Originally Posted by jtg51
This is starting to remind me of the time some of you guys made fun of Tercet until he gave you like 100,000-1 odds on the Yankees winning the World Series.
Originally Posted by tbab returns
I'm still waiting to hear what I said that was so ignorant and blatantly wrong that is justifies the post I just read.
It's kind of hard to explain but every time I read your posts I think to myself "Wow this guy is a clown who has no idea what he is talking about"
Your constant use of BA is a good example of it. You also have often said things to the effect of "I am definitely right" "I'm wrong you're right" "Lol at the notion of you knowing more than me"
You never explain any of your reasoning for why you think the way you do. Oh, we're wrong? Well, why? Oh, because you know way more than we do, circular reasoning FTW
Tell me a little bit about what stats you consider to be the most important in assessing baseball players value and why.
I'm not expecting anything more than a story about "The puppy who lost his way"