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TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms

11-02-2009 , 02:19 PM
With one simple click on the middle mouse button (you can change this button to fit your own needs), it positions/resizes all your tables to your predefined settings. Works up to 16 tables.

To customize this script to work on your poker site, you have to change only 2 simple lines (it's described in the code how to do this). You also have to customize all the x's and y's for every table (up to 16 tables) to fit your needs, as well as the height and width for all tables. I can help you if you cant get it to work on a different site, or if you are experiencing other problems.

If you find this script helpfull, you can donate to 'Thois' on Stars.

; TableTiler by Thois
; -------------------
; Position/resize your poker tables to your predefined settings, works on all poker rooms if you do a little bit of editing (edit just 2 simple lines). Currently its set for Absolute Poker.

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 300
#SingleInstance, Force
SetTitleMatchMode 2

; Edit the part between the brackets to match your poker room, find this value using the Autohotkey Window Spy (activate a table then copy paste the part behind 'ahk_class '.
classname := "DxWndClass" 

; You dont want to tile your poker room's lobby, so seek for unique text in its title bar and put it between the brackets.
excludelobby := "Lobby"

; Edit the dimensions you want to use for each table (windowwidth and windowheight count for each table and include windows title bars and borders, you should make a screenshot of one table to retrieve its exact width and height, leave their positions blank if you dont want to resize the tables) and set the x and y for each individual table.
windowwidth := 640
windowheight := 482
window1x := 0
window1y := 30
window2x := 640
window2y := 30
window3x := 0
window3y := 512
window4x := 640
window4y := 512
window5x := 1280
window5y := 30
window6x := 1280
window6y := 512
window7x := 1920
window7y := 30
window8x := 1920
window8y := 512
window9x := 
window9y := 
window10x := 
window10y := 
window11x := 
window11y := 
window12x := 
window12y := 
window13x := 
window13y := 
window14x := 
window14y := 
window15x := 
window15y := 
window16x := 
window16y := 

; Just a simple click of the middle mouse button tiles the tables! If you dont want to use the middle mouse button for this, edit the line below.

tiler1 := ""
tiler2 := ""
tiler3 := ""
tiler4 := ""
tiler5 := ""
tiler6 := ""
tiler7 := ""
tiler8 := ""
tiler9 := ""
tiler10 := ""
tiler11 := ""
tiler12 := ""
tiler13 := ""
tiler14 := ""
tiler15 := ""
tiler16 := ""

WinGet, tiler, List, ahk_class%classname%,,%excludelobby%
WinGet, numberofwindows, Count, ahk_class%classname%,,%excludelobby%
if numberofwindows > 0
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler1%,, window1x, window1y, windowwidth, windowheight 
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler2%,, window2x, window2y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler3%,, window3x, window3y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler4%,, window4x, window4y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler5%,, window5x, window5y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler6%,, window6x, window6y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler7%,, window7x, window7y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler8%,, window8x, window8y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler9%,, window9x, window9y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler10%,, window10x, window10y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler11%,, window11x, window11y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler12%,, window12x, window12y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler13%,, window13x, window13y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler14%,, window14x, window14y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler15%,, window15x, window15y, windowwidth, windowheight
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler16%,, window16x, window16y, windowwidth, windowheight

Last edited by Thois; 11-02-2009 at 02:36 PM.
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-04-2009 , 03:45 AM
Anyone tried this on Partypoker?
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-04-2009 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by melfil
Anyone tried this on Partypoker?
Here you go, TableTiler for Party Poker:

; TableTiler by Thois
; -------------------
; Position/resize your poker tables to your predefined settings, works on all poker rooms if you do a little bit of editing (edit just 2 simple lines). Currently its set for Party Poker.

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 300
#SingleInstance, Force
SetTitleMatchMode 2

; Edit the part between the brackets to match your poker room, find this value using the Autohotkey Window Spy (activate a table then copy paste the part behind 'ahk_class '.
classname := "#32770" 

; You dont want to tile your poker room's lobby, so seek for unique text in its title bar and put it between the brackets.
excludelobby := "Lobby"

; Edit the dimensions you want to use for each table (windowwidth counts for each table and includes windows borders, you should make a screenshot of one table to retrieve the exact width you would like to use) and set the x and y for each individual table.
windowwidth := 640
window1x := 0
window1y := 30
window2x := 640
window2y := 30
window3x := 0
window3y := 512
window4x := 640
window4y := 512
window5x := 1280
window5y := 30
window6x := 1280
window6y := 512
window7x := 1920
window7y := 30
window8x := 1920
window8y := 512
window9x := 
window9y := 
window10x := 
window10y := 
window11x := 
window11y := 
window12x := 
window12y := 
window13x := 
window13y := 
window14x := 
window14y := 
window15x := 
window15y := 
window16x := 
window16y := 

; Just a simple click of the middle mouse button tiles the tables! If you dont want to use the middle mouse button for this, edit the line below.

tiler1 := ""
tiler2 := ""
tiler3 := ""
tiler4 := ""
tiler5 := ""
tiler6 := ""
tiler7 := ""
tiler8 := ""
tiler9 := ""
tiler10 := ""
tiler11 := ""
tiler12 := ""
tiler13 := ""
tiler14 := ""
tiler15 := ""
tiler16 := ""

WinGet, tiler, List, ahk_class%classname%,,%excludelobby%
WinGet, numberofwindows, Count, ahk_class%classname%,,%excludelobby%
if numberofwindows > 0
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler1%,, window1x, window1y, windowwidth 
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler2%,, window2x, window2y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler3%,, window3x, window3y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler4%,, window4x, window4y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler5%,, window5x, window5y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler6%,, window6x, window6y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler7%,, window7x, window7y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler8%,, window8x, window8y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler9%,, window9x, window9y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler10%,, window10x, window10y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler11%,, window11x, window11y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler12%,, window12x, window12y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler13%,, window13x, window13y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler14%,, window14x, window14y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler15%,, window15x, window15y, windowwidth
	WinMove, ahk_id%tiler16%,, window16x, window16y, windowwidth
All you have to do is change these to match your own needs:

windowwidth := change this value to how wide you want each table in pixels
window?x := change the x position for each table (position on the desktop)
window?y := change the y position for each table (position on the desktop)

If you dont want to use the middle mouse button to do the thing, change this line:


perhaps change it to (or whatever, keyboard keys possible as well):

(Right mouse button)
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-04-2009 , 11:08 AM
Very nice. I will give this a try sometime.
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-04-2009 , 06:28 PM
Does this support grouping/tiling by the window title?

For instance, if I have three tables of 2/4 and three tables of 3/6, can I have this AHK tile them in rows such that the tables of the same stakes stay in the same row?
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-04-2009 , 06:57 PM
Can sombody point me to a tutorial on the installation of AHK scripts please?
I feel lost when I see the code above.
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-04-2009 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by Frisko49er
Can sombody point me to a tutorial on the installation of AHK scripts please?
I feel lost when I see the code above.
What is it exactly that you need to know? How to run a script?
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-04-2009 , 11:36 PM
This script works nicely. I had a couple questions about using it on fulltilt though. I've excluded the lobby, but can I exclude the hand replayer too? Or even better, determine a place and size for it to come up. Also, it would be nice to determine the placement of the tournament status window that pops up. This pops up in the upper left hand corner of the window, but it would be nice to pop up in the lower hand corner where it doesnt block anything. If I move it by hand and another table pops up or gets moved it, and I push the Mbutton, it all goes back to where it was. I've tried messing around with the code, but I don't really know what I'm doing. Thanks
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-05-2009 , 09:04 AM
Here you go, TableTiler for Party Poker:
Thanks alot Thois
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-05-2009 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Thois
What is it exactly that you need to know? How to run a script?
I copy/paste the code to a file called "whatever.ahk".
Now I need additional software to "run" the ahk file?
Google for "AHK" brings up many %&$&§
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-05-2009 , 07:02 PM
It's the first link

Install this.
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-05-2009 , 09:00 PM
My modified version for PartyPoker might not work, as im not sure this line is correct:

classname := "#32770"

It is correct, but it appears that this classname is used by other programs as well, so it will tile other programs with your Party Poker tables. Please let me know if youre having troubles using the Party Poker modified version, and Ill come with a solution (ill use window titles instead of AHK_classes).
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Dread Wings
It's the first link

Install this.
TY. Works xD
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Kwantum
Does this support grouping/tiling by the window title?

For instance, if I have three tables of 2/4 and three tables of 3/6, can I have this AHK tile them in rows such that the tables of the same stakes stay in the same row?
+1 this would be sick but not sure if it is doable.
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-09-2009 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Kwantum
Does this support grouping/tiling by the window title?

For instance, if I have three tables of 2/4 and three tables of 3/6, can I have this AHK tile them in rows such that the tables of the same stakes stay in the same row?
No... Im not planning to add this either... Sorry.
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
11-09-2009 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by nowhere2be
This script works nicely. I had a couple questions about using it on fulltilt though. I've excluded the lobby, but can I exclude the hand replayer too? Or even better, determine a place and size for it to come up. Also, it would be nice to determine the placement of the tournament status window that pops up. This pops up in the upper left hand corner of the window, but it would be nice to pop up in the lower hand corner where it doesnt block anything. If I move it by hand and another table pops up or gets moved it, and I push the Mbutton, it all goes back to where it was. I've tried messing around with the code, but I don't really know what I'm doing. Thanks
Yes, thats quite a problem, Im not quite sure how to exclude multiple windows (with different characteristics). Maybe Dave knows this?
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
12-11-2009 , 02:41 AM
Thois, why does the script not recognize tables that are minimized?

Originally Posted by Kwantum
Does this support grouping/tiling by the window title?

For instance, if I have three tables of 2/4 and three tables of 3/6, can I have this AHK tile them in rows such that the tables of the same stakes stay in the same row?
easiest way to do this is to write a script so that when you press a certain key, the table will move to a given X and Y coordinate. The below sample moves the selected window to x position of 500 and y position of 250 when i press the Home key.

SetTitleMatchMode, 2

WinGetActiveTitle, Title1
WinMove ,%Title1%,, 500, 250
TableTiler by Thois ::: Predefinable table positioning/resizing AHK for all poker rooms Quote
