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ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov

01-30-2018 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by kevstreet

This is so great! It sounds like we are the same age. I played a lot of tennis growing but never organized. I would do very well against the HS singles players from my school and thought I was pretty decent until I actually played in a real tournament. Of course I I was way over my head and I think I lost 0 and 1 in about 30 minutes. I didn’t even have a tennis bag, I came to this tournament with only my racquet in my hand.

Fast forward 30+ years, I’ve continued to play whenever the opportunity presents itself. In fact from May-Sept I play regularly with a guy down the street that has s tennis court. For a while we were playing doubles with his tennis club friends. One of them was the Racquet Sport columnist for the local newspaper and he asked me if I played tennis in college and was surprised when I answered “no”. The single greatest achievement (compliment) in my career.

I remember thinking Patrick Antonious looked legit watching him hit balls. Would you agree?

Anyway, thanks for sharing your awesome story!

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Very cool, Kev! I’ve never seen Antonious play, but I understand he’s pretty good.

Thanks to all my time playing tennis, I have a cool party trick I break out now and then - I can balance most anything, like a racket, on my nose.
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
01-30-2018 , 06:15 PM
You can't compare across era's since sport marches forward relentlessly.
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
01-30-2018 , 06:34 PM
That said end of Graf's career and start of Serena's were close enough you can make some sort of useful comparison.
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
01-30-2018 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Graf was the best female tennis player I ever saw. When I was in college, we’d sometimes train with female pros like the Maleeva sisters...I once played a set against the sister who at the time was ranked 4th in the world...Manuela I think her name was? I beat her pretty easily 6-2. And I was the no. 5 player on my college team!

Well, I also played a few sets against Graf later that summer and never won more than 3 games. The girl hit the ball harder than me. She was amazing. I tried to pattern my slice backhand after hers lol.

Serena is incredible, but I’d give Steffi a real shot against her. With modern rackets, why not?

Fun times. I need to start playing tennis again.
Yeah the equipment is so different. I always remember when my hitting partner and I would go out and spar with the old stuff we have here like the original Pro Staff 6.0 (Sampras/O. Fed) and the Head Prestige mids (Safin, etc.). I'm in my late 30s now and holy ****, to generate any power with those it ****ing hurts. Also have to take into account there was no Big Banger Rough and people were stringing 'em up at like 60 lbs natural gut. I can put crazy spin on the ball with this "midsized" open-bed Babolat and ALU Rough with way less effort.
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
01-31-2018 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Graf was the best female tennis player I ever saw. When I was in college, we’d sometimes train with female pros like the Maleeva sisters...I once played a set against the sister who at the time was ranked 4th in the world...Manuela I think her name was? I beat her pretty easily 6-2. And I was the no. 5 player on my college team!

Well, I also played a few sets against Graf later that summer and never won more than 3 games. The girl hit the ball harder than me. She was amazing. I tried to pattern my slice backhand after hers lol.

Serena is incredible, but I’d give Steffi a real shot against her. With modern rackets, why not?

Fun times. I need to start playing tennis again.
Have coached a bunch of people who did exactly that!
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
01-31-2018 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Lawnmower Man
Yeah the equipment is so different. I always remember when my hitting partner and I would go out and spar with the old stuff we have here like the original Pro Staff 6.0 (Sampras/O. Fed) and the Head Prestige mids (Safin, etc.). I'm in my late 30s now and holy ****, to generate any power with those it ****ing hurts. Also have to take into account there was no Big Banger Rough and people were stringing 'em up at like 60 lbs natural gut. I can put crazy spin on the ball with this "midsized" open-bed Babolat and ALU Rough with way less effort.
I played with the Edberg Pro Staff until I got a sponsorship, but I am pretty sure I had switched to Kirschbaum already back then.

I tried, out of pure pride, to keep playing with the Fed Pro Staffs later on and just couldn't. Switching away from those to a mix of Babolat Aeros and Head Radicals was the best decision I ever made.

I go hybrid Yonex Fire and Babolat Origin now and definitely nowhere close to 60lbs!
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-01-2018 , 01:25 AM
My racket in high school:

My first non-wood racket:

ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-01-2018 , 06:29 AM
My first non-wooden racquet was the Pro Kennex Ceramic Ace. It was nice
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-01-2018 , 10:40 AM
Monica Seles’ career was cut short right in her prime. If I can remember correctly she was starting to dominate as well. She is a pretty big “what if... “ imo.

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ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-01-2018 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
My racket in high school:

My first non-wood racket:

ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the DimitrovATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the DimitrovATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov
Omg the double bar. We thought it meant it was amazing for some reason.
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-01-2018 , 08:16 PM
Did you use those grips as is?
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-01-2018 , 10:17 PM
It looks like a pipe.

Modern racquets are so much better. A $12 Head TI at target is a thousand times better than any racquet ever used prior to 1985.
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-02-2018 , 12:09 AM
Man Zverev just doesn't have IT does he?
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-02-2018 , 12:46 AM
My first racket was the model up from the one Jimmy Connors was using:

Before that I used my dad's old one

ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-02-2018 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by iversonian
Did you use those grips as is?
No, there was a tacky tape you wrapped it with, and then sometime when I was in college, Tourna-Grip came out - and that's still used today.
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-02-2018 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
My first racket was the model up from the one Jimmy Connors was using:

Before that I used my dad's old one

lol for you young'uns, that thing on the wooden racket is a straightening frame - it kept the racket from warping when you weren't using it.
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-02-2018 , 03:04 AM
Are you from the era of continental for everything and second ball held in your off hand, or is that before your time?
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-02-2018 , 03:05 AM
Also tell us some stories about when yellow balls became a thing.
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-02-2018 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
No, there was a tacky tape you wrapped it with, and then sometime when I was in college, Tourna-Grip came out - and that's still used today.
Not so sweet memories of blisters from playing too long with the leather grips...
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-02-2018 , 07:34 AM
I like watching people play all continental to this day. There's this semi-old Russian guy that plays for Queens Club and he is one of those players. Quite often he'll take our young college players to 3rd because they can't deal with his precision (obv they win the third most of the time because he's close to 50 if not past)
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-02-2018 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
Are you from the era of continental for everything and second ball held in your off hand, or is that before your time?
As a child I used continental for everything until I got coached and he beat that out of me. Started two handed backhand and everything.
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-02-2018 , 02:50 PM
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-02-2018 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
Are you from the era of continental for everything and second ball held in your off hand, or is that before your time?
I had a fairly neutral forehand grip that was my best shot. Fairly flat coming off the racket. Think of Connors’ forehand. But I could do big, looping, top-spin shots as well.

I had a traditional, one-handed backhand where I could change between a slice or topspin with ease by adjusting the racket on the backswing with my right hand (I’m left-handed.)

I was mostly a baseliner in singles, but had the most success in doubles, where I was deadly at the net.

My serve was nothing special, and I relied on spinning it out wide or into your body. I always held the 2nd service ball in my hand. I’d feel naked without it!

Also had to use wrist bands to keep the sweat off the grip as much as possible.

My HS and college playing lasted from 1978 to 1986.

In college, my coach was one of the first proponents of “running around your backhand,” or, as he would say, “playing 70-30 tennis.”

This was huge for me, as my forehand was my best and most consistent shot, and it immediately vaulted me into the starting 6 in singles on my college team, which was ranked top 5 in the country. Before that, I was only starting in doubles.

It seems obvious to run around your weakest shot now, but man, it was like a light bulb going off then!
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-02-2018 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by iversonian
Also tell us some stories about when yellow balls became a thing.
LOL! That was before my time. I always played with yellow balls, except the few times I played on grass in Mass...then we used white balls.
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
02-02-2018 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by heh
Not so sweet memories of blisters from playing too long with the leather grips...
It was impossible for me to play with just the leather grips - they just got too slippery
ATP/WTA 2018: The Year of the Dimitrov Quote
