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HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0

01-29-2012 , 07:27 PM
alright, anarchist
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:27 PM
Leaning Anarchist over C-Viggity right now.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:28 PM
Votes as of post 7027
Night in 01:32

11 Anarchist bowens (21), C-Viggity (39), dar0 (28), dkgojackets (14), Dukesucks (9), g-bebe (11), Henrik Sedin (40), Hotwings18 (15), Iversonian (88), Kidcolin (24), schu_22 (20)
8 C-Viggity Richard Tanner (28), aejones (3), Anarchist (83), Chim17 (41), Nozecandy (17), pvn (74), ut2010 (40), Vixticator (76)
1 schu_22 Dyenimator (10)
1 Vyk07 insanity31 (65)
2 not voting zdye724 (5), Vyk07 (0)
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:29 PM
in case i don't finish this analysis and get nk'd here's a dump of some notes on the night we got chilltown. at first, it thought it was wolfy to be outraged by BJL's claim, like wtf are you doing man, and that chim was johnny on the spot. on reread, i see that the NATURAL villa reaction was one of disbelief, as you can see from so many clear villas. the wolves seemed to have made the decision to bus chilltown quick, and get the villa points. reread it starting from around the first link, pls, maybe earlier. i was going to make a nice long case, but i dont' think i have time.

remember, my notes are just so i remember what i was thinking at the time. not hard and fast conclusions. lol gbebe RT wants us to waste time lynching sk good villas loling at geddy's list duke clear they angeled geddy ??? how do you know? famail vyk uh, no. vyk next day
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by ut2010
I like C-Viggitys posting lately. Still reading Anarchist.
I have been too. Tiresome, isn't it?
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
if annie flips villa, how could you possibly blame anyone but annie? one guy getting his jollies off by jerking around the whole village?
...just like SYF. It's also what makes it so easy for the wolves to pile on (like it would've been easy for them to pile on me on d1). If he dies and flips wolf, they win, if he dies and flips villa, they say "Well he sucked anyway".

It's not that Annie has been helpful at all really, and if he's vanilla/weak the only thing we lose from killing him is one to our number (which is getting more and more important sadly) but it also means going after him can't win a player many villa points.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by ut2010
Iversonian, i'm terrible at clearing myself but think the most obvious way to tell if im a wolf is if i'm genuinely trying, and not just quoting posts for the hell of it. I'm terrible at faking emotion. Think 72off should be able to have the best read on me.

Almost got lynched day 2 as a villa last game because i was trolling the game to try to get reads on people then got NK a day later by the wolves after i posted my newfound reads.

I'm awful at proving my case. Good at voting wolves, SYF withstanding.
i will probably always trust 72's read of you fwiw
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:31 PM
good work on hotwings vix
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian;31228911
[url[/url] RT wants us to waste time lynching sk
Easy there tiger, I just talk about the SK alot. Been doing it like all game.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:31 PM
also, if annie cards wolf, i really really ask the vig to consider how likely it was that wolves permitted a w/w wagon from the first hour after day opened and never challenged it. i think the conditional probability taht c-vig=wolf given annie=wolf is quite low. take that into consideration before you take your shot.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:31 PM
We should have a second wagon that isn't me
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:32 PM
just notes about your fixation with sk to follow up on. not saying you're 100% lock wolf because of it.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
also, if annie cards wolf, i really really ask the vig to consider how likely it was that wolves permitted a w/w wagon from the first hour after day opened and never challenged it. i think the conditional probability taht c-vig=wolf given annie=wolf is quite low. take that into consideration before you take your shot.
Just rand C-vig, dye, and someone else, vig.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:35 PM
Votes as of post 7038
Night in 01:26

11 Anarchist bowens (21), C-Viggity (41), dar0 (28), dkgojackets (14), Dukesucks (9), g-bebe (11), Henrik Sedin (40), Hotwings18 (15), Iversonian (92), Kidcolin (25), schu_22 (21)
8 C-Viggity Richard Tanner (30), aejones (3), Anarchist (83), Chim17 (41), Nozecandy (17), pvn (74), ut2010 (40), Vixticator (76)
1 schu_22 Dyenimator (10)
1 Vyk07 insanity31 (65)
2 not voting zdye724 (5), Vyk07 (0)
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:35 PM
oh yeah, another thing i forgot to mention. this is one of my few good posts among the chaff. please read.

when geddy did his spew and listed names, obv it's not in and of itself useful, but the reactions were. wolves perhaps thought that it was too obvious to counter it if they found their names on it?

confirmed villas, though, were aghast and immediately said, "no it's wrong cuz i'm on it".

including vix, francis, henrik, and some others. this is like a natural experiment. we can tell from this how genuine village psychology works.

vyk's silence on this is LOUD.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:35 PM
so add hotwings to the list of 90% cleared villas with

HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:37 PM
Can someone explain the Noze clear to me?
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:37 PM

HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:38 PM
noze is not like super cleared, but he was SHC by bingo, and bingo seemed like a seer hunt.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:39 PM
sweet, i got the annie wagon rolling.

who's questioning my wim now???
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
sweet, i got the annie wagon rolling.

who's questioning my wim now???
I'll let you know when I see Annie's card lol
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:41 PM
lol, if he flips villa, i'm going to flee to a country that has no internet.

also, perfect analogy for annie's wolf game: zerg.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
lol, if he flips villa, i'm going to flee to a country that has no internet.

also, perfect analogy for annie's wolf game: zerg.
or just spend the next week at IKEA
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
sweet, i got the annie wagon rolling.

who's questioning my wim now???
you're back on now? Good.

To be honest, Annie's early work isn't too bad. He's annoying, but he makes some helpful mechanics posts (3 wagons bad, don't freak out about dead vanillas, asking vigs to clear up NLS/Booker when that was going on, etc). But he's apparently experienced so he could just be a step ahead here.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-29-2012 , 07:44 PM
**** it, anarchist

Two of my biggest wolf leans (SYF/exec) were killed last night. The only one I have left is Annie. I'm not sold on C-Vig at all, I have yet to see a solid case on him and there just isn't enough in his last 3 days to justify a vote on him.

I apologize for my WIL this weekend, if I survive the night I'll put in much better work.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
