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NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread

03-12-2009 , 09:38 PM
03-12-2009 , 09:38 PM
Finley with the hot hand
03-12-2009 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by westhoff
meh, barkley saying porter got stabbed in the back and that they don't have the players to run and gun

whatever, i don't really give a **** anymore
damn, thought he was going to say something smart

Nash, Amare, Jrich, Barnes, and Barbosa can't run-n-gun? And Shaq and Hill worked in fine with the hybrid offense last year.

He may be right about Porter getting stabbed in the back, but he wasn't right right coach for this team. Hopefully another team gives him a chance at some point.
03-12-2009 , 09:40 PM
shouldn't have spent so much time making those bullets
03-12-2009 , 09:42 PM
Ariza is so much better than Walton.
03-12-2009 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
I just hope that nice trophy makes Lebron happy as the Lakers take the rings.
Did it feel nice for Kobe last year?

03-12-2009 , 09:44 PM
Are the Spurs required to throw their hands in the air after every foul?
03-12-2009 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by sethypooh21
Did it feel nice for Kobe last year?

You're dead to me.
03-12-2009 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
Finley with the hot hand
03-12-2009 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
You're dead to me.
I couldn't believe I was the first one to get there, seemed pretty obvious...

And, boom goes the dynamite Parker for trey...
03-12-2009 , 09:48 PM
That camera view needs to die. wtf? who thinks that is a good idea?
03-12-2009 , 09:48 PM
god I hate derek fisher

when will he retire
03-12-2009 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bjørn
It went something like this:

They have no chance unless they do a Tanya Harding on Dirk.
They're old. Too old to run and gun. They have no shooters. No chance at all making the playoffs. Shaq is the only one who has played well. They'll blame it all on Shaq. Terry Porter was stabbed in the back. They have no chance.
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
Basically said...
  • Shaq has been only good Suns player for whole season
  • The need to pull a Tanya Harding and "kneecap" Dirk in order to make the playoffs
  • Even if they make the playoffs, they're going to get "mauled" by the Lakers in the first round
  • They're old and don't have a good future
Bolded the dumb, not bad for Chuck. Shaq has played very well, but he was the only player who was helped by Porter's system.

If Chuck is any way implying that Porter has gotten too much blame though than I agree. The players just weren't ready to adjust to his system (from the free-flowing D'Antoni offense.)
03-12-2009 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Artdogg

If Chuck is any way implying that Porter has gotten too much blame though than I agree. The players just weren't ready to adjust to his system (from the free-flowing D'Antoni offense.)
Doesn't this make him more blameworthy for trying to run a system without the players to do it?
03-12-2009 , 09:52 PM
No, I think it's that his system really sucked tbqh.
03-12-2009 , 09:53 PM
i don't remember specifics, but there are plenty of people itt who felt lebron should have gotten the mvp over kobe last year. that's fine, but to now say that wade isn't in the mix is inconsistent
03-12-2009 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by sethypooh21
Doesn't this make him more blameworthy for trying to run a system without the players to do it?
It's weird though because Porter must have presented his system before he was hired.
03-12-2009 , 09:54 PM
I don't have a problem with Wade being in the mix as long as Paul is higher up in the mix.
03-12-2009 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
It's weird though because Porter had to have presented his system before he was hired.
Given the way Sarver runs things, his low contract demand would have been far more important than his "system"
03-12-2009 , 09:55 PM
Duncan getting no calls.
03-12-2009 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
Ariza is so much better than Walton.
really? this is completely new information!

Originally Posted by Caldarooni
Are the Spurs required to throw their hands in the air after every foul?

Originally Posted by Bjørn
god I hate derek fisher

when will he retire
03-12-2009 , 09:59 PM
This is painful to watch. Without Ginobili the Spurs can't even play with the Lakers.
03-12-2009 , 10:00 PM
in that honda commercial where the guy cuts the turkey with the laser ya so does that exist cause that would be a handy tool
03-12-2009 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by sethypooh21
Doesn't this make him more blameworthy for trying to run a system without the players to do it?
Don't get me wrong, he should get some blame. But he never fully got the players' trust, which is essential for winning. After X amount of games he admitted that he needed to run-n-gun more to have more success, but it's hard to do that because he was expected to slow things down and improve the defense from the get go (this was obviously a mistake, but Kerr wanted the team to play more like SA so he attempted to build it accordingly.)

I guess what I'm saying is, you can't really bring a coach in and expect him to do things differently than he's normally accustomed to. If they brought in Larry Brown sometime during the run-n-gun era he would have ruined the franchise completely, and he's considered one of the best coaches of all time.

So yea, the blame game should be something like Sarver>>>>>>Kerr>>Porter
03-12-2009 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
I don't have a problem with Wade being in the mix as long as Paul is higher up in the mix.
that's legit, but the logic being used in favor of lebron this year should have had him behind chris paul last year when there were plenty of people who thought it was b/t kobe/lebron
