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07-16-2016 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
Really disappointed in Brock and the UFC. Hunt was livid on twitter and rightfully so. Dana owes Hunt a lot of cash. They better test Diaz and Mcgregor NOW so that fight doesn't get ****ed up. Who knows how leniant they are with Conor though.

If either Diaz brother pisses hot then it's safe to say everybody is cheating.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-16-2016 , 06:13 PM
Brock was only allowed one MMA fight under his WWE contract, right?

Probably treated the fight as a one-off and figured that juicing was a freeroll.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-16-2016 , 07:12 PM
Suprised noone has mentioned the possibility that Brock just naturally produces the illegal substance. Hes a beast.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-16-2016 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
Hunt wouldn't even be on the card without Brock. And huge lol at being disappointed in Brock. The whole thing was a circus from its inception.
Yeah, who is Hunt kidding?

That was probably his biggest payday in years and he knew what he was getting himself into. Brock Lesnar off 4 years in the WWE...
The MMA Thread Quote
07-16-2016 , 10:43 PM
Hunt thought Lesnar was natty. Lol.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-17-2016 , 01:56 AM
I honestly think Mark Hunt doesn't understand anything about PEDs. He's not a well educated man and he doesn't spend all his time on the Internet. He also is a physical freak and has no reason to believe that if a 5'10" fat man can hit as hard as he can and be a top ten heavyweight...
The MMA Thread Quote
07-17-2016 , 02:10 AM
Then Mark Hunt is the only person on earth who didn't think so. You don't have to be on the Internet all day to know about peds ffs. Even people from that last untouched tribe in the rainforest would take a look at Lesnar and know he was juicing. Come on, man.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-17-2016 , 08:49 AM
I love fightpass subscrition model.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-17-2016 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by rubbrband
I honestly think Mark Hunt doesn't understand anything about PEDs. He's not a well educated man and he doesn't spend all his time on the Internet.
True, PEDs are rarely discussed outside of places of higher learning.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-17-2016 , 01:26 PM
I wish Lesnar had F5'ed Hunt. Cherry on top of the cake.

Suplex city Lol.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-17-2016 , 08:09 PM
Mark knew Brock is a big juicer, but he probably thought he hadn't used recently since he never got popped by USADA. Now Mark is going after Brock's purse for a nice little retirement bonus, and I don't blame him.

Ideal world would have two separate leagues, one where PEDs are allowed and one where they're not. The latter is strictly tested and if someone gets caught they forfeit 100% of their purse.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-18-2016 , 04:20 PM
Brock juicin'??? Who'da thunk that??? lol

Personally, if someone wants to trash their body with PED's, I say let'em. But if you want to stop the use of PED's in the UFC or any "League", make public a statement beginning on such-and-such date, if you pop for a PED or marker, you're lifetime banned from that specific league. Don't cry or whine, you knew and now you pay the price. End of it, period.

It's laughable Diaz gets a 5 year ban for weed, while the NFL, MLB, NHL gets a slap on the wrist for PED's. I've seen MLB pitchers simply come out an apologize and go right back to working the bull pen. If a top MLB star was ever auto-banned for two years you'd hear massive whining from them, their Agent as well as the MLBPA. The fact USADA has an auto 2 year ban, especially in combat sports is harsh compared to other sports. JMO.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-18-2016 , 06:00 PM

you might wanna rethink that MLB rant, given that they suspend players 80 games for a first infraction. That's a pretty harsh penalty imo. MLB is one of the few leagues to not **** around. Half season first time, full season second time, lifetime ban third time, all without pay. That seems completely reasonable to me.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-18-2016 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by DannyOcean_

you might wanna rethink that MLB rant, given that they suspend players 80 games for a first infraction. That's a pretty harsh penalty imo. MLB is one of the few leagues to not **** around. Half season first time, full season second time, lifetime ban third time, all without pay. That seems completely reasonable to me.
He's using old stories without knowing that leagues have new rules.

Diaz got 5 years because his presence pissed off idiotic state commissioners (and he'd failed multiple times). It's been cut down to 18 months I think.

Also, A-Rod got a year and half on smoke and mirrors.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-19-2016 , 07:52 PM
Jon Jones and Brock Lesnar BOTH tested positive for...clomiphene!? An estrogen blocker!?
The MMA Thread Quote
07-19-2016 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by stereoman
Jon Jones and Brock Lesnar BOTH tested positive for...clomiphene!? An estrogen blocker!?
Under the 'learn something new every day' file...
As a SERM Clomid prevents estrogen from binding to receptors by binding itself to the receptors in its place which can be very advantageous for a host of reasons. By its mode of action Clomid stimulates the release of Luteinizing and Follicle Stimulating Hormones (LH & FSH) by which when stimulated for release in-turn cause the production and release of testosterone throughout the body. As you can readily see this presents two possible beneficial reasons for any performance enhancing athlete to use Clomid both while on cycle and post cycle during a period commonly referred to as Post Cycle Therapy (PCT.)
The MMA Thread Quote
07-19-2016 , 11:23 PM
Next time we see Brock he's gonna have DD tits.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-21-2016 , 11:56 AM
Mendes suspended for 2 years
The MMA Thread Quote
07-21-2016 , 12:07 PM
Clomiphene is a fertility drug, I believe it's the same one manny ramirez got popped for, and it's used to mask roids/used in post cycle therapy.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-23-2016 , 09:46 PM
Nobody gonna watch Holm fight?

Shevchenko looks scary


Holm drops her. Bullet shakes it off like nothing. Tough girl.

Last edited by SuperUberBob; 07-23-2016 at 09:52 PM.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-23-2016 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Nobody gonna watch Holm fight?

Shevchenko looks huge

Wat? She looks tiny compared to Holly
The MMA Thread Quote
07-23-2016 , 09:59 PM
Height-wise, yes. But she's much thicker.

Shev won the 2nd.


Ref is straight AIDS. How do you not stand them up?


Shev should win this by UD. Got her 49-46. Might be 48-47 on some cards.

Last edited by SuperUberBob; 07-23-2016 at 10:17 PM.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-23-2016 , 10:17 PM
Well that sucked
The MMA Thread Quote
07-23-2016 , 10:22 PM
Holly looked like the shorter fighter in the exchanges, really bad job of using her range advantage.
The MMA Thread Quote
07-23-2016 , 10:53 PM
I can't stand looking at the pics of women fighters after a match - just hideous.
The MMA Thread Quote
