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HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0

01-24-2012 , 03:54 PM
Nutshot (vixticator)
Nath (dyenimator)
Vixticator (Geddy Lee)
NLSoldier (nutshot2)
Blitzplayer (exec)
NLSoldier (bingobango)
Blitzplayer (schu_22)
RichardTanner (chim17)
Booker Woodfox (Nozecandy)
Booker Woodfox (fanmail)
dar0 (dryice)
RichardTanner (pvn)
Blitzplayer (vyk)
Booker Woodfox (iversonian)
NLSoldier (Francis_MH)
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by fanerio
i'd rather not, swiss-euro
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 03:55 PM
somebody please clear up this whole vix/dar0 mess
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 03:55 PM
This list will help when roles are revealed imo, the wolves have to be careful who to pick as their top wolf. Do they pick a wolf or a wolfy villager? Sponge off of villager picks? When did the wolves jump in and start playing the game? Etc. Might not be super useful but it could be.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 03:56 PM
a vote count update would be awesome right about now as well
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
He's talking to dar0, not you. This whole sequence of events is just loldumb.
BJ said "are you bussing vix?" Where else was bussing mentioned in a post, other than vix's post?
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Dar0
Because I'm a villager who is legitimately wolf hunting as opposed to mindlessly accusing people who are posting itt with no valid arguemrnt other than"lolz dis guy iz wolfy juzt cuz"

My body of work
Influrncing persecution of utr players
Putting a wolf lean on aejones (reasonable at the time considering his earlier posts itt)
Getting on the booker wagon as the most likely wolf (considering the results of yesterday this is the correct choice)

Vix body of work

Killed the booker wagon for reasons still unknown (you everfind explain that?)
If you ask questions about vix "let's lynch that guy"
Derp ignore logic derp

So, are you a wolf or a terrible villager?
You are pretty good at this game then imo. I agree your resume is much better than mine.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 03:58 PM
Nutshot (vixticator)
Nath (dyenimator)
Vixticator (Geddy Lee)
NLSoldier (nutshot2)
Blitzplayer (exec)
NLSoldier (bingobango)
Blitzplayer (schu_22)
RichardTanner (chim17)
Booker Woodfox (Nozecandy)
Booker Woodfox (fanmail)
dar0 (dryice)
RichardTanner (pvn)
Blitzplayer (vyk)
Booker Woodfox (iversonian)
NLSoldier (Francis_MH)
nlsoldier (insanity31)
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 03:58 PM
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:00 PM
My top two wolf leans are NLSoldier/Blitzplayer (Anarchist).
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:00 PM
Note to aejones:

If another day vig situation comes up where you can challenge, announce your intentions in thread ASAP before PMing. If he's false claiming, the real coach should do the opposite of what aejones claims, unless you think it'll be super bad for the village for whatever reason. This will help resolve the aejones claim.

I think tweedy's wagon is slightly dirtier than SB's. I'd think the wolves would have preferred tweedy dead since SB was a very likely mislynch (or vig) later.

aspoker, you voted one minute late last night for SB. Why did you do this? At the time, I thought it was a deliberate late-vote to try to clear yourself, but of course, now we know they're both v/v. Still, I'm confused why you were late since you announced your intention to vote SB earlier.

Vix: are you still convinced that pvn is SHC? You haven't addressed the question I asked earlier. I modded a turbo where you were wolf and NK'd a player who peeked you villa, and you ended up winning. With that fresh on your mind, why are you so quick to SHC pvn based on a n1 NK?

booker woodfox
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by BingoBango
For when you want to justify a vote on me or what?
I thought it could prove to be an excellent read if need be in the future. I don't invest much in it now, but it caught my eye as I was reading through trying to form some sense of who the wolves were.

I chose to try and do quick-reads of the following: Hotwings, Insanity, Fanero, NL Soldier, KidColin, Booker, Zdye, Geddy, Blitz, g-bebe, BJLTNYK

Hotwings - Nothing day 1, confused on a game mechanic which I also was, seemed to do some good work on geddy. Unknown, edge villa

Insanity - I liked his reads list personally and think it gives him good villa points but his content seems low otherwise. Unknown, edge villa

Fanerio - Nowhere day 1 for bannage, seems to have done some good work and been wolf hunting for a window in time today. Villa lean

NL Soldier - There was a nutshot read which I found very damming for him. Opened with a post about work and dissappeared, then went on to wave his hand and call wolves of 6 people - Chill, Insanity, Dryice, Nofear, Dyen, Noze. He doesn't seem to be hunting in the same vein as say Chilltown but rather just kicking up dust. Wolf lean

KidColin - I find that I agree with him generally. Villa lean

Booker - I'm very ehhh on. Lots of people seem to think he's a wolf and he was a main wagon yesterday. He didn't really cross my radar until the end of day yesterday when I wanted people to be on the SB wagon over other wagons. I recall thinking that he could easily have just been out of touch for day 1. He read Fanerio as a wolf in 1643 which I do not agree with, post a list which I generally disagree with at 1854, asks if there's a villager version of lol cats and generally goes for an attitude of "push me and Imma quit." but he does do a read of Geddy and finds him fluffy which I agree with. On the whole, he tilts red. wolf lean

Zdye - Contradicts himself w.r.t. Annie at EOD 1 but it doesn't seem bad. Suspicious of Annie which I think is a good sign as people seem to be generally of the opinion that Annie needs to be this way as a villager and Annie is a confusing entity in this game.villa lean

I'll finish the rest up in another post
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Don't ask questions.

Also, let's lynch Dar0.
Originally Posted by Dar0
I question your validity of killing a wagon for no reason and you try to bus me

Originally Posted by vixticator
Are you just going the outed wolf route? lol
Originally Posted by Geddy Lee
BJ said "are you bussing vix?" Where else was bussing mentioned in a post, other than vix's post?
reading comprehension ftw, geddy. peart and lifeson are sick of carrying you this game, so get into it.

I believe the vix/dar0 encounter is most likely to be v/v violence. I have a slight v lean on dar0 and I do not want to lynch him anytime soon. Vix is a neutral lean for me, but on the villagery side.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:02 PM
Nutshot (vixticator)
Nath (dyenimator)
Vixticator (Geddy Lee)
NLSoldier (nutshot2)
Blitzplayer (exec)
NLSoldier (bingobango)
Blitzplayer (schu_22)
RichardTanner (chim17)
Booker Woodfox (Nozecandy)
Booker Woodfox (fanmail)
dar0 (dryice)
RichardTanner (pvn)
NLSoldier (Chilltown)
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:03 PM
Booker because as much as I think vix is a wolf this vote can either confirm or blow this theory up
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:03 PM
Booker Woodfox
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:04 PM
Vix gets a neutral lean in every game. Must be him
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:05 PM
Geddy Lee - Nothing there. A lot of talk about other games and philosophizing on the balance of difficulty and fun between all the roles. He doesn't seem to do much for the village wolf lean

Blitz - Fluffy, votes tweedy in response to tweedy pushing him, nothing seems to be very constructive. He thinks vyk, chill and exec's lists suck which I disagree and posts a list of his own that seems a little jumbled up. wolf lean

BJLTNYK - I'm not sure of BJ as I read over his posts and just walked away thinking, "well, he seems alright." Unknown, edge villa

I think that's everyone. So top 3 wolf suspects are: NL Soldier, Geddy Lee, BlitzPlayer
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
Vix: are you still convinced that pvn is SHC? You haven't addressed the question I asked earlier. I modded a turbo where you were wolf and NK'd a player who peeked you villa, and you ended up winning. With that fresh on your mind, why are you so quick to SHC pvn based on a n1 NK?
Yes. I'm convinced pvn is SHC. I fps night kills to clear myself or my partner all the time. The difference is I have one partner. Here I would have a bunch of them. Why would I want to get pvn behind cover or kill Mittens? Like he's a power role or something? Sure, maybe. This is something I might try to pull off, but I am not a wolf, if I am a wolf you can kill pvn go ahead.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:07 PM
Nutshot (vixticator)
Nath (dyenimator)
Vixticator (Geddy Lee)
NLSoldier (nutshot2)
Blitzplayer (exec)
NLSoldier (bingobango)
Blitzplayer (schu_22)
RichardTanner (chim17)
Booker Woodfox (Nozecandy)
Booker Woodfox (fanmail)
dar0 (dryice)
RichardTanner (pvn)
NLSoldier (Chilltown)
NLSoldier (Auger)

HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:07 PM
Auger just made his 2 most villagery posts yet imo, nice work br0. I tend to agree with almost every read on the UTRs, except I'm very skeptical of zdye.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Dar0
Booker because as much as I think vix is a wolf this vote can either confirm or blow this theory up
So the wolf plan is to bus Booker in order to mislynch me tomorrow?

Come at me
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
Auger just made his 2 most villagery posts yet imo, nice work br0. I tend to agree with almost every read on the UTRs, except I'm very skeptical of zdye.
Good to be up to speed
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:11 PM
Fwiw I'm fine with either booker or nlsoldier here, both of them have taken the fluff n run aoproach to the early days and needto be around to elaborate on their theories/why they shouldn't be lynched.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-24-2012 , 04:11 PM
Vix's exercise is a pain on the phone, so just:
NLSoldier (kidcolin)

Iversonian (kidcolin)
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
