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Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style)

06-25-2008 , 09:33 AM
Hey Guys,

I have done this at two other sites, wanted to see if there was any interest here.

Basically its a yahoo keeper league. Each team keeps 4 players every year (or 3 or 5 depending on the leagues wishes) and we redraft the rest of the players every year. We use Yahoo, H2H with a slightly modified scoring system. Usually it is 12 teams, but i am fine with 10 as well.

How we draft is a little different. Basically we make a draft thread. We start the draft about 6-8 weeks (Usually 6) before Kickoff of the first game and we use a thread to draft. Basically we post our picks in a thread and go one by one. In the first round or two each person gets 24 hours to pick, but then it goes down to 12 (Of course we can modify this). Draft picks and players can all be traded during the draft.

Any questions let me know, other wise join up and lets go.

This will be a free league, unless there is some overwhelming desire to make this a cheap buy in league like 20 bucks or so.

League ID#: 84271
League Name: 2+2 Fantasy Football Keeper
Password: 2p2
Custom League URL:
Draft Type: Offline Draft
Max Teams: 12
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head
Start Scoring on: Week 1
Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports
Max Moves: No maximum
Max Acquisitions per Week: No maximum
Max Trades: No maximum
Trade Reject Time: 2
Trade End Date: No trade deadline
Trade Review: League Votes
Waiver Time: No waivers
Post Draft Players: Free Agents
Playoffs: Week 16 and 17 (4 teams)
Roster Positions: QB, WR, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, K, DEF, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN
Stat Categories: Completions (.25)
Passing Yards (25 yards per point)
Passing Touchdowns (4)
Interceptions (-1)
Rushing Yards (10 yards per point)
Rushing Touchdowns (6)
Receptions (.25)
Reception Yards (10 yards per point)
Reception Touchdowns (6)
Return Yards (25 yards per point)
Return Touchdowns (6)
2-Point Conversions (2)
Fumbles Lost (-2)
Offensive Fumble Return TD (6)
Field Goals 0-19 Yards (3)
Field Goals 20-29 Yards (3)
Field Goals 30-39 Yards (3)
Field Goals 40-49 Yards (3)
Field Goals 50+ Yards (6)
Point After Attempt Made (1)
Sack (1)
Interception (2)
Fumble Recovery (2)
Touchdown (6)
Safety (2)
Block Kick (2)
Return Yards (25 yards per point)
Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns (6)
Points Allowed 0 points (10)
Points Allowed 1-6 points (7)
Points Allowed 7-13 points (4)
Points Allowed 14-20 points (1)
Points Allowed 21-27 points (0)
Points Allowed 28-34 points (-1)
Points Allowed 35+ points (-4)
Fractional Points: Yes
Negative Points: Yes
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-26-2008 , 10:23 AM
Up, to see if there are more people interested.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-26-2008 , 10:32 AM
GrossmanMVP is in.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-26-2008 , 11:06 AM
in if it's free
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-26-2008 , 11:34 AM
Definitely interested.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-26-2008 , 11:55 AM
Definitely in.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-26-2008 , 12:43 PM
In. g-bebe will probably be in, too.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-26-2008 , 12:47 PM
Also in.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-26-2008 , 03:06 PM
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-27-2008 , 07:44 PM
Lets get it peoples.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-27-2008 , 09:02 PM
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-27-2008 , 10:01 PM
In if its not free
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-27-2008 , 10:18 PM
I would be interested, I've always wanted to try a keeper league.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-27-2008 , 11:02 PM
In if it's free

But I personally think QBs are WAY too overpowered in this scoring system. Using this system, only 18 players topped 255 points last year: 15 QBs, 2 RB and a WR. I'd suggest lowering per completion to .10 (or maybe even .05) and making INTs -2 points each, because now instead of calling it fantasy football, you might as well call it Fantasy Quarterback.

Last edited by juntiac; 06-27-2008 at 11:30 PM.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-27-2008 , 11:17 PM
Looking like its gunna be free. Lets get it.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-28-2008 , 12:31 AM
Snake Eater has joined.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-28-2008 , 09:14 AM
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-28-2008 , 09:58 AM
Do you guys prefer 10 or 12 teams? Either is fine with me.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-28-2008 , 11:04 AM
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-28-2008 , 11:13 AM
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-28-2008 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-28-2008 , 11:25 PM
Alright we need one more then.

As far as keepers what do you guys prefer?

3, 4 or 5? We can also do Franchise and keep them all and only do a small draft every year, but thats up to you guys, im fine with any of these options.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-29-2008 , 04:17 AM
hells yeah, was gone all week and am happy to take up the last spot
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-29-2008 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by 4 High
3, 4 or 5? We can also do Franchise and keep them all and only do a small draft every year, but thats up to you guys, im fine with any of these options.
I'd prefer 3, since we only have 6 starting position players (rarely is someone going to want to keep a TE, K or DEF). Also, how are keepers going to work? There are a lot of different formats, just to throw a few out there (for a league with n keepers):

1. Every team keeps their n guys, normal draft of the guys not kept.

2. Every team keeps up to n guys, but it costs them their first n picks in the redraft. This helps increase parity in the league because a team that only has 0 or 1 players that are useful keepers gets an advantage in the redraft.

3. Every team keeps up to n guys, but keeping a guy costs you a pick in the redraft one (two would also work) spot higher than he did previous year. This means that 1st rounders can't be kept, and the first round is really the most luck dependent because if you get a low pick, there are guys who you'll never have the chance to take. But more importantly, this gives teams a big reward for finding young stars late in the draft because it's more valuable to keep someone you drafted in the 7th round than someone you drafted in the 3rd, even if the first guy has slightly less production. Personally, I prefer this method.

Also, how is redraft order going to be determined?
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
06-29-2008 , 09:38 AM
I vote 3 keepers and something along the lines of juntiac's 3rd suggestion.
Fantasy Football Keeper League (Draft Thread Style) Quote
