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elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock

10-05-2008 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Mediocre_Player
does Kimbo have one WWF Wrestlemania gimmick match run in him or is he too big of a jopke after this?
This or some washed up celebrity reality show should be his only future TV appearance.

What I don't get is how this is even an upset? Seth although far from being a great fighter is decent or at least a real "professional" fighter, I honestly figured he would win fairly easy. I mean he was talented enough that Dana White thought he could have some success in the UFC.

I think this fight was stopped a little quick but if they fight it 10 times Kimbo would be lucky to win once.

Kimbo would also have done no better against even a washed up Shamrock.

How the announcer has the gawl to start calling Seth "Rocky" and acting like it is one of the biggest upset in the world of sports is the most surprising thing to me.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 01:12 AM
Anyone who thinks this was an "upset" reveals their lack of knowledge of the sport. The poker equivalent would be thinking 22 beating AK in an all-in pre-flop was an upset.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 01:13 AM
it wasn't called to early. kimbo wasn't blocking any of the head shots so the ref had no choice but to call the fight.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Equal
Anyone who thinks this was an "upset" reveals their lack of knowledge of the sport. The poker equivalent would be thinking 77 beating A7 in an all-in pre-flop was an upset.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by koko333
Definitely the worst MMA I have ever watched. I almost thought I was watching WWF or some other rigged ****.
Calling the main event rigged is ludicroius. WWF would never allow Kimbo to lose this early in his career. They're not going to build their promotion around Seth.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 01:36 AM
This is so rigged.

Right from the start with the mysterious Shamrock injury, something just didn't seem right.

Then, Kimbo comes in and really doesn't throw a single punch? I watched the thing in slow-mo a dozen times, and it looks to me like Kimbo pulls his first and only punch attempt. His opponent is leaning back and standing on one leg and a short inside jab just knocks him out cold? Why was it that Kimbo was unable to raise a hand near his face to defend himself, but the moment it's called his arms spring to life and instantly clutch the referee? His opponent was too nervous and choked up to give the interview initially and needed water? Kimbo just talks about his stupid after party in the post fight interview? Unbelievable. He threw the damn thing. Kimbo's not a competitor or a champion, all he cares about is money in the first place.

On the bright side, Gina Carano continues to be incredibly hot and a great ambassador for female MMA. I wish the women's rounds lasted another minute, Gina was about to finish that ugly bitch off at the end.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 01:39 AM
but wait ...

Kimbo's still the toughest guy in the world, right?
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 01:42 AM
this site is one great collection of poker knowledge.

But when it comes to sports the posts are absolutely 100% horrendous. I very rarely watch this crap but anyone thinking this is Ken's biggest fight and "his chance" is a complete godamn moron.

the NFL posts are even worse. Just a huge lack of knowledge for the game.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by dollarcoin
This is so rigged.

Right from the start with the mysterious Shamrock injury, something just didn't seem right.

Then, Kimbo comes in and really doesn't throw a single punch? I watched the thing in slow-mo a dozen times, and it looks to me like Kimbo pulls his first and only punch attempt. His opponent is leaning back and standing on one leg and a short inside jab just knocks him out cold? Why was it that Kimbo was unable to raise a hand near his face to defend himself, but the moment it's called his arms spring to life and instantly clutch the referee? His opponent was too nervous and choked up to give the interview initially and needed water? Kimbo just talks about his stupid after party in the post fight interview? Unbelievable. He threw the damn thing. Kimbo's not a competitor or a champion, all he cares about is money in the first place.

On the bright side, Gina Carano continues to be incredibly hot and a great ambassador for female MMA. I wish the women's rounds lasted another minute, Gina was about to finish that ugly bitch off at the end.
Someone would have had to pay Kimbo high 6 figs to make up for future earnings that would come from his "invincible" image. Nobody is going to be able to spread that much action around in such a short period of time for it to make sense.

As far as Kimbo grabbing the ref, it's a semi-standard reaction from a KO'd and stunned fighter. Liddell did it after being KO'd by Rampage, among numerous others.

If this is the first MMA card you've watched, you should prob hold off on posting your expert opinion.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by dollarcoin
This is so rigged.
Such an idiotic post. Neither Elite nor Kimbo has ANY reason to have Kimbo lose. Elite has chosen Kimbo to be its face of the future. The internet sensation who's becoming a "serious" MMA contender. Kimbo is only worth anything to Elite as long as he's undefeated. As long as he's undefeated, Elite will pay him a bunch of money.

If he threw the fight against Shamrock, you could argue that it was because of gambling. But the fight changed just hours before the competition. No way to get much gambling action in before the fight.

Seth's not going to be a big name because of this fight. Kimbo has always had a huge question mark surrounding him. Beating him isn't that big a deal because people will just chalk it down to Kimbo being overrated.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 02:05 AM
lol no not my first MMA card, i've seen hundreds of fights and have been a pretty big fan of the sport since the royce days.

something just felt very odd about the whole thing. even with kimbo remaining fairly stationary on the ground, seth was landing most of his punches to kimbo's shoulder or glancing off the top of his head. i don't know, it's probably not realistic that it's rigged, but it just felt so unusual.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by dollarcoin
lol no not my first MMA card, i've seen hundreds of fights and have been a pretty big fan of the sport since the royce days.

something just felt very odd about the whole thing. even with kimbo remaining fairly stationary on the ground, seth was landing most of his punches to kimbo's shoulder or glancing off the top of his head. i don't know, it's probably not realistic that it's rigged, but it just felt so unusual.
could be because Seth isn't real good and Kimbo is a punching bag, most fights we see now days, even undercards, have two guys that are well trained and highly skilled

that was not the case tonight
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 02:26 AM
I just watched the card on CBS and the best fight was definitely Arlovski destroying that fatass Nelson. The dude is ****ing ripped and throws lighting-quick strikes. Can't wait for him to fight Fedor, that should be a epic match. Radach vs Hua was pretty good too.

Shields vs Daley sucked; Daley was totally clueless on the ground and just sat there while Shields threw girly elbows at him. Shields' standup was pathetic, luckily for him Daley had zero takedown defense so almost the whole fight was on the ground. Finally Shields ended it with an armbar on his third try.

Carano vs Kobold was not great, Kobold did nothing but hug her the whole time, and Carano was not strong enough to get off the cage. She threw some good punches and strikes and leg kicks in the end, but I think if she fights Cyborg she'll get owned pretty badly.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by koko333
Definitely the worst MMA I have ever watched. I almost thought I was watching WWF or some other rigged ****.
Awesome. Now people are crying "rigged" when Kimbo loses!
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 02:59 AM
Also, LOL @ Kimbo being "overrated." EXC pushes/ed him hard, but that's it. Everyone else knows what he is, a former street brawler making the transition to MMA.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 03:12 AM
hey but its all good cause the afterparty is at my house
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by dollarcoin
lol no not my first MMA card, i've seen hundreds of fights and have been a pretty big fan of the sport since the royce days.
You are the equivalent of a donk (or VP candidate) telling everyone he's "read all the books".

If you've really watched hundreds of MMA fights, since the Royce days, you can probably name 25 fights that had more "unusual" finishes and Kimbo's KO is pretty standard for someone knocked silly.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 03:46 AM
Good chance dollarcoin agrees with Gus Johnson's statement about this being the biggest upset in MMA history.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by MikeyPatriot
Good chance dollarcoin agrees with Gus Johnson's statement about this being the biggest upset in MMA history.

That was lol hilarious when Gus said that. That was just Gus feeding the hype machine that CBS has built for Kimbo. He was just being a pathetic company shill with that line and fake enthusiasm.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by dollarcoin
lol no not my first MMA card, i've seen hundreds of fights and have been a pretty big fan of the sport since the royce days.
okay, you're just a ****ing idiot, then
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by BiiiiigChips
That was lol hilarious when Gus said that. That was just Gus feeding the hype machine that CBS has built for Kimbo. He was just being a pathetic company shill with that line and fake enthusiasm.
gee, ya think? very insightful
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 10:50 AM
How old is Kimbo Slice? He looked over fifty.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by BiiiiigChips
That was lol hilarious when Gus said that. That was just Gus feeding the hype machine that CBS has built for Kimbo. He was just being a pathetic company shill with that line and fake enthusiasm.]
I don't think you have heard Gus Johnson call many other things.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 12:08 PM
At first I thought Seth was some local guy they paid to lay down to Kimbo after Ken backed out of laying down. Then I saw he was a legit fighter who made a couple UFC shows and at least brought it to a decision against decent fighters. At that I point I knew Kimbo had no chance. Also he got his ass kicked by somebody who fights at 205. Lol.
I think Kimbo slipped or something, but he would have been dominated either way.
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
10-05-2008 , 12:50 PM
gus johnson could make boiling water exciting
elite xc 10/04 kimbo vs. shamrock Quote
