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Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games

06-09-2010 , 10:40 PM
And? Thats not the point, the point is to not even put yourself in that situation.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-09-2010 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Needle77
I remember the first day of football in summer camp in college. That night they had a team meeting where the president, AD and local sheriff came in. First thing they said was if a girl has been drinking its best to just walk away and not bang her out. Because, at least in NC, a guy can lose that case very easily in court. The second thing they told us is if a girl is hesitant at all, to not do it. And ect, ect.

I'm sure Roeth has been told these same things.

They showed something like this on that show Hard Knocks for the Ravens '01 season.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by Needle77
And? Thats not the point, the point is to not even put yourself in that situation.
I don't understand your point. Why would it matter whether or not his highschool coach and local sheriff told him those things?
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys

Consent is not implied ffs. Do you understand what that means?
Well you've said it twice, so it must be pretty damn important. Why don't you go ahead and explain exactly how that contradicts what I've said? Are you mixing up your rape legal terms with drunk driving laws? I just googled implied consent and that's about all that came up.

Do you understand what it means applied to rape? Are you saying that every time you've had sex there's been a very clear verbal consent given? And if not you are legally liable?

Last edited by suzzer99; 06-10-2010 at 12:31 AM.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by HungryHippo
My sister was raped where she didn't fight back because she was afraid of getting more hurt/killed. She just wanted it it to end as quickly as possible because it was going to happen regardless, so she didn't fight it.

So go ahead and continue to be an expert on female response when they are about to get raped, you ignorant jackass.
I never said there was one generic response to sexual coercion. I just said hers raises questions given the circumstances. Questions that might weaken the rape case vs. Ben.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 01:11 AM
It means that the girl doesn't have to say no in order for an encounter to be rape. Furthermore, you can't consent if you under duress. That means if you take a girl, lock her in a bathroom and corner her, then she can't consent.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 01:19 AM
What if you expose yourself to a girl, she turns and walks into the bathroom first, you follow her, lock the door behind you, then as you insinuate yourself on her she offers little resistance and never says "No."? Rape?

She said he first exposed himself to her in a hallway, then followed her into the bathroom.
Why go into the bathroom? Why not try to go the other way back to your friends, especially once he had exposed himself? Was she already given in to not fighting the rape at this point?

Or maybe she was still into the idea of making out or something at this point, then he pushed things too far way too fast, but she didn't really give him a clear signal to stop.

Again, pre-sigh, not saying rape didn't happen, just listing some very valid points the defense would bring up to create doubt.

Last edited by suzzer99; 06-10-2010 at 01:27 AM.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
It means that the girl doesn't have to say no in order for an encounter to be rape. Furthermore, you can't consent if you under duress. That means if you take a girl, lock her in a bathroom and corner her, then she can't consent.
This is, of course, true. However, even if she can consent under duress, "I don't think this is OK" is clearly not consent, even if she didn't say "NO!" There's more than one way to say "NO!" Sure, plenty of consensual encounters begin with reluctance, but at some point after the reluctance, consent is given. What people ITT are so up in arms about is how you (Suzzer) seem to think that because she wasn't up to your standards of forcefulness in saying no, that she must have consented. That's not true.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
What if the girl walks into the bathroom first, you follow her, lock the door behind you, then as you insinuate yourself on her she offers little resistance and never says "No."? Rape?
This very well can be rape.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
This is, of course, true. However, even if she can consent under duress, "I don't think this is OK" is clearly not consent, even if she didn't say "NO!" There's more than one way to say "NO!" Sure, plenty of consensual encounters begin with reluctance, but at some point after the reluctance, consent is given. What people ITT are so up in arms about is how you (Suzzer) seem to think that because she wasn't up to your standards of forcefulness in saying no, that she must have consented. That's not true.
I've never once said "she must have consented", or anything close. I'm just saying it gives the defense a good case for sowing doubt, which is probably one of the big reasons the prosecutor chose not to press charges - along with the girl's intoxication and the fact that they couldn't find any DNA (which does seem weird/suspicious).

Again, for the record, I would bet Ben probably raped her and is certainly a scumbag. I am just pointing out where I think her statement was problematic for the prosecution.

And there is always the whole "DTF" nametag, which might not be a huge deal, but certainly wouldn't help the case with a jury.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 01:43 AM
Man suzzer loves threads about alleged rape
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I've never once said "she must have consented", or anything close. I'm just saying it gives the defense a good case for sowing doubt, which is probably one of the big reasons the prosecutor chose not to press charges - along with the girl's intoxication and the fact that they couldn't find any DNA (which does seem weird/suspicious).

Again, for the record, I would bet Ben probably raped her and is certainly a scumbag. I am just pointing out where I think her statement was problematic for the prosecution.

And there is always the whole "DTF" nametag, which might not be a huge deal, but certainly wouldn't help the case with a jury.
No it doesn't. The doubt comes from BR contradicting her statement. Your doubt comes from not knowing what the hell you're talking about.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 01:55 AM
Ok, let's assume the police have a spectrum of stuff that could have happened. On one end is his account, hers on the other end. It's safe to assume that nothing worse happened then what she claimed, right? So if she claims she yelled "No!" and tried to fight him off, well that's one thing. But if her claim is barely enough to bring a case, even if he corroborated everything she said and did (if not her tone and body language), then that makes for a really weak case.

Also AFAIK he never said anything substantive about the incident, and never would have had to if he didn't want to. So his account sowing doubt on hers is just speculative at this point.

Until Ben talks, and unless they see any evidence against her statement or self-contradictions, the cops are obligated to take her story at face value. Which by all accounts they did, and still didn't feel it was enough to press charges.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 02:32 AM

Did you see / hear the audio clip on ESPN yet? She specifically told the police during her statement she said "No this is not right" ...

In case you actually want to hear her side
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by BadBoyBenny
I don't understand your point. Why would it matter whether or not his highschool coach and local sheriff told him those things?
It was college. The point of the comment was athletes are told how to handle these things since the first day of freshman year on a college campus. These guys know better and athletes and football players are targets correctly or incorrectly. And it was more towards the comments about the girl.

I mean in college just the suspicion of this is sometimes enough to get you kicked off a team and loss of scholarship. The school doesn't care about innocent or guilty.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by aces_dad

Did you see / hear the audio clip on ESPN yet? She specifically told the police during her statement she said "No this is not right" ...

In case you actually want to hear her side
Yeah, listening to this is pretty upsetting. I don't understand how anyone can continue with something if a girl keeps on saying that. You'd expect a conscience to kick in sooner or later.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-10-2010 , 10:00 AM
I agree that the audio clip definitely makes it sound like she resisted a lot more strongly than what's been excerpted in the articles.

It also raises some questions the defense could pick apart IMO 1) why she went with the bodyguard in the first place, and 2) why she sat there and waited on the stool and 3) why once Ben exposed himself, she went into "the first door I could find" and not try to go back the way she came.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-16-2010 , 10:28 PM
[x] she was fat

The VIP room

Where all the magic went down

Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-16-2010 , 10:29 PM
I have the same couch.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-16-2010 , 10:31 PM
You must be a very important person then
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-16-2010 , 10:33 PM
That is the ****tiest VIP room I've ever seen
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-16-2010 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Number of times this response has been used by the Nielsio crowd has to be in the billions.
You go **** yourself, I was mocking Nielsio via avatar before it was cool.

Just fantastic
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-16-2010 , 10:39 PM
elbows too round
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-16-2010 , 10:46 PM

Wow this is just the gift that keeps on giving.
Ben Roethlisberger Accused of Sexual Assault: Reduced to 4 Games Quote
06-16-2010 , 10:50 PM
I like how worn out Ben gets in the pictures that clearly are pre-rape and then the one directly above, which is most likely post-rape. Rape is hard work imo.
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