Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
this is pretty much the only thing the red sux have working for them
they're so ****ing awful that any team would rather have them in over the rays
lol matsuz you ****ing blow
Originally Posted by ItsRainingMen
the best part is red sox fans don't realize this is a no win scenario
this joke team isn't winning the WS and isn't a favorite against a single playoff team...so either they pull off an all time choke or survive an all time choke to lose anyway
there is no dignity in winning the wild card this way when you're just gonna get fist****ed either way
Do you realize that since yesterday morning you have made over 200 posts? I mean WTF, do you hit the rock and then fire up the laptop? TRY NOT POSTING CONSTANTLY YOU MAY LIKE IT, I KNOW WE WILL.