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HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0

01-25-2012 , 12:13 AM
Everyone needs to stop whining. We've only lost vanilla villas and one RB (not that powerful). We have all our seers and angels, we're doing fine.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:13 AM
geez, I picked a bad night to not be able to get on. I know I've been utr more than I should be, so I don't get too upset when people point that out. But wtf at nls fake peeking me as a wolf. Someone with more experience than me tell me how that is a good play. It's got to be dumber than anything brad childress ever did. I don't know what I'm missing. At best it buys him two more days. If he was telling the truth (and he absolutely is not), then the wolves lynch him. If he is lying (he is) or claims he got protected, then he gets me mislynched tonight, and when I am revealed to be a plain vanilla villager, then everyone goes after his ass. And in the process we wasted a whole ****ing day just to save his fur. That is selfish and hurts the village in a big way.

I know I haven't helped as much as I need to, and I'll do my best to answer any questions anyone has. If you want to come at me, do it for your own reasons, not because he decided to fake see me as a last ditch effort to last one more day.

Now going to go back and answer the questions he had in his reread of me. Not because I want to convince him since he's gone in two days max, but in case anyone else was swayed.

nlsoldier is either a wolf or ****ty villager, either way his derail is not going to help us win.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:14 AM
I think NL is spewed villa so hard that dukesucks is the correct vote. If someone else was randomly targeted for kill and miraculously angeled, that's unlucky.

But duke has been very wolfy this game aside from the peek anyway, because i don't remember a single post he's made.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Guys, use logic. Who else would have been angeled other than NLSoldier?
other clearish villagers like pvn or aejones?
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by nutshot2


HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:16 AM
Cliffs on last night's developments for all the mouth-breathing villagers, since apparently this is not so obvious to some of us:

BingoBango, a top villager, was night killed by the wolves. Shame on you for doubting him.

The wolves tried to vig someone else but failed (because of an angel?). The obvious guess is that they tried to vig NLSoldier and failed due to an angel, but he wasn't supposed to be protected... Hmm.

Our day vig (the commish) took out Booker Woodfox to clear out our wagons. I think this is fine, but given the circumstances surrounding last night's EOD, a hero shot would have been ok too.

Now this is pure speculation. The "GOAT" vigged a villager, nutshot. But could anybody but Tebow be the GOAT here, and doesn't he get his powers only with 11 players left? I am confuse.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:16 AM

didnt notice what annie pointed out, guess i'll wait for further info, but i highly doubt we were on v/v/v wagons yet again
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:17 AM
NLSoldier because there is no possible way he is not a wolf, otherwise he'd be dead
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by iversonian
Now this is pure speculation. The "GOAT" vigged a villager, nutshot. But could anybody but Tebow be the GOAT here, and doesn't he get his powers only with 11 players left? I am confuse.
seems like peyton manning to me, could be wrong
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Everyone needs to stop whining. We've only lost vanilla villas and one RB (not that powerful). We have all our seers and angels, we're doing fine.
We're not doing fine by any means. We've luckboxed the fact that it's been a bunch of vanillagers dying, but 9 dead villas and 0 dead wolves is anything but fine.

guessing here, but with 43 players
8-10 wolves
0-1 neutrals
32-35 villas

so with 9 dead,
8-10 wolves
0-1 neutrals
23-26 villas
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:20 AM
****************** DEAD ***********************


****************** DEAD ***********************
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:21 AM

WW is a game of peeks, that's it. Our seers should now each have a few peeks. We're doing fine. Power roles are all that matter, as you can claim and avoid lynch. Vanillagers aren't important.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by Dar0
NLSoldier because there is no possible way he is not a wolf, otherwise he'd be dead
Unless, say, the mod spewed he was angeled....
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:22 AM
DukeSucks I assume is a lock wolf
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:23 AM
Jesus titty-****ing christ...9 villagers without a single wolf kill, we are not in good shape. I'm pretty clueless right now...I do think Anarchist has a point about NLS, but I'm not sure I trust him either. On top of being down 9 villas, the sad thing is we don't have a whole lot of info since we keep getting into v/v/v wagon situations. Ugh.

Also, a huuuuuuge LOOOOL At that Ed Hochuli wall of text. I could not stop laughing.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:24 AM
lol at turbo voting NLSoldier when it's clear that the wolf vig didn't go through

Bingo could be easy to write off as a spk, but I'm going to go back and look at what he did. I know he posted long analyses of several players yesterday so maybe one or two spooked someone?

Kind of confused by the GOAT thing if that's another village player killing people then I'm totally dumbfounded by the nutshot pick. Didn't vix say nutshot was his primary wolf lean?
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by Anarchist

WW is a game of peeks, that's it. Our seers should now each have a few peeks. We're doing fine. Power roles are all that matter, as you can claim and avoid lynch. Vanillagers aren't important.
They're obviously less important, but each vanilla that dies just gets us closer to must lynch and we haven't killed a damn wolf yet. Are you a wolf this game bro?
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:24 AM
How the **** do we have v/v/v wagons and then v/v jfc
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by NozeCandy
lol at turbo voting NLSoldier when it's clear that the wolf vig didn't go through

Bingo could be easy to write off as a spk, but I'm going to go back and look at what he did. I know he posted long analyses of several players yesterday so maybe one or two spooked someone?

Kind of confused by the GOAT thing if that's another village player killing people then I'm totally dumbfounded by the nutshot pick. Didn't vix say nutshot was his primary wolf lean?
Seriously, why would a villager hero kill nutshot? That is AIDS.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:25 AM
so bingo was the wolf team kill

then there was a failed wolf vig

booker was killed by the commish? so this seems neutral, maybe villa

and nutshot was killed by a villa vig?????? wtf?????

does this seem right to everyone else?
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:26 AM

Im not an idiot, I was just not really into the game with my awful roll. The message I was trying to get across was legit, but I didnt feel like putting the effort in.

I had fun though, I'll sign up for the next game. gl
You somehow managed to top steroid boy as the worst villager ever. You are not welcome in any game that I am involved in in the future. In fact, please don't sign up for any more games on 2p2. If you ever do, I will refer the mods to this post and ask them to ban you.
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:28 AM
Who had nutshot as their top wolf in that megalist?
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by Dar0
NLSoldier because there is no possible way he is not a wolf, otherwise he'd be dead
Someone got angeled though
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:28 AM
If we have an angel, who for some reason saved nlsoldier, should he claim or not?
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
01-25-2012 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by Geddy Lee
Who had nutshot as their top wolf in that megalist?
Me lol
HyperMegaELIte SE Crossover Werewolf Game 3.0 Quote
