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Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Jameis Winston: Rut Roh

11-24-2013 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Everything to gain? You mean she's got so much to gain that whether or not Jameis is convicted, the a good portion of city of Tallahassee and the FSU fan base will consider her accusations a personal assault on them and then take it upon themselves to make her life miserable, by digging through her personal life, spreading smears about her, and potentially making violent threats against her?
The only thing I'm saying is that this case has the POTENTIAL for her to be making it up. It's much different than another case where DNA and a girl's word could be enough to convict. Who knows if she even thought all of this through if she is making it up. Burglars and other criminals make mistakes, so why can't her plan be filled with mistakes and bad assumptions too?

Not accusing you of this, but it's clear with topics like these that people think with their emotions and immediately label someone a rape apologist even if they are just trying to rationally discuss the topic.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
I would not attack everyone providing a counter-view, but your point that she was in a sorority know for wanting to have sex with athletes and therefore is more likely to be lying about being raped, is pretty misogynistic.

There are plenty of potential reasons to doubt her story, the fact that she is in a sorority should not be one of them and is the epitome of slut shaming.

Also, your post that its almost worse to be falsely accused of being a rapist than to be raped is similarly misogynistic. The fact that you don't recognize this is sad. You really should step back, stop posting in this thread and reconsider your viewpoints.
But that's not what I said at all and it makes my point.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
And if she was raped..............what is the big gain here? She's already a loser in this just for speaking up. Her sex life is now public in a culture where she's considered a slut and he's considered a stud. People in FSU likely hate her for putting the football season at risk, whether she was raped or not.
Nah, like 99.99% of students couldn't have even told you who he was a year ago and prob still couldn't recognize him on campus
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by rakeme
Yea I agree it's a problem, but you can't just ignore false rape reports just because they occur less often. I'm interested to see what other information comes out about her past and maybe some witnesses who saw the interactions between the 2 of them that night or in the past. She has everything to gain from this and he has everything to lose, so it would be unfair to just convict him on her word alone.
the alleged rape took place between 1:30 and 2:00am, and she called the police at 4:01am

i guess she masterminded the false rape report that would surely bring her fame and fortune during that time period. plenty of time to write up a business plan and start doing income spreadsheets.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
This thread will continue to suck and inevitably turn into a Winston bashing thread unless that stops.
So unfair. One little rape accusation and everyone starts bashing the guy.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
the alleged rape took place between 1:30 and 2:00am, and she called the police at 4:01am

i guess she masterminded the false rape report that would surely bring her fame and fortune during that time period. plenty of time to write up a business plan and start doing income spreadsheets.
You do realize she could have planned it days in advance, right?
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:02 PM
Just when you thought there could be no more AIDS in the thread...
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by rakeme
The only thing I'm saying is that this case has the POTENTIAL for her to be making it up. It's much different than another case where DNA and a girl's word could be enough to convict. Who knows if she even thought all of this through if she is making it up. Burglars and other criminals make mistakes, so why can't her plan be filled with mistakes and bad assumptions too?

Not accusing you of this, but it's clear with topics like these that people think with their emotions and immediately label someone a rape apologist even if they are just trying to rationally discuss the topic.
Dude, you said she has EVERYTHING to gain from this and that's clearly not true. She loses a ton simply by accusing, and whether there is any gain at all is at the very least in question, if not outright doubtful.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:04 PM
Pretty sure false rape accusation to get money is the dumbest way to get money, it won't work and you'll be drug through the mud.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by rakeme
You do realize she could have planned it days in advance, right?
Step 1: False rape accusation
Step 2: ????
Step 3: Profit
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Ashington
This to me is a good question but it may not be controversial at all.

Maybe players are auto represented by school attorneys? IDK.

Does that apply to (for example) band members? Cheerleaders? Chemistry majors?
The jobs of university lawyers are 1. to keep the university's problems out of the media, 2. to make the university's potential problems go away. They don't represent students, athletes, or faculty unless doing so is directly relevant to 1. or 2., which it rarely is. All manner of lowlife **** gets covered up by big universities, and the more so when the interests of the athletic foundation mafia are at stake. Penn State and Jamie Winston and the rest are part of a widespread pattern that includes putting the institution's reputation above basic morality.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by bottomset
Pretty sure false rape accusation to get money is the dumbest way to get money, it won't work and you'll be drug through the mud.
So is robbing a bank. "that's where the money is, I'll go rob a bank".
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:09 PM
Seriously gotta wonder if the people who think false rape accusations for profit are standard/commonplace actually know any women.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by nath
Seriously gotta wonder if the people who think false rape accusations for profit are standard/commonplace actually know any women.
If you read my posts you'd see I agreed that it's rare with MrWookie. But just because something doesn't happen a lot of the time doesn't mean you should immediately believe her story. You get into the Salem witch trial territory if you start thinking like that.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:17 PM
Does anyone realize you can discuss a possibility without actually believing that is what happened? It's called thinking out loud, discussion.

Otherwise, why even talk about this? He's guilty. Anybody in here discussing alternatives is by definition claiming she is lying. So they must hate women and love raping babies.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by nath
Seriously gotta wonder if the people who think false rape accusations for profit are standard/commonplace actually know any women.
False accusations get immensely more media play precisely because they are so rare. There was a recent case involving a star football player--I think he got a tryout this year in the NFL--who was behind bars for 10 years based on a false accusation. I believe the accuser also had some sort of profit motive.

Obviously that happens almost never, so when it does, it's all hands on deck for the media which distorts the public's perception of how often it actually occurs.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Does anyone realize you can discuss a possibility without actually believing that is what happened? It's called thinking out loud, discussion.

Otherwise, why even talk about this? He's guilty. Anybody in here discussing alternatives is by definition claiming she is lying. So they must hate women and love raping babies.
Is that a response to me? By that line of logic, isn't anything a "possibility" we can discuss, no matter how remote or irrelevant? I move we change the topic of discussion to whether or not the Illuminati and the Black Pope conspired to bring us 9/11.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:23 PM
Hey guys, what if Foldndark is actually the one who raped this girl? Just discussing possibilities.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by nath
Is that a response to me? By that line of logic, isn't anything a "possibility" we can discuss, no matter how remote or irrelevant? I move we change the topic of discussion to whether or not the Illuminati and the Black Pope conspired to bring us 9/11.
But it's entirely reasonable to discuss the possibility that she's lying, because false rapes have happened in the past. You can't equate conspiracy theories to things that have actually occurred before.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:29 PM
Show me someone ITT who has discussed Winston's side who hasn't been berated for it.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:30 PM
Conspiracies have happened in the past.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by nath
Conspiracies have happened in the past.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:39 PM
Okay well I'm off to watch the Rams get mauled by bears. Some will get their wish. Hope u guis straighten this all out.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by rakeme
But it's entirely reasonable to discuss the possibility that she's lying, because false rapes have happened in the past. You can't equate conspiracy theories to things that have actually occurred before.
OK, now compare these to the number of rapes that have happened in the past.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
11-24-2013 , 01:42 PM
there are way too many containment threads needed in SE lately.
Jameis Winston: Rut Roh Quote
