Originally Posted by chim17
I'm not saying you are trying to subconsciously vent your disgust. I'm just saying I think you slipped up and are posting with information a villager shouldn't have.
Except I didn't. The only thing that got my name out there was that I said I didn't really care about my "life" and trying to give the wolves some tips.
I've already explained the wolf-help part and the not caring about my life part is actually pretty obvious: I win when the village wins. I don't care if I'm alive or not. For that reason I find it hard to get as engaged as I was last time in this game.
It's not that it's not still fun, it's that when you're the SK, if you die, it's game over. Now if I die, it's just that I won't be able to help the village anymore. Oh well, we'll prob still win (with respect to Bingo and his murky idea that Wolves win more in POG, the data backs me up, WW is a village game).
As for how to help since I might die tonight:
For the love of Islamic Fonzie, please stop putting so much faith on the day one reads you're making now. Note odd behavior, remember the feelings you get, they're important to be sure, but none of you have enough info to call anyone a lock wolf or even close yet.
You're trying to draw a line and you have only one point. Think back to geometry class...it isn't going to work.
As a village we learn more from voting patterns than posting history or (LOL) tone reads. After day 2 of last game I was able to correctly narrow my list of power villagers and wolves down to about 25% of the game pool and hit way more than I missed. Maybe I just ran good but I think the logic, which I went over last game, was sound.
Also, stop looking at entrances. One word: Geoffras. Some people don't take the game that seriously, they don't realize that posting that they just got a wolf PM, a picture of a wolf, or HOOOOOOWLLLLL will be jumped on by a bunch of paranoid people desperate for someone to lynch. They just think it's as funny as posting LOLStealers. Most things mean what they look like they mean. A confused poster is probably really confused (especially if the situation, like a CFD, is confusing), a quiet poster probably has something to hide, and a helpful poster is probably being helpful.
We've got the upper hand, we can remember with 100% accuracy the wolves posting patterns, and without getting into it, I doubt the wolf team is smart enough to create a ton of misleading info there.
Relax and let the game come to you. After 2 days you should have enough info to start drawing some serious lines and once you do, the wolves will collapse in on themselves.
Lastly, for some reason in the last game, people kept referring to seer-cleared players as totally clear. They aren't. There's the godfather and maybe the SK at least (if they've fixed the SK's role to be not ******ed in that area) who will peek one thing but be another. Don't 100% ignore someone just because a dead seer cleared them.