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Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History?
View Poll Results: Which Do U think is the Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in recent History?
Derek Jeters Flip in the 2001 Playoffs
57 41.91%
Jordan Switching Hands to make a Layup vs Lakers
30 22.06%
Tigers Stop and Pop Chip Shot
4 2.94%
Vince Carters Dunk over 7 Foot Frenchman
7 5.15%
"The Catch" - Montana to Clark
25 18.38%
Ovechkins Goal from his back
5 3.68%
Dr J dunks on Cooper
8 5.88%

10-23-2008 , 07:19 PM
Im sure you all have seen those special sports shows about the "Top 10" or "Top 100" plays of all time, numerous times on TV. Theyre always on!

Here are some of the Highlight plays that make me scratch my head and think...Why is this play soooo high on the list? I understand that sometimes its just the moment that makes the play more special than it looks (ie. - playoff game)...but seriously, they need to retire some of these plays from being a staple in the Top 10 or 20 of almost every list!

Some of these I feel belong - and some I dont. Here are the clips.

Derek Jeters Flip vs OAK in ALDS on (not available on YouTube)

Jordan Switching Hands Layup vs Lakers

Tigers Masterful Chip Shot

Vince Carter Dunks on 7 Footer

"The Catch" - Montana to Clark

Ovechkins Goal

Dr J dunks on Cooper

I'll hold my judgement for now.

Also, I dont feel all of these plays are overhyped and overrated...just added them since I feel like others might.

Last edited by Shark Doctor; 10-23-2008 at 07:32 PM.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:20 PM
Buckner. Wah Boston fan (game was tied) wah.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:21 PM
Of all those I only think Jeter's play and Doc's dunk are overrated, the rest are sheer class and fully deserve all the praise heaped on them (even if I do hate Vince Carter)
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:24 PM
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:24 PM
by far jeter's

edit: vince carter's dunk was amazing and will remain amazing. he didnt just dunk on him, he jumped over him.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:25 PM
gotta be jordan's play considering he has made so many better ones that no one ever knows about.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:31 PM
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:31 PM
it's easily the jordan one

bobby orr's goal is a close second
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:34 PM
The funny thing about the catch is first off I think a play or 2 before that Montana badly threw a ball and missed a wide open reciever in the end zone by like 3 feet. Also the catch itself was mad tough to make and def most of the time is probably getting dropped, it's funny how history would have changed if it was.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:36 PM
Why is the Immaculate Reception not included in the options?
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:38 PM
Yeah I'll go with the Jordan one. Primarily because even in the very short time I stay in the air I can even adjust to a degree. I guess because it was the finals it has gotten so much love, but I'll take something like his spin baseline and dunk on Starks at MSG any day before that play, and it's been a long time since I've seen that one.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:40 PM
I say the catch is most overated. They are all great plays don't get me wrong! They beat that catch every chance they get though. Though it was amazing at the time, there have been soo many better plays since
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:44 PM
you put the wrong Jeter play in the pole, should be the one where he catches it and then runs another 20 feet before diving into the stands
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
Yeah I'll go with the Jordan one. Primarily because even in the very short time I stay in the air I can even adjust to a degree. I guess because it was the finals it has gotten so much love, but I'll take something like his spin baseline and dunk on Starks at MSG any day before that play, and it's been a long time since I've seen that one.
No way is it more so than Doc's dunk. I mean hell.. Doc's dunk was just a standard run of the mill dunk that you see 2-3 times a game now-a-days.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise
you put the wrong Jeter play in the pole, should be the one where he catches it and then runs another 20 feet before diving into the stands
That was my orig thought regarding a Jeter highlight as well.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:48 PM
Oh and if that bastard Giambi slides... no one remembers Jeter's flip.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise
you put the wrong Jeter play in the pole, should be the one where he catches it and then runs another 20 feet before diving into the stands
no - this is the right Jeter play imo
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:52 PM
fwiw I immediately thought of the dive into the stands. What a completely overrated play.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:53 PM
I'll go with the Jordan play for one simple reason: he didn't have to switch hands. If you watch the play it seems that there is no Laker defender capable of defending a simple right handed layup.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:56 PM
Jeter flip.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by bravos1
No way is it more so than Doc's dunk. I mean hell.. Doc's dunk was just a standard run of the mill dunk that you see 2-3 times a game now-a-days.
Meh. You can't fault him because it happened 25+ years ago. At the time it was regarded as pretty spectacular. Today I could see why it wouldn't get as much press.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by JackWhite
I'll go with the Jordan play for one simple reason: he didn't have to switch hands. If you watch the play it seems that there is no Laker defender capable of defending a simple right handed layup.
This is my thoughts on that play as well. Very uneccessary.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 08:06 PM
I'd say the Jordan switch, he could have easily made the layup but switched for no reason, and it's only a slight variation on a standard reverse layup that everyone can do. Second is Dr J over Cooper, Cooper wasn't even contesting the shot, he jumped but was so far underneath the basket that he didn't even bother to put his hand up. Maybe for the time it was an impressive play since dunking wasn't as commonplace, but the great highlights stand the test of time, and that doesn't. The fact that someone could think that the Vince Carter dunk is less impressive is insane.
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 08:07 PM
As far as the Jeter Flip vs the Jeter Dive...the Flip has gotten soooo much play over NOTHING! So he flipped the relay throw awkwardly?!?!?! So what? Its not even a difficult play. At least the dive play had some sort of difficulty level to he cut his chin (I dont know how much that is worth - but that adds to it a little I guess)
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
10-23-2008 , 08:09 PM
Eli to Plax to win the Super Bowl...
Most Overhyped/Overrated Highlight Play in Recent History? Quote
