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NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread NBA 2008-2009 Season Thread

02-13-2009 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by joel2006
Bobcats are pretty open about it too and they're generally the closest team to the salary floor.
gotta give them respect, the trades they made this year (with phoenix, LA, and dallas) they've added salary (diaw, diop, vladrad)
02-13-2009 , 02:56 AM
You should thank NC for breaking up what would have been the five lamest, unfunny consecutive posts by one person itt.
02-13-2009 , 02:58 AM
so no confirmation on the porter getting fired rumor from earlier?
02-13-2009 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by MrOnizuka
I'm gonna go ahead and say he's definitely been more valuable than Oden at this point.
you'd be in the minority, and also wrong.

theyve played alot of mins (1759/1035) and one plays those mins on a very good team, the other on a very bad team. Both are efficient on offense, with Oden having the edge - .597 TS v .586. Similar USG (20 v 18.6) Oden's ORtg is 115 v 111 for Eric Gordon. So, sure, offensively I think they're a wash.

But as soon as you factor in defense, the comparison becomes lol worthy.


Mayo and Rose are ahead of him for the time being, but they've gotten consistent minutes all year while EJ only started playing heavy minutes in December and has shown massive improvement in taking it to the rack and drawing fouls, and I'm pretty sure he's got a post game that neither Mayo nor Rose have yet.
Ok, well, this will eventually take hold in stats. For now it's speculation that has no grounds.


Also, Mayo seems to be cooling off a bit while EJ has really picked up his efficiency since Z-Bo and B-Diddy came back and the primary ball-handler hasn't been Mardy Collins/Jason Hart/Fred Jones. 18ppg on 11.5 shots per game so far in February. Mayo at 19pts/16shots on the year and 21.5/18 this month.
Cherry picking...


I just moved to the East Coast so I haven't been able to see too many games and couldn't really say too much about his defense. His rebounding definitely could use some work.

I think he's at at the same level as Rose and Mayo currently and have hope that he can get better now that he doesn't have to be the #1 or 1a option on a crappy team.
Thing is no one else thinks that, and the reason is because he's not. I didn't realize we had a clipper homer on the board!
02-13-2009 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
No desire to argue about who's been better, but I wouldn't trade Rose straight-up for any of the other rookies.
I would. Oden is the most valuable, and I don't think it's particularly close. The more interesting (altho not really bc it's played out!) debate is Oden v Durantula.
02-13-2009 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by Green Kool Aid
Oden is not in the discussion for ROY, because he's averaging just 9 and 7, but I think I'd still have to select him first among this year's rookies longterm.
agree. if you look at MP, and corresponding numbers, both he and Kevin Love have been outstanding.
02-13-2009 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by westhoff
so no confirmation on the porter getting fired rumor from earlier?
not yet, supposedly they want to wait 2 days for some reason, I won't believe it til I see it
02-13-2009 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
He'd be my 2nd choice. I just think there are too many legit injury issues with him to make it worth the risk. I understand those who would prefer him to Rose, but to me Rose has way lower variance and upside that's reasonably close.
You would sorta have a point, except for the whole fact derrick rose had a college injury which could hurt him at some point in the NBA.
02-13-2009 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by SHARK DOCTOR
Former Clippers GM Elgin Baylor suing the Clips organization for wrongful termination.

on no he didnt!

Im sure it has nothing to do with the Clips sucking azzz.
not to pump my own fist, but i posted this ~1.5 days ago and LOLed at it. old news man...
02-13-2009 , 03:03 AM
Just put together a pretty sick 3-way trade on the ESPN trade thing but cant figure out how to link it

Memphis Gets:

Miami Gets:

Phoenix Gets:
02-13-2009 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
I think by the end of the season, Oden will be the ROY. His progress from opening day to now is pretty impressive.
Because i'm a pseudo portland fan i too want oden to be roy (esp bc its awesome to think BOTH durant and oden are ROYs) but i just dont think it's going to happen. not that i dont think he's the most valuable - i do think it - i just think the flashy stats of rose or mayo will propel them forward. honestly wont even be a bad decision, just think oden is flatout better
02-13-2009 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by D104
Any thoughts on the bill simmons trade value column?

I always think it's one of his better pieces, but I do think the list shouldnt be a top 40, but more of a 75-20. From 20 on up, those guys rarely get traded, and if they do, it's never for another top 20 player.

I also like simmons' repeated references to "don't try and compare cp3 and dwill, because it's not close" mostly because I worked with a guy that insisted dwill > cp3. He obv was a jazz homer.
Simmons is an idiot. Only to be read with comedy on mind. Column is horrible.
02-13-2009 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
You would sorta have a point, except for the whole fact derrick rose had a college injury which could hurt him at some point in the NBA.
Sure, it could, but I think Oden is far far more likely to have issues.

I mean, whats a fair line on most #games played over the next 4 years for each of them? Rose would have to be a 70-30 favorite is my guess. No, its not a wager invitation.
02-13-2009 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by sethypooh21

Am I the first to suggest that Utah should be exploring trading Boozer for $.40 on the dollar just to get something back for him because Millsap gives you the same thing, just with like actual defense included?

<3 Memo. His wife is smoking also...
utah isnt trading boozer. if he's healthy we have a legit VERY good team. i love millsap but he simply isnt as good as the booze.

memo's wife is very, very bangable.
02-13-2009 , 03:07 AM
Because i'm a pseudo portland fan
No comment necessary
02-13-2009 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Artdogg
Based on what I read he bought the Suns with an intention to profit (which is dumb in itself.) His other businesses are in trouble and he has lost ~240 million, so it looks like he is trying to make up for it in this business. What he doesn't seem to know is cutting loose too many players is the worst thing you can do. If he pays the lux tax for KT in for the 2007-08 season the Suns would have contended again and easily covered the costs in revenue (and no Shaq trade.)
Are the suns inherently an unprofitable franchise? Why else do you buy a team except for profit?

Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
Just put together a pretty sick 3-way trade on the ESPN trade thing but cant figure out how to link it

Memphis Gets:

Miami Gets:

Phoenix Gets:
That's certainly one way the Suns can get hosed.
02-13-2009 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
Just put together a pretty sick 3-way trade on the ESPN trade thing but cant figure out how to link it

Memphis Gets:

Miami Gets:

Phoenix Gets:
What do you guys think of this? It's a no-brainer for Memphis. Phoenix gets 20mm in expiring contracts. And for Miami...


is better than

02-13-2009 , 03:11 AM
I can lose days messing with that trade machine.
02-13-2009 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by Isura
Are the suns inherently an unprofitable franchise? Why else do you buy a team except for profit?

That's certainly one way the Suns can get hosed.
The Suns have made it quite clear it is very important for them to not have to pay the luxury tax. This is real life, not Fantasy Basketball or a 2K9 Dynasty. They are going to get hosed talent-wise and there's no way around it.

and fwiw, Hollinger has them losing nothing after this trade
02-13-2009 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
You would sorta have a point, except for the whole fact derrick rose had a college injury which could hurt him at some point in the NBA.
what was rose injury in college?
02-13-2009 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
I dunno, seems if you need a wingman he would always be there with the assist.


02-13-2009 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by Isura
Are the suns inherently an unprofitable franchise? Why else do you buy a team except for profit?
I should have worded it better. I didn't mean he shouldn't expect to profit, I meant he shouldn't buy the team solely to profit. If you are lucky enough to be ridiculously wealthy and own a pro-sports franchise you should be willing to spend some money when your team is in contention. Most teams have 3-4 years of contention and a decade of sucking on average, so this is not too much to ask.
02-13-2009 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
is this a joke? Do you only mean guys drafted after him? Rose is a snapcall. Mayo probably, too. If I were Presti, I'd snapcall with Love and Lopez, and I'd probably at least consider D.J. Augustin.

By the end of the year I wouldn't be surprised if JJ Hickson was an easy call, too.
my oh my, you have certainly upped your usage at a stark decrease in TS%.
02-13-2009 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by westhoff
Does anyone think a team (say in the next 7 years) could win a championship with Amare Stoudemire as its best player?
weve talked about this. sorta. the answer is no. 2nd best player, the answer is yes.
02-13-2009 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
The Suns have made it quite clear it is very important for them to not have to pay the luxury tax. This is real life, not Fantasy Basketball or a 2K9 Dynasty. They are going to get hosed talent-wise and there's no way around it.

and fwiw, Hollinger has them losing nothing after this trade
What does the owner gain by making his intentions so open? Makes them look even more desperate when working out a deal.
