Virus Warning from FScure for PokerAce
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 489
There is a post on the PokerAce forum regarding getting a virus warning from FSecure when starting up PokerAce.
I got the same warning when starting up PokerAce today.
PokerAce says it is a false warning from FSecure.
Has anybody else got a warning from any other security programs?
Do you think it is a false warning?
Not much info on the PokerAce forum
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 2,634
I have never got any warnings but it could easily be poker ace trying ot connect to the internet to verify ownership.
See our Commercial Software thread
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 4,309
Every few months it seems some virus scanner falsely identifies PA Hud as a virus. I'm pretty sure it's due to the piracy protection software I use. It's usually fixed pretty shortly after someone contacts the anti-virus software company and asks them to manually check the file.
There is no virus. It's a false positive.