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HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0

01-27-2012 , 12:38 AM
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:39 AM
i dont remember a single bowens or steve y fan post which is what makes them wolves
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by exec771
These are all players that were not around/went utr when BJLT made his reveal a couple of night ago. There are wolves here people. Tell us your top 3 choices and lets go from there..
zdye, syf, and dar0 probably for me in that order. Probably bowens after that for never, ever posting?
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
i dont remember a single bowens or steve y fan post which is what makes them wolves
You also skipped 2,000 posts and are missing things you shouldn't miss.

I dunno what to do with you. It's also convenient you have the most impossible role in the world to ever verify.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by chim17
You also skipped 2,000 posts and are missing things you shouldn't miss.

I dunno what to do with you. It's also convenient you have the most impossible role in the world to ever verify.
lynch me its not a big deal yo
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by exec771
These are all players that were not around/went utr when BJLT made his reveal a couple of night ago. There are wolves here people. Tell us your top 3 choices and lets go from there..
that's what I thought the list with. For like the 4th time now, I will never ever ever be around at that time on M/W/F. Those are squat, bench, and deadlift nights, respectively. Tomorrow night? Will not be here.

dar0 and anarchist would be my top 2 for sure. Then prob zdye, but I'd rather go have a look at posts.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by exec771
Can we please lynch players from this list tonight?

aspoker9 (dead SK)

I feel pretty strongly about this..
People who I don't recall posting:
Bowens (last game he posted very little too)

Zdye I've had my eye on, maybe I should reread him to recall why.

Insanity and Dar0 I thought might be the SK, which leads me to believe they are slightly more likely to be villa than wolf.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:41 AM
if anything the village should be suspicious of you for still being alive

no way they should let wolfchim win the game, if you are in fact a wolf
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
very. exec moving up on wolf list imo

i think we can just ignore everything he said
Don't ignore everything. Before I peeked him he may have spewed good stuff. Everything after that I'm not sure has any value although he did seem to think he could win a showdown with me. Swing and a miss.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by exec771
One person that fits the disappearing bill is SYF. He was around when BJLT made his reveal and made ONE POST.

Please DO NOT CLEAR SYF just yet based on aejones saving him, it doesnt make sense for a villa to sit back in all that commotion and make one post.
Every lock villa I can think of that was active at that time made 20+ posts.

SYF could be a wolf..
steve yzerman fan

Click on the post to see the quote, but basically he posted once after BJLT reveal and went super utr even after being around. Very un-villa like.

Combined with his lack of work so far, he's a good wolf candidate..
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:43 AM
c-vig was banned for a whole day in the BOX SHOT debacle, go after utr guys who actually are allowed to post but didn't before him if you think he's utr
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by exec771
These are all players that were not around/went utr when BJLT made his reveal a couple of night ago. There are wolves here people. Tell us your top 3 choices and lets go from there..
Genuinely wasn't around, fwiw. I left after Iversonian was saved.

You can wagon me but you won't be happy with the results. Although now that the wolves are on their heels, it's not as big as it would have been yesterday or the day before
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
I should fake claim you wolf for asking but instead I'll just vote iversonian
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
i dont remember a single bowens or steve y fan post which is what makes them wolves
Ugh. I didnt want to jump in like this, cause I know it looks bad, but this is bull****. It's this kind of **** that makes me want to ****ing quit playing. Make a case on me that isn't just me being utr.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
very. exec moving up on wolf list imo

i think we can just ignore everything he said
that seems like a shot in the dark, he's had one dead villa and wolf in his villa list. God knows if the ratio was 3-1 or 2-2..
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by bowens
Ugh. I didnt want to jump in like this, cause I know it looks bad, but this is bull****. It's this kind of **** that makes me want to ****ing quit playing. Make a case on me that isn't just me being utr.
that is the case

but whatever, ive been wrong before (lol)

gnight all
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Iversonian why are you still PR hunting me?

I'm really quite sure the wolves know my role now but not sure. When you roleblock do you learn about the role you blocked or no? Asking cleared players who have experience.
You said yesterday you were going to make a full claim. I'm pretty sure they don't know your full role.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by exec771
steve yzerman fan

Click on the post to see the quote, but basically he posted once after BJLT reveal and went super utr even after being around. Very un-villa like.

Combined with his lack of work so far, he's a good wolf candidate..
Alright I'm with you, steve yzerman fan
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by exec771
steve yzerman fan

Click on the post to see the quote, but basically he posted once after BJLT reveal and went super utr even after being around. Very un-villa like.

Combined with his lack of work so far, he's a good wolf candidate..
His first pick by the SK seemed odd (LOL @ the SK not getting any peeks by the way). His response struck me as odd too. Prob worth a look.

Originally Posted by NozeCandy
c-vig was banned for a whole day in the BOX SHOT debacle, go after utr guys who actually are allowed to post but didn't before him if you think he's utr
Good call, forgot about that. LOL Box shots.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
want to hear more about iversonian from vix. I had very villa reads on him.
Other than PR hunting everyone itt I'm not concerned about him but that's like saying other than a grenade was thrown at my feet I like where I'm standing.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:46 AM
bowens with you posting so little its impossible to tell what the **** you are.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by ut2010
Cvig, Stevie Y, or bowens from drunk staring at that list. Who knows with bowens but would like to see him start posting some sad faces.
Pretty sure after what happened with the Steelers coach challenge that it somewhat clears iversonian and I.

Originally Posted by exec771
Can we please lynch players from this list tonight?

aspoker9 (dead SK)

I feel pretty strongly about this..
I like this list with the exceptions of ut, bowens and myself
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by bowens
Ugh. I didnt want to jump in like this, cause I know it looks bad, but this is bull****. It's this kind of **** that makes me want to ****ing quit playing. Make a case on me that isn't just me being utr.
Dude, last game like 8 wolves were in the bottom quartile of the post count. It's not like it's a horrible tell in SE WW games.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:47 AM
Bunch of wolves having to fake joy in this thread. This is the best part imo.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-27-2012 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
i dont remember a single bowens or steve y fan post which is what makes them wolves
Not your worst post of the game. I think all UTRs deserve some scrutiny and attention today.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
