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08-17-2017 , 03:01 PM
08-17-2017 , 03:31 PM
cowardly ****s.

08-17-2017 , 03:33 PM

This ****ing **** just makes my blood boil. Disgusting.

Last edited by MindFckr; 08-17-2017 at 03:40 PM.
08-17-2017 , 04:31 PM
yeah - don't **** about with your back Boids. foam rolling mebbe?


Aliko Dangote Hopes To Buy Arsenal, Fire Arsene Wenger
Aug 17, 2017 2:08 PM

Aliko Dangote, the richest man in Africa, would like to buy Arsenal from Stan Kroenke. Dangote's first order of business will be to fire Arsene Wenger.
“The first thing I would change is the coach,” Dangote said. “He has done a good job, but someone else should also try his luck.”
Dangote has a net worth of $11.1 billion and will consider making an offer to purchase Arsenal toward the end of the current decade after construction of an $11 billion oil refinery in Lagos is completed.
Wenger is Europe’s longest-serving manager.
“If they get the right offer, I’m sure they would walk away,” he said. “Someone will give them an offer that will make them seriously consider walking away. And when we finish the refinery, I think we will be in a position to do that.”
“It’s a great team, well-run. It could be run better, so I will be there,” he said. “I will wait. Even if things change I will take it.”
08-17-2017 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
health and fatness lads,

been doing a load of rowing machine-ing, woke up with a sore/tight lower back about a month ago so took a day off, next morning back felt brand new, back to gym

woke up with same thing cpl days ago, took a day off, still sore the next morning. went to gym as normal to test it out and it didn't really bother me too much during the gymming but was worse when i got home. feels about the same this morning as it did yesterday pre-gym. i wanna gym later on today

would describe it as like 2/10 on the pain scale

should i just take some days off until it (hopefully) goes away or does it sound like the sort of thing i can safely work through
lol at even feeling below 4 on the pain scale.
08-17-2017 , 04:39 PM
Aliko Dangote, the richest man in Africa, would like to buy Arsenal from Stan Kroenke. Dangote's first order of business will be to fire Arsene Wenger.

Maybe he can buy my Rams from him as can't get much worse..
08-17-2017 , 04:51 PM
Is this the guy that wants to send me millions via western union but he needs a 100$ deposit to cover transfer costs?
08-17-2017 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by MindFckr
Is this the guy that wants to send me millions via western union but he needs a 100$ deposit to cover transfer costs?
Sounds like Wenger all right
08-17-2017 , 05:01 PM
tap ins galore
08-17-2017 , 05:03 PM
Im assisting like crazy
08-17-2017 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by kutuz_off
Sounds like Wenger all right
Nah - Wenger is the one who actually tried really hard to send you millions* via Western Union, but for some reason you just didn't want to receive them.

* exact figure
08-17-2017 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
feel much better now that i'm pretty sure i'm just DOMsing. thank you doctors ledders arjun and raz, i will follow your advice and take it easy for a bit
Doesn't sound like DOMS to me. When you don't do legs for a month, then do a full session with deep squats, and then can't walk the next day, that's DOMS.

However, if you do regular exercises of similar mode and intensity (such as lots of rowing), then your muscles will adapt, get bigger/stronger and less/no DOMS.

I exercise fairly regularly, and occasionally get a stiff lower back. Try incorporate some lower back stretching, and it might alleviate the problem.
08-17-2017 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Ungar
Aliko Dangote
I hope he brings back the lost Nigeria astronaut from orbit from when their space program failed.
My Gran is still owned £14m from him...
08-18-2017 , 04:14 AM
Lol that's the first I heard about the Nigerian astronaut lost in space.
08-18-2017 , 04:21 AM
I'd never heard of DOMS. Now I've got a name for when I feel like **** for using muscles in areas I didn't know I had them.
08-18-2017 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Doesn't sound like DOMS to me. When you don't do legs for a month, then do a full session with deep squats, and then can't walk the next day, that's DOMS.
yeah i mean, it dont feel anything like standard fatigue where sometimes u can barely walk up the stairs the day after b/c your legs feel like jelly. but i read internet things and apparently if u get a bad case of the doms it can feel like you pulled/strained a muscle

BAK UPDATE: lot better today, i can still feel it but just barely. will give it another day off for extra security and try to do more stretching pre-gym
08-18-2017 , 04:41 AM
Perceived wisdom nowadays is that static stretching before exercise makes no difference, but after exercise it can be beneficial.

I personally find #3 on this list of stretches to be the best for easing soreness/stiffness in my lower back. Try them all and see what works though.
08-18-2017 , 05:27 AM
08-18-2017 , 05:29 AM
Things I find morally abhorrent:

1. Cityzens
2. selfie
3. the use of quotations around the world selfie
4. clubs begging fans for celebrations.
08-18-2017 , 05:31 AM
5. That ****s are actually going to do this.
08-18-2017 , 05:39 AM
I'm sure 8bus has his selfie stick out as we speak.
08-18-2017 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by Tall Paul
I'm sure 8bus has his selfie stick out as we speak.
I'm not sure that they'll stick one on the board of him slashing his wrists as Aguero bags his third goal.
08-18-2017 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
There's so much wrong here I don't know where to begin.
08-18-2017 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
I'm not sure that they'll stick one on the board of him slashing his wrists as Aguero bags his third goal.
08-18-2017 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1

Can see the Walkers Saville etc.. trolling going on should be fun

Last edited by DaveTheDog; 08-18-2017 at 06:02 AM. Reason: No pic
