside Grill, the Florence Diner, Smith College, the City Cafe, Herrell's Ice Cream, the Fresh Pasta Company, the Iron Horse Music Hall, the Dirty Truth, Pearl Street, the Calvin Theatre, Look Park and FACES is just ****ing awesome.
eastside grill is very meh. used to like it. faces is cool, hooked up with a chick above faces in her mom's office. green street cafe is the best restaurant there.

Finally, on Pulp Fiction - there is no better film in the 1990s.
in 1994, i would say both quiz show and shawshank were better. imo.
03-30-2009 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
how do you slow play for high when leading with the ace ?

edit: didn't know Herrell's was a Northampton product. I lived next to the one in Allston, MA. I grew up next to a creamery that makes their own. Coffee Chip is the nuts.
a friend of mine loves herrell's.

what's funny is im not really a liberal (hardly) but i truly love liberal places. i like the juxtaposition of differences i suppose.

you slow play for high while having the ace in your hand, i think it was just a misspeak on sailor's part.
03-30-2009 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin

we talkin' 'bout pitch. similar to euchre which a lot of my friends in college played, but which I never bothered to learn.
we should play pitch for money during summer league. it's a great game to play at a restaurant, since it's easy to keep score and it's fast paced.
03-30-2009 , 03:52 PM

Quiz Show was a nice movie and all, but if you are suggesting it is better than Pulp Fiction then I dunno man, I'll have to think like 0.5% less of you or something.
03-30-2009 , 03:52 PM
hmm... man I will need to think about this, but there is no way Pulp Fiction or Shawshank is the best movie from the 90's.
03-30-2009 , 03:55 PM
It depends what "best" means. PF obviously had the most impact on pop culture while being an insanely awesome movie.

I guess if "best" means an inside look at a tedious plot to rig some trivia then Quiz Show could be the "best".
03-30-2009 , 03:57 PM
TBH I don't even really like Quiz Show. I think I have seen it twice and I barely remember any of it.

PF is a tight movie, but its like every other QT movie, TOO much dialogue.

I need to think about this a bit.
03-30-2009 , 04:01 PM
Just look through the winner for Best Picture during the 90's. There are only three I haven't seen (Titanic, English Patient, and Unforgiven), but based on whats left, Schindlers List, Gump, Braveheart, American Beauty, and Silence of the Lambs are all fantastic movies.

other great movies from the 90's:
A Few Good Men
In The Name of the Father
LA Confidential
Good Will Hunting
Saving Private Ryan
