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English Football 2016-2017: NOW WITH 100% LESS FANERIO English Football 2016-2017: NOW WITH 100% LESS FANERIO

10-06-2016 , 12:02 PM
Anyone got the Iphone 7 yet? Im due an upgrade next month so trying to suss out the best deals about.
10-06-2016 , 12:06 PM
Looking a new Android phone for myself, guy in shop tried to push a wowee p9 quite heavily on me.

Too pushy so I ****ed him off.

Any recommendations that isn't a Samsung?

Last edited by unwantedguest; 10-06-2016 at 12:08 PM. Reason: Seriously considering a £10 throwaway lol.
10-06-2016 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Lars1
how to you end up on a poker forum without playing poker?
Originally Posted by mw828
I'm interested too, but without the harsh overtones of your post.

I assume (based on some experience at other forums + first rate speculative skills) that 2p2 is an ideal place for me to follow football. The mathematical/statistical/logical/etc background of poker players results in more informed and substantiated opinions (excluding ploppers) instead of the turgid attempts at reason that most people trot out in other places.

I'm sure demographics are a big part too. Lots of people 20-35 years old with a few token olds (which is fine).

I also like the relatively hands-off style of modding. Sure, Disturbance, RITS, and co will get got, but there is good tolerance to harsh humor and facetious attacks on the people with which you argue.
Originally Posted by KDawg
I'm also intrigued by the non-poker playing posters and how they got here. Granted, there's literally thousands of posters who don't play anymore and stayed, but, I don't know how someone finds this forum (even as big as it is) having barely or never played a hand
Originally Posted by martymc1
Iirc Lfc was invited here to take your money in either fantasy football or he had IKTS solved.
Originally Posted by StormBorn
Think USA posted before he went googling for a EPL discussion forum and somehow ended up finding this thread.

edit - i'm slow

The actual answer is I googled for an IKTS money league and 2+2 came up. I did one with some know-nothing buddies and for like $10 each and they stopped doing it. Thread thought I was a shark or something so wouldn't let me participate that first year if I remember correctly. Stuck around and actually took a liking to the forum, which there are literally very few of that are palatable. There are enough people here to keep it busy but not too many people where it's hard to follow and the legit AIDS posters are few and far between (plenty of AIDS by 2+2 standards though. Had a solid bottom half finish in IKTS last season too and it doesn't even run anymore. So much for being a shark.

As I've said in the past I do truly enjoy this forum and this thread in particular as well as most of the people in it.
10-06-2016 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by martymc1
Looking a new Android phone for myself, guy in shop tried to push a wowee p9 quite heavily on me.

Too pushy so I ****ed him off.

Any recommendations that isn't a Samsung?
Yeah don't go anywhere near a shop. Annoying ****s.

10-06-2016 , 12:15 PM
So many factors have made the games less profitable; government legislation I.e the ring fencing of certain countries from the .com player base. Players from Eastern Europe and South America where the cost is living is far less than in the 1st world countries. Poker bots and other artificial intelligence programmes like game solvers, poker snowie, etc. The pure greed of poker operators, increasing rake and the reduction of rewards for regular play. I'm sure there are other factors that I've forgotten.

Oh and training sites
10-06-2016 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by martymc1
Looking a new Android phone for myself, guy in shop tried to push a wowee p9 quite heavily on me.

Too pushy so I ****ed him off.

Any recommendations that isn't a Samsung?
I bought a £10 throw-away a couple of months ago (travelling) - it was pretty decent, but I dropped it/knocked it off a table for the first time seriously on Tuesday and thedigitizer is now ****ed. ymmv
10-06-2016 , 12:23 PM
Poker bots, game solvers and whatever are just the next logical steps after huds.

Should never have been allowed, ffs they were against most sites t+c's from the beginning.

Last edited by unwantedguest; 10-06-2016 at 12:28 PM. Reason: Tracking sites should also never have been allowed to operate never mind in cooperation with the sites.
10-06-2016 , 12:26 PM
I was kinda mind blown at how well poker sites were treating winning players for so long tbh. If i was running a site I would try to run off all winning players and let the fish just pass the money around forever until the rake takes everything.
10-06-2016 , 12:27 PM
Poker was awesome made about 45k over a few years which made me a millionaire amongst young friends... but the thing i miss.. the thing i miss is going out for a cig break at 6am having not slept, hazily puffing away listening to the birds as you excitedly think about the final table you are about to head back to

ahh member berries gif
10-06-2016 , 12:27 PM

Im sure you'll get more answers if you post your phone question in the android thread in OTT
10-06-2016 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Human Halo

Im sure you'll get more answers if you post your phone question in the android thread in OTT
I'm sure I would but I don't fancy engaging with the dregs of 2+2 society.
10-06-2016 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by martymc1
Looking a new Android phone for myself, guy in shop tried to push a wowee p9 quite heavily on me.

Too pushy so I ****ed him off.

Any recommendations that isn't a Samsung?
I gambled on Xiaomi phone from China or Hong Kong. £125 delivered.. things a beast for the money and its battery is insanely good

This one, screen is 720x1280 but its far better than 1080 that has to be on the minimum light setting because the battery is crap

Last edited by S.K; 10-06-2016 at 12:48 PM.
10-06-2016 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Cinarocket
I remember getting a text from my poker friends that night and I rushed back from a dinner to get home and register to all the high stakes tournaments way above my roll because there was silly amount of overlays everywhere due to no americans.

of course i went on to not cash anything and had one of my worst losing days

was a bit hard to explain to the non-poker people at the dinner why i had to leave
Which sites were those? I seem to remember friends trying to log into FTP that evening and just seeing the FBI badge. FTP is a special case of course
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Other countries had epic fish like greece, italy and australia, but they were not legion like the yank fish.
I got into online poker really late and before 2011 I was still playing stuff like nl5 non-seriously, but sometimes I'd meet up with friends for an evening of drinking and grinding online. 8-16 tabling NL5 fullring from midnight CET we started open shoving JJ+ because that's when the yank fish started showing up, LOL

Ah, high school days
10-06-2016 , 12:39 PM
888 banned the yanks long before black Friday.

Site was **** afterwards.

Last edited by unwantedguest; 10-06-2016 at 12:42 PM. Reason: Jeez 2006 was a long time ago.
10-06-2016 , 12:44 PM
Not just poker where winning players get treated like ****, on Betfair you have to pay premium charge if you meet a certain threshold of lifetime winnings. I have to pay 20% commission of all my profit but if you have lifetime earnings over £250k you have to pay 60%.

Robbing bastards.
10-06-2016 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by S.K
I gambled on Xiaomi phone from China or Hong Kong. £125 delivered.. things a beast for the money and its battery is insane good

This one, screen is 720x1280 but its far better than 1080 that has to be on the minimum light setting because the battery is crap

If I can find it in a shop and have a feel I'd probably have one of those.

Not fussed on online shopping, I'm old. Mistakenly signed up for Amazon prime at £99 per year last time I tried.

Last edited by unwantedguest; 10-06-2016 at 12:50 PM. Reason: Cheers Kev.
10-06-2016 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Other countries had epic fish like greece, italy and australia, but they were not legion like the yank fish.
Back in the days before BF, I would bumhunt those from Spain, Brazil, and Argentina. Terrible bluffers. Nothing was better than sending one to the rail and they would tell me in the chat box "you are gay"..then I would respond with a "jajajaja".

I am convinced there is a correlation between how good your country is in soccer with how bad your country is in poker..
10-06-2016 , 12:56 PM
Nah the US guys aren't that good at poker
10-06-2016 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Consty
Not just poker where winning players get treated like ****, on Betfair you have to pay premium charge if you meet a certain threshold of lifetime winnings. I have to pay 20% commission of all my profit but if you have lifetime earnings over £250k you have to pay 60%.

Robbing bastards.
lol @ 60%. Still, you don't pay any tax, I guess.

The poker solution to this is to multi-account - I assume they're all over that?

Last edited by Hoopie1; 10-06-2016 at 01:07 PM.
10-06-2016 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by martymc1

If I can find it in a shop and have a feel I'd probably have one of those.

Not fussed on online shopping, I'm old. Mistakenly signed up for Amazon prime at £99 per year last time I tried.
Ha give this a mis then moto g4 is supposed to be a decent phone might be worth a look at
10-06-2016 , 01:16 PM
Some macho cultures meant you had to bluff and only gehys ever folded.
10-06-2016 , 01:23 PM
Marty get that new google phone. Looks pretty good.

It's pre order at the moment but if you don't want to be awesome and get an iPhone 7(or 6/6s, 5s) that's is your best bet.
10-06-2016 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Some macho cultures meant you had to bluff and only gehys ever folded.
You were allowed to fold?
10-06-2016 , 01:32 PM
diane abbott: shadow home sec

10-06-2016 , 01:41 PM
She used to be my MP. ****.
