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Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb

02-03-2014 , 09:19 PM
cite one study by a smart person that proves momentum has predictive significance in sports
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:19 PM
cite one where it says it doesn't
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:23 PM

now take a break because you make yourself look dumber every time you click "post reply"
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
Yeah. In last year's Super Bowl, who had the momentum when it became 28-6 (the same lead as in this year's SB)? How then did SF get within a 2 point conversion of tying it?
Ravens D isn't the Seattle D. Weird, conspiracy theorists say, the black out helped up. Truth of the matter, NFL doesn't care about blow outs--see last night--Ravens D just wasn't very good last year while Seattle's is this year.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets

now take a break because you make yourself look dumber every time you click "post reply"
The only dumb one is you.


Psychological momentum in sports remains an elusive concept with continual questions regarding its
existence (or lack thereof) and effect on the game. In this paper, we have investigated one form of
psychological momentum in the NFL – whether a team’s offense performs better after their
teammates make a big defensive play.

So they investigated one form out of many forms of momentum in the NFL, which was strictly if the team's offense performs better after their teammates make a big defensive play and now you have concluded there is no such a thing as momentum at all. Good job good effort. I assume next you will claim fan noise doesn't matter either since a team's fans are going to be quiet on offense anyway even if they have the momentum.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:29 PM

prove it doesnt exist in one spot everyone says it exists

your conclusion: "well it still must exist everywhere else then"

i bet you are a patriots fan too
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:32 PM
2 questions for you. Does opposing fan noise impact opposing offenses? Do you think fan noise stays the same if a team just makes some momentum shifting plays such as big stops, big turnovers, big plays/TDs, are in the lead etc, compared to if they don't?

Last edited by Pasco1; 02-03-2014 at 09:39 PM.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
People go around and say this shows DEN wasn't prepared and had all the momentum. But that's just hindsight thinking. Just like the story for one of those early Bills Super Bowls was that they weren't ready because Thurman Thomas couldn't find his helmet for one play.

After DEN spotted SEA two points, they held SEA to a FG. If DEN ended up scoring a TD there and taking the lead, everyone would be saying that DEN had the momentum by stopping SEA. But by DEN not scoring, the story becomes "momentum" without any real proof. It's a word without meaning in many sports contexts.
Right, starting Safety-30yd FG-30yd FG just begged for the 'Seattle's leaving too many points on the field' storyline.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by Pasco1
2 questions for you. Does opposing fan noise impact opposing offenses? Do you think fan noise stays the same if a team just makes some momentum shifting plays such as big stops, big turnovers, big plays/TDs, are in the lead etc, compared to if they don't?
if only there was a study that looked specifically at what happens after BIG STOPS and BIG TURNOVERS that SHIFT MOMENTUM
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
if only there was a study that looked specifically at what happens after BIG STOPS and BIG TURNOVERS that SHIFT MOMENTUM
Ya would be amazing if there was one that did it for defense instead of offense where the teams crowd is going to be silent after a big play. Too bad the one you linked was only studying offense which is the wrong part to study.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:44 PM
lol pasco
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:47 PM
Trying to equate a real thing like crowd noise with a nonsense thing like non-physics momentum is flatly dumb. Any analysis focusing in momentum is likely just a lazy way of describing much more tangible things.

Like the Hawks didn't have momentum- they put a team in a spot where they had to do the one thing the Hawks do best (defend the pass). The game didn't get out of hand because of a mythical force.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Trying to equate a real thing like crowd noise with a nonsense thing like non-physics momentum is flatly dumb. Any analysis focusing in momentum is likely just a lazy way of describing much more tangible things.
It's not a "lazy way" it's a much more simple way. But since I don't wanna be "lazy" let's just say after a team makes a huge TD score, is the crowd more or less likely to be loud on the next defensive possession? Of course it's more and of course crowd noise effects opposing offenses. How much remains a question set on many other variables since some fans are louder than others, some teams react better to it than others etc but acting like momentum has completely 0 effect is just hilarious and wrong. It's obviously not as big as most people think but it certainly does exist.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:56 PM

How about you stop being "lazy" and cite something. We don't care to read a bunch of **** you are pulling out of your ass.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Pasco1
cite one where it says it doesn't
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:01 PM
I believe momentum and being clutch exists. Oh my god ban me
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:04 PM
Again that study only does offense.

"a prior momentum-changing event. After a significant event such as an interception, fumble recovery or blocked kick, we would expect to see an inspired team that succeeds more often than we would expect if such a momentous event had not occurred."
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:12 PM
Uh, you realize what you quoted is them explaining what momentum is at the beginning of the article, NOT the actual conclusion they came to, right? The summary of the article (since you clearly didn't read it) is: "Momentum exists, right? butnahhhh!" and you just quoted "Momentum exists..." as if it's the conclusion they're stating.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:12 PM
I have found myself getting really nervous with the ball in my hands and throwing it away or missing a layup in a big situation. In a normal spot this pretty much never happens. PROOF

seriously though, this conversation is always pointless.

Based on some of the mistakes that Denver made in the game I'd say it was pretty clear they were not mentally prepared for the game. Blame the coaching, the players, the crowd noise, whatever....they made some pretty egregious errors that may or may not have cost them the game. Well, or cost them maybe a competitive game.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:13 PM
I love how all you need to do to get this community to believe something is use a study no matter how flawed and handpick a few stats to prove your point. You guys probably believe a glass of red wine a day for you is good too.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by VincentVega
I have found myself getting really nervous with the ball in my hands and throwing it away or missing a layup in a big situation. In a normal spot this pretty much never happens. PROOF
So have many professional athletes. But clutch doesn't exist either, it's 100% made up. It couldn't possibly be that it does in fact exist but just matters a lot less than the casual fan believes it to.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Pasco1
So have many professional athletes. But clutch doesn't exist either, it's 100% made up. It couldn't possibly be that it does in fact exist but just matters a lot less than the casual fan believes it to.
Well, im a rarity around here that I actually agree mostly with what youre saying-to this post alone. However, Im not going to be the guy that starts the argument, or even jumps in. Its pointless buddy, better forget it.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Pasco1
Of course momentum exists. Just look at how into it the fans get when they are winning compared to when they are losing. Stadiums alone go from incredibly loud to super quiet depending on momentum. Just because you can overcome momentum some of the time doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just because it can't 100% be measured doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
So then sporting contests tend to behave like positive feedback cycles, in general right?

Oh wait no they dont at all
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:18 PM
Clutch does exist and there is proof that it is significant yet small. Find studies by MGL/Tango in The Book if you care to read. Though you don't seem like the reading type. Or one that is good with numbers.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Pasco1
2 questions for you. Does opposing fan noise impact opposing offenses? Do you think fan noise stays the same if a team just makes some momentum shifting plays such as big stops, big turnovers, big plays/TDs, are in the lead etc, compared to if they don't?
Again, if winning causes increased fan noise, and increased fan noise causes winning, then most games should resemble positive feedback cycles.

They decidedly do not.
Kyle Shanahan don't need to know no stinking OT rules. Mario CRYSTALBALL is still unreal dumb Quote
