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HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0

01-27-2012 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Dar0
Vix is about as clear as he can be imo. His dryice claim basically came from nowhere and was correct, the Duke vs NKS claim is infinitely more likely to be w v w based in its timing + how its played out
so vix is villa clear bc he came out of nowhere in an attempt to get us to hit a multi-life wolf, over a vote power wolf, and a whatever Duke is wolf? wat

Originally Posted by pvn
Alarm bells are going of in my head.
Originally Posted by pvn
oh, what list is that?


note this was before BLTNY claimed.
verrrrry interesting.

Originally Posted by nath
You're not really claiming suspicion of people because they decide to go to bed when it's close to 3 AM, are you?...
depends where you live.

but it's something to note. vix makes a bombshell claim at a weird time for no apparent reason, and no one is real interested in working it out. a bunch of ppl just snap-believe and vote who he says, and go to bed. it's interesting.

this game is all about finding pieces of the puzzle to put together, it disturbs me greatly that you're so against people working to figure this thing out.

Originally Posted by nath
Also I like how changing my mind, or holding the opinion that one person has some good posts and some bad posts, makes me a wolf candidate. lol.
Originally Posted by nath
Well, I'm here now, so if you have any questions about the super wolfy posts you guys are reading, I can answer them.
how bout do some villa work? pretty much your entire game reads like a wolf. do something to change that.

Originally Posted by iversonian
...the vix issue may well resolve itself, but if he survives long, he's definitely a candidate for a lynch.

Originally Posted by insanity31
...remember all of that confusion you wanted to create day1? sort that out for us
don't worry he will! on the weekend, or early next week, or something...
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin

yeah not sure if i love the rhetorical soft-push.
It wasn't a soft push. I'm just sick of everyone asking for cliff's notes on everyone instead of reading that player's posts and coming to their own conclusions.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Tanner
If i don't respond to this by 5 you can Turbo Lynch me...
Whew made it home just in time.

Originally Posted by iversonian
Uh oh, here we go again. I don't know if I'm reading you correctly, but I think the right pronoun that belongs there is "they". Restate that line again in another way to let me know exactly what you meant.
Glad we got that sorted out. For what it's worth, I wouldn't be shocked if someone at some point in WW history has made that sort of pronoun error, but I'm thinking it's prob pretty remote.

You post a lot, but it's mostly on mechanics and fluff.
Yeah and Yeah. The fluff is because this is a game that "cycles" every 24 hours, and it's on a forum where there are a decent number of people we know. Sometimes you have to relax. I'll absolutely cop to not being the most valuable team member though. Prob. never will be.

The mechanics stuff though I think is genuinely helpful. If people had listened to me when I was calling out exactly what was going on with the SK the first day as it was happening (I was close to 100% right on the role of the coach if I recall correctly), I don't think there would've been any confusion at all. I realize that's not something that's just done haphazardly, but at least a few people seemed to think I played last game really well, I'd hope I could get a little credit at some point.

Personally I think mechanical stuff is >>>>>>>>>> in terms of solving the game than things like SHCs, tone reads, etc. It's just one man's take but I think the wolves are fighting an uphill battle in WW and if we keep close tabs on their spew (as it's revealed by their deaths) we can't help but win.

You're a pretty amusing guy, which is why I guess I never had you on my "bad side", but it's starting to dawn on me that I have no good reason to think you're a villa, in particular. And your obsession with the SK hunt is a bit odd.
Awww, thanks.

You're right, you have really no reason to think I'm a villa. I'm not going to claim my role yet, and I really haven't done much work (outside the mechanical stuff) that you have to fall back on. Again, not really the villa MVP, but I did make a pretty good read on the SK and I try to help clear up mechanic questions.

I guess I did spew villa pretty hard with my day1 stuff though. I still contend I may be right (we seem to be on our way to another solid win as the village) but several of the points I was going to list in my wolfFAQ are things the wolves have already done, so they prob. didn't need my help.

As for my obsession with SK hunting, I don't think you really need that explained to you do you? SK4Lyfe!!!

Give me your reads. Who are your top for non-cleared villas? Who are your top 4 wolves?
I basically never do this. Seriously, if you have 4 hours and hate yourself, read back through 2.0. I don't think I posted a single reads list the entire time. I hate when people do that, it's almost always wrong and leads to people saying stupid **** like "Oh he's SHC because he got a wolf right" (as if the wolves couldn't use that to their advantage).

I will say the lists people have posted and quoted earlier are very much in line with my thinking (see below). Anyone under the radar right now (bottom 25% of post count) is >rand to be a wolf or a vanalliager who doesn't care, so they should get looked at, and the good news is it's easy to reread all 14 of their posts.

PVN's list from a few pages ago:
richard tanner-Well, no (PVN loves me though, so there's a good chance this is just a troll)

exec-Top of my head I recall the cases against him being iffy. Not bad really, just iffy. Not on my must-lynch list, but not clear either.

annie-I want him gone. The whole mix of worthless posting and attempts at sympathy are either a bad villager or a wolf trying to cause doubt.

chim-I gave him villa points for tunneling me so early and being the first to do so, but there's always the possibility that he did it because when I died and flipped villa he could say "But he wanted to help the wolves, we HAD to kill him"

nath-Don't recall much about him

-I was the first person to suggest one of the seer claims might be w/w. I went after Vix but he fought that hard, NLS and Dukes makes a ton of sense

-Nothing really

SYF-I'm loving the case against him. The whole SK target stuff and potential TMI is great. Wouldn't be shocked at all to see him flip wolf.

bowens-Dude posts 5 times/day in each WW game, no read
dar0-Had him as my SK read from day1. Oops. Starting to reread the case against him now, I recall liking it the first time and having him on my short list.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by ASPoker8
***** Dead Post *****

GL br0s!

Thank you BASaint/hoya/Ed Hoc Mod<anyone else I am forgetting>

***** Dead Post *****
He's trying, out of spite, to get village to think there are more SKs out there. Mod, if there happen to be any SK alive, you need to punish them for this deliberate angle trying to confuse village with a deadpost.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 05:58 PM
So here's where I stand:

village coach chilly

Wolf targets:

These are the two wagons i'll support today, barring further information
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:00 PM
Oh, and i'm 95% confident in vix's claim, i'm not seeing the holes iversonian is referring to
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
Why did you put quotes around bad guys?
I'm pretty sure "bad guys" was a direct quote from the mod post of the event.

Originally Posted by fanmail
I do not like this post.

Originally Posted by fanmail
Is it, though?
Well, obviously not. Anything else, Sherlock?
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Alarm bells are going of in my head.
Guy claims seer. Claims to peek player x wolf. If we kill player x and he turns up wolf, you think we SHOULD kill the guy who claims seer?

This is what I don't understand. You people keep saying you have "wolfy reads" and "don't like posts" that are the most blatantly straightforward logical and clear posts imaginable.

I'm just baffled by the train of thought going on by the people trying to find wolf tendencies in me.

-If I'm right, it's wolfy.
-If I'm wrong, it's wolfy.
-If I agree with someone, it's wolfy.
-If I disagree with someone, it's wolfy.

Just ****ing do it if you want to do it already. Clearly I'm not changing anyone's mind.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:02 PM

Henrik doing some good work.

Originally Posted by Anarchist
ok except im not a wolf. i will self-vote to clear this up though.
I have a comment on this. In a POG thread about ww moderation, there was a discussion yesterday about whether self-voting was really that anti-villa. The standard theory is that it is, since it could never help the village for a villager to vote himself. But many are of the opinion that is that it's extremely hard for a wolf to fake the same level of emo involved in a self-vote. Anarchist was involved in this discussion. This looks like a pretty bad attempt to get us to think, "hey, annie's so emo that he must be a villa."
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by nath
I put him as my #2 wolf candidate right now. I haven't gone back and done a detailed analysis but his posting seems to be on the low side and not especially helpful. And as someone else pointed out, he's done "vote reads" that were supposedly helpful but that we now know were just reads of v/v/v wagons.
this is about Dye, right?

yeah i remember seeing one of his posts re-posted by someone, and it was just a quote of the voting one of the days, with no analysis whatsoever. just the vote counts, didn't say anything about them. unless he did in a later post or something.

and like Chill, you're knocking ppl looking at the D1 v/v/v voting. i did this and created the following list of suspects:

aspoker8 (SK)
Booker (villa)
Chilltown (wolf)
Dryice420 (wolf)
Geddy Lee (wolf)
Hotwings18 (villa?)
NLsoldier (wolf)
Nutshot2 (villa)

so don't be so quick to discredit work. seemed like a lot of wolves didn't like my list, obviously.

i mean there's always stuff to find when you go back through the old stuff with new information, ldo.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by zdye724
Oh, and i'm 95% confident in vix's claim, i'm not seeing the holes iversonian is referring to
The only situation I see vix claiming there as a wolf is if either he or dukesucks is the wolf vig.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:03 PM
Steve Y Fan
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian

I have a comment on this. In a POG thread about ww moderation, there was a discussion yesterday about whether self-voting was really that anti-villa. The standard theory is that it is, since it could never help the village for a villager to vote himself. But many are of the opinion that is that it's extremely hard for a wolf to fake the same level of emo involved in a self-vote. Anarchist was involved in this discussion. This looks like a pretty bad attempt to get us to think, "hey, annie's so emo that he must be a villa."
I think Annie has been in anti-spew mode all day.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
depends where you live.

but it's something to note. vix makes a bombshell claim at a weird time for no apparent reason, and no one is real interested in working it out. a bunch of ppl just snap-believe and vote who he says, and go to bed. it's interesting.

this game is all about finding pieces of the puzzle to put together, it disturbs me greatly that you're so against people working to figure this thing out.
I'm not against that at all. I'm sick of people yelling WOLF at me and using backwards logic. And I don't recall a bunch of people switching to dryice and going to bed. What I remember is people saying "Why would vix make this claim at such a late hour?"

Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
how bout do some villa work? pretty much your entire game reads like a wolf. do something to change that.
I've done some analysis of posters. I've posted my reads. I feel like a small handful of people are making me spend 90% of my time defending myself. And this game is already a ****ing absurd sink of time.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:07 PM
Votes as of post 5939
Night in 02:53

6 Anarchist Anarchist (24), Fanmail (35), Iversonian (61), Kidcolin (10), Nath (13), pvn (16)
6 Steve Yzerman fan insanity31 (20), C-Viggity (2), dar0 (10), exec771 (27), schu_22 (5), zdye724 (22)
1 bowens Vyk07 (12)
1 C-Viggity aejones (10)
1 unvote Vixticator (24)
11 not voting bowens (1), g-bebe (2), ut2010 (5), Chim17 (0), Dukesucks (7), Dyenimator (1), Henrik Sedin (7), Hotwings18 (0), Nozecandy (14), Richard Tanner (10), Steve Yzerman fan (2)
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by nath
Guy claims seer. Claims to peek player x wolf. If we kill player x and he turns up wolf, you think we SHOULD kill the guy who claims seer?

This is what I don't understand. You people keep saying you have "wolfy reads" and "don't like posts" that are the most blatantly straightforward logical and clear posts imaginable.

I'm just baffled by the train of thought going on by the people trying to find wolf tendencies in me.

-If I'm right, it's wolfy.
-If I'm wrong, it's wolfy.
-If I agree with someone, it's wolfy.
-If I disagree with someone, it's wolfy.

Just ****ing do it if you want to do it already. Clearly I'm not changing anyone's mind.
this kinda reads like a wolf frustrated that he's getting caught bc he's trying SO hard to be a villa, lol

look nath, you're probably not dying today. so you have today, and maybe the entire weekend if it's 1 game day, can you try to put some good villa work in instead of crying bc people are suspicious of you? ffs, the villagers don't know who the wolves are, and tbh you haven't played this game very well. put some work in and clear yourself, otherwise yeah you might be dead soon.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
I have a comment on this. In a POG thread about ww moderation, there was a discussion yesterday about whether self-voting was really that anti-villa. The standard theory is that it is, since it could never help the village for a villager to vote himself. But many are of the opinion that is that it's extremely hard for a wolf to fake the same level of emo involved in a self-vote. Anarchist was involved in this discussion. This looks like a pretty bad attempt to get us to think, "hey, annie's so emo that he must be a villa."
I don't think we should even try to read Anarchist. He's so all over the place and from what's come out of his off-game life it's clear that's not just game strategy. I think we should just knock him off now because he's impossible to read and hasn't been helpful either.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
this kinda reads like a wolf frustrated that he's getting caught bc he's trying SO hard to be a villa, lol
This is exactly what I'm talking about. ****ing do it already, *******, since you're so goddamn convinced. Tired of wasting my time playing with a bunch of people who just want to put me through the ringer and ignore clear logic.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by nath
...And this game is already a ****ing absurd sink of time.
tell me about it!
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:10 PM
god would you stop whining
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
oh, look, now nath likes iver:

oh, but right before that he was down on iver:
I don't think this is hard to grasp. I do get mad at people when they waste my time with stupid questions that they could easily answer themselves in an effort to "prove" I'm a wolf. However, I'm able to separate that from when they provide a read or train of thought I agree with.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:10 PM
Sorry, that last count was incorrect. Lol zyde

Votes as of post 5944
Night in 02:51

8 Steve Yzerman fan Richard Tanner (40), C-Viggity (2), dar0 (12), exec771 (46), insanity31 (34), Nozecandy (40), schu_22 (12), zdye724 (57)
6 Anarchist Anarchist (41), Fanmail (39), Iversonian (110), Kidcolin (28), Nath (15), pvn (24)
2 bowens Chim17 (26), Vyk07 (31)
1 C-Viggity aejones (10)
1 dar0 Steve Yzerman fan (15)
1 unvote Vixticator (56)
7 not voting bowens (2), g-bebe (11), ut2010 (23), Dukesucks (8), Dyenimator (1), Henrik Sedin (9), Hotwings18 (0)
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
I've been doing some research, and vix's claim is full of holes. I'm not going to say more, since he might be hiding certain powers, and as people die and their cards flip, the vix issue may well resolve itself, but if he survives long, he's definitely a candidate for a lynch.
this is essentially what my previous post was referring to. He's not been 100% on the up and up. His theories don't always make sense. I agree he's pretty down the list.

Sticking with my anarchist vote. I'm out for the night guys. godspeed.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:10 PM

yeah i'll re-read anarchist and give it a shot
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by C-Viggity
god would you stop whining
At least if I get killed I can go back to ignoring your stalker ass.

The same 2-3 people have been tunneling me all game. It's ****ing frustrating.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
