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Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Concussions:  The end of (American) football?

11-05-2015 , 02:37 PM
The waiting for the next severe brain trauma take place to his son is one of the more sickening things I've ever read. I'm sure HawkFanIA didn't mean for it to come across like that, but it still made me feel gross.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-05-2015 , 03:13 PM
Hawk- when you tell your son's coach or other parents that you are pulling him from football please post reactions.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-05-2015 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by HawkFanIA
He's a very good all around athlete so we aren't losing out completely on sports if we did cut football
yeah i'd probably try to steer him away from the sport
play baseball, play basketball, whatever, do something else
football probably isn't worth it

i played a contact sport growing up, but never suffered a concussion iirc [insert joke]
never played football, so is kids getting hurt like this ~normal or not so much?

makes me think about the kid who died yesterday
was apparently a really good football player, was on the state championship basketball team, was one of the best high jumpers in the state
dead from football, so unnecessary and sad
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-05-2015 , 03:41 PM
Hawk - imo best would be to try and find a way for your son to come to the realization by himself if that is possible.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-05-2015 , 03:52 PM
Yeah waiting til the next hit doesn't make any sense if you already know it's coming.

That was a pretty depressing read Hawk, but for a foreigner it makes it easier to put yourself in that situation of knowing football isn't worth it but hesitating to pull your kid out. Thanks for posting.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-05-2015 , 04:08 PM
It's not going to be an easy conversation to have with your son. But I would pull him from the sport. He's not going pro and there is almost 0% chance he even gets a college scholarship I don't care how good he is on both sides of the ball at age 12 in lol Iowa football.

You are his legal guardian. Part of that responsibility means being guardian of his brains health. Execs have to make tough decisions sometimes.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-05-2015 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by HawkFanIA
Yeah I think I convinced myself typing all of that. And the poor medical care was out of town. We are from Des Moines, that all happened in Ames (ISU)

And I haven't read all, but a good bit. I was on the side of playing still, read what I have and got to the fence of not playing. Like I said above, I think I made my desicion while typing that all.
This isn't really a knock on you but I don't understand why they offer tackle football before high school age.

I do understand why people play in high school though, especially when they are very good and their parents can not afford college.

I don't have kids or plan on it so my opinion is sort of worthless but I would steer my kid away from football if possible. Get them involved in other sports. My selfish self would have my kid playing golf so I have someone to play with any time I want.

Either way props for taking the choice of having him play seriously and trying to learn the real dangers ect.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-05-2015 , 06:44 PM
I ended up having a seizure the day after sustaining a concussion due to falling off of a swing set at a playground when I was 11. That soon led to being diagnosed with epilepsy, a condition which requires me to be on two medications for the rest of my life.

Ironically, it was that concussion that kept me from playing football in middle and high school. Otherwise, I really think my parents would've been in favor of it.

Anyway, I'm with ARC on this one. For all we know hawk, your son's next hit could be his last.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-06-2015 , 10:50 AM
This is kinda sad. I wonder what rate these kids will get CTE compared to the general population.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-09-2015 , 12:13 AM
Teddy B-Water concussed while sliding during today's game.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-09-2015 , 12:27 AM
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-09-2015 , 08:14 PM
The next big elephant in the room re concussions in the nfl is that concussion testing and clearance are basically pseduoscience. Not to say the doctors are charlatans or not trying (though obviously conflict of interest is a MAJOR issue) but there just isn't much evidence on when players are safe to play or who is at greatest risk of repeat injury. The testing they do is shockingly basic and based on anecdote and common sense. There isn't any scan or test for concussion and mostly they are just guessing and using judgment. The whole "cleared by doctors" is a lot like TSA screening. It's more to be seen as "doing something" than it is about protecting anyone.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-09-2015 , 08:29 PM
The neurologists that test players for return-to-play are unaffiliated with the NFL. Helps eliminate the conflict of interest issue.

Though I don't think anybody will argue with you regarding the need for progress regarding TBIs.

In the future, football will fall much the same way that boxing did when people saw how ****ed up they were when they reached their 50's and 60's.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-09-2015 , 10:03 PM
Seriously, does anyone think a doc on the sideline can tell the difference between normal CUTLAHHH and concussed CUTLAHHH???
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-09-2015 , 10:13 PM
They are unaffiliated with the NFL, but they are still paid by the NFL, and if they decided to go rogue and start ending players seasons because of legitimate concerns, they'd find their services no longer required. That being said I dont really think conflict of interest plays a major role at the NFL level, its much more likely just honest ignorance, and I bet the doctors themselves would be the first to admit that so much of it is guesswork. Its just interesting how pacifying the effect of "he was evaluated by doctors and cleared to play" sounds to fans when its reported by the media...but it honestly doesn't really mean much at all, and has no certainty or even high confidence that the guy is somehow SAFE to return to play.

I do actually believe conflict of interest is a more serious issue at college and HS levels though
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-10-2015 , 12:08 AM
Across the board, incentives are all the "wrong" way. Coaches, owners, and fans want players on the field so they can make plays and win games. Players (against their own long-term interests) want to be out there so they can make plays and secure their roster spot/improve same/improve contract leverage, etc.

Basically the athletes are grist for the profit mill. No one really cares about the price the players are paying years down the road as long as the product on the field is good and sells merch, ad buys, etc.

And to vhawk's point about the next elephant in the room, I don't disagree, but one thing I took away from the Frontline show was that, yes, concussions are bad, but that the repeated "sub-concussive" blows are also doing heavy damage. I mean, I don't know what science there is out there one way or another, or if there are any studies being done, but guys hitting guys is the basic transaction in football. There may be no neurologically "safe" way to play the game as we know it.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-10-2015 , 12:56 AM
Gonna be sad to see the game get banned around 2030 but hopefully I'll live to 2050 when medical science will be able to fully heal brains which has all sorts of awesome benefits to society but also allows this barbaric sport and boxing to return.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-10-2015 , 02:05 AM
The US soccer federation just settled a concussion lawsuit partially by no longer allowing players under the age of 11 to head the ball. Crazy that soccer in the US was successfully changed for youths before football because of concussions
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-10-2015 , 03:14 AM
US soccer just looking for excuses about why it sucks compared to Holland despite having more resources.

By 2030 the US will have banned sports, and people who weigh under 100 kilos will be socially ostracized.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-10-2015 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
Seriously, does anyone think a doc on the sideline can tell the difference between normal CUTLAHHH and concussed CUTLAHHH???
Doctor: Do you GAF?
Cutlah: Not really
Doctor: He's fine
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-10-2015 , 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
The US soccer federation just settled a concussion lawsuit partially by no longer allowing players under the age of 11 to head the ball. Crazy that soccer in the US was successfully changed for youths before football because of concussions
inb4 broken necks on failed bicycle kicks.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-10-2015 , 06:29 AM
Karlos Williams got a concussion in week 4, got up and completed the game. Afterwards he said he couldn't be around light at all - he closed all the blinds in his house and didn't watch TV, also claimed he couldn't drive properly and had massive migraines. Back in week 9 for 110 yards and 2 touchdowns! I'm sure this will end fine
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-10-2015 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin
Never mind ban him. The *******s have had him in a prominent role on the competition committee for years.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-10-2015 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by einsteinaint****
US soccer just looking for excuses about why it sucks compared to Holland despite having more resources.

By 2030 the US will have banned sports, and people who weigh under 100 kilos will be socially ostracized.

You think as soon as 2030 we will know what a kilo is in America? You are optimistic my friend.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
11-10-2015 , 12:41 PM
Should ban ladders and changing light bulbs while they're at it. A lot of people die from falls.
Concussions:  The end of (American) football? Quote
