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Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser

09-17-2014 , 07:07 PM
Dwyer deactivated for DV.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by BobJoeJim
And to be clear, I'm not okay with this. I'm in the "strongly disagree" camp on this particular issue, I am NOT pro-spanking, so let's not go into kill the messenger mode here. But for those of you who agree with me, and who find it terrifying that well over half the country considers this to be okay, let's keep in mind that simply decrying it as unconscionable and trying to shout down anyone who disagrees is probably not our best rhetorical strategy to change minds, considering that "anyone who disagrees" is a larger group than us.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by chim17
Dwyer deactivated for DV.
Teams are about 3 weeks away from having to hold open try outs
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by ASPoker8
Arian Foster is one of the guys that 2+2 is historically aggressively wrong about. Smearing him as a faux-intellectual is laughable. Others have pointed it out, but he is one of the only players in the entire league capable of independent thought and he always means well.

In this instance, some of what he said is dumb.
Isnt using "big words" you dont know the definition of (synonymous) basically the textbook definition of a faux-intellectual.

Originally Posted by nath
It's not a black thing, it's not a Southern thing, it's not an income thing. It's a "My parents hit me growing up so I learned to think that hitting my children is okay" thing.
I see what youre saying and mostly agree but when you usually share the same race, geographic location, income level, etc as your parents, you cant just dismiss all those factors as spurious. Id say income and education are prob the main factors and make it appear to be a racial and geographic thing.

Last edited by Rusemandingo; 09-17-2014 at 07:23 PM.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
this. Should just fine everyone like $1,000 per tweet and $100,000 per stupid tweet as judged solely by the team.
No. That only punishes us fans from being entertained by moronic athletes that think they are intelligent.

If anything, Twitter should pay athletes to tweet their thoughts.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Isnt using "big words" you dont know the definition of (synonymous) basically the textbook definition of a faux-intellectual.
You mean like in the same way that incoherent sentence structuring is the definition of (synonymous) basically the textbook definition of illiteracy?
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
Anyone who uses the word whup when taking about disciplining a one year old should just get the death penalty. Problem solved, society better, lol olds, lol south, lol old south blacks.
Yeah killing a baby's dad for using the word "whup" is better for society.

I mean I realize you are trying hard to troll but man.

Also didn't you "used" to be a scammer? I always wondered: Who did you find easier to scam when you scammed people out of money? Old dumb Southerners, or young smart Northerners? Or did you really not notice a difference when you were scamming them out of money?

In before "I was just an 18 year old kid when that happened!"
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin
It's a Venn diagram thing. There is a lot of overlap.

But to pretend affluent white Northerners don't beat their kids is wrong. See my post.
I'm from the NE. Grew up in a middle/upper class white suburb in NJ. I'm surprised people are thinking it's a southern/black issue. It happens all over the place. I was in 1st grade in 1980. I remember my teacher smacking kids that misbehaved in front of the class and sending them to Kindergarten for the day to humiliate them. It's really only until the last 10-20 years ago that people started saying "Wait a minute. Maybe hitting kids isn't such a good idea?"

The only part that's southern to my knowledge is the switch.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:28 PM
Well,l spanking with an open hand isn't OK either. but it's a far cry from slapping, hitting with belt/switch, or just beating.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Tanner
Teams are about 3 weeks away from having to hold open try outs
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:29 PM
The NFL's Useful Idiots Want Roger Goodell To Get Tough; They're Wrong

more hot fire from deadspin

The more that stooges like King beg for Roger Goodell to lead them, the more that players like Dominic Raiola demand that he use a stronger hand against accused criminals, and the more ordinary people look to the NFL to instruct them and their fellow citizens in the difference between right and wrong, the more support they lend to the bat**** idea that the NFL is anything but a fundamentally amoral entertainment concern in the business of earning profits for a collection of scumbags and scam artists through the promotion of a corrosive but crowd-pleasing form of sanctioned violence.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by ASPoker8
You mean like in the same way that incoherent sentence structuring is the definition of (synonymous) basically the textbook definition of illiteracy?
Could have used a question mark but aside from that I think it's on you.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:35 PM
KO was pretty funny on SportsCenter. Said something like "It's been 20 minutes since the last crime by an NFL player was committed. What's the latest Bob?" and sent it over to Bob Ley on OTL.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Could have used a question mark but aside from that I think it's on you.
Nothing is on me. Using the phrase "damn near synonymous" incorrectly when raising awareness about hypocrisy doesn't make you a faux-intellectual. Your point was stupid, I responded in kind.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:04 PM
Especially when he can't even write the sentence in a way that makes sense. If you are going to go out on some deep-thinker limb, try to have a 2nd grader's writing ability ffs. Or people won't take you seriously.

I'm probably wrong for this but I judge people who can't write well very harshly, and probably assume they are dumb more often than I should.

I mean if your brain isn't developed enough to understand linking verbs, I doubt you have interesting thoughts on complex sociological issues.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin
I think he should win his 2nd MVP this year. This time it's the Most Violent Parent.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:09 PM
ROG can't make it through this
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Tanner
Teams are about 3 weeks away from having to hold open try outs
Is it too late to get in on some CTE lawsuits? If so, count me out, but if not I'll be there.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:09 PM
Unsurprisingly, Momma Peterson comes down in favour of beating your kids:

The mother of Adrian Peterson came to his defense Wednesday in her first public comments since the running back's indictment for child abuse, saying he has six kids and "wants to be a good father to them all."

"I don't care what anybody says," Jackson, 50, said in an interview with the Houston Chronicle from her home in the Houston suburb of Spring, where Peterson also has a house. "Most of us disciplined our kids a little more than we meant sometimes. But we were only trying to prepare them for the real world."

Jackson said that while she's still in contact with the mother of the boy Peterson is charged with abusing, neither she nor Peterson can have any contact with the boy.

"When you whip those you love, it's not about abuse, but love," Jackson said. "You want to make them understand that they did wrong."
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:13 PM
Yeah, "the real world", where you get beaten at your office job for spilling coffee.

Also, nobody has ever started a rant with "I don't care what anybody says" and gone on to say something wise.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I'm anticipating a hearty lol south coming from this whole ordeal as I plays out
Looks like this guy was basically right.

I mean, I've read Ta-Nehisi Coates a fair bit and one of his main goals is to debunk the idea that black culture has any special "pathologies."

And then the last two days you can hardly turn on the Twitter without reading some black athlete going, "All [Southern] black people abuse their children. And damn we enjoy it!"

So I mean, maybe lol Ta-Nehisi Coates, but definitely lol South. Again and always.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by True North
Unsurprisingly, Momma Peterson comes down in favour of beating your kids:
I wonder if Ma Barker stood by her children like that.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:21 PM
He used the word incorrectly because he doesnt know wtf it means.

Obv it sounded better in my head but I still dont understand how you you couldnt read it. Let me try again properly.

Is using words of which you dont know the definition not a textbook example of faux-intellectualism? For clarification, the word of which Im speaking is 'synonymous'.

Ill try and do better.
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 08:51 PM
why not just stop trying?
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
09-17-2014 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
He used the word incorrectly because he doesnt know wtf it means.

Obv it sounded better in my head but I still dont understand how you you couldnt read it. Let me try again properly.

Is using words of which you dont know the definition not a textbook example of faux-intellectualism? For clarification, the word of which Im speaking is 'synonymous'.

Ill try and do better.
Is the utilization of memetic letter-strings whose definition you aren't cognizant of not a McGraw-Hill exemplar of faux-intellectualism?
Adrian Peterson deactivated by TMZ, suspended by Budweiser Quote
