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TableNinjaFT: Hotkeys and Utilities for FullTilt -- Pre-Beta Testers Needed TableNinjaFT: Hotkeys and Utilities for FullTilt -- Pre-Beta Testers Needed

08-07-2009 , 10:42 PM
Please allow hotkeys for ALL advanced action keys in NL and PL games in your new program. This is a feature that your competition has on FTP and Stars and seems pretty rudimentary.

I would really appreciate if you could implement in your Stars program first actually since I am a bit worried that now that you are building a new program the old will fall by the wayside.

08-07-2009 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by warmachine
Please allow hotkeys for ALL advanced action keys in NL and PL games in your new program. This is a feature that your competition has on FTP and Stars and seems pretty rudimentary.

I would really appreciate if you could implement in your Stars program first actually since I am a bit worried that now that you are building a new program the old will fall by the wayside.

We actually are spending less than half of our time on the FullTilt version at this point in time (and have been for the past month) so there is no worry that the PokerStars version will fall by the wayside We're in the middle of one of our biggest updates ever for the PokerStars version.

I know you've requested this feature numerous times and I appreciate your patience. We get so many feature requests that the sad truth is that things that are requested by one person are generally hard for us to justify making a top priority, and the "Call Any" button is not something many people use.

We have features that we wish to add that have been requested by dozens of people that we are working on and we feel like we owe it to our user base to prioritize these things.

Anyways I can pretty much guarantee that AA Call Any will not be in the first FT beta version, but I think there's a chance that it will be in the next PokerStars update.

I hope this is understandable.

08-08-2009 , 04:25 AM
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but when is the anticipated release date for the FT version of Tableninja?

I have the Tableninja for Stars and absolutely love it! I would def be interested in purchasing the FT version when it comes out. Thanks again.
08-08-2009 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by Jabong82
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but when is the anticipated release date for the FT version of Tableninja?

I have the Tableninja for Stars and absolutely love it! I would def be interested in purchasing the FT version when it comes out. Thanks again.
Glad you like the program

TableNinjaFT is currently in closed beta and we hope to start a public beta sometime this month.


08-08-2009 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by tarath
Glad you like the program

TableNinjaFT is currently in closed beta and we hope to start a public beta sometime this month.


08-08-2009 , 08:09 AM
Would be nice to have a hotkey to minimize the lobby. For myself, I'd wish it to be the same hotkey that does "Show the Lobby".

I have [x] Don't let tables steal focus from other programs.
As I type this post, I can't type Space and have it go here if TableNinjaFT is running (Space is mapped to goto next-in-line table). FTP is not even running, just TableNinjaFT, and yet it captures all my spaces. Is this supposed to happen? What does not letting tables steal focus actually do if not stopping this?

08-08-2009 , 01:44 PM
Thanks for the direct response. That's one of my favorite things about Table Ninja, excellent communication with the customer base.

I definitely understand having to address more commonly requested features first. Still, squeaky wheel gets the grease! I guess I should rally support. Let's hear it for Advanced Action keys for NL and PL, people!

It surprising that more people don't use the advance action keys when multitabling NLHE and especially PLO. I suppose it's more helpful for those that tile or overlap than stack.

Again, great product. Looking forward to the next "big" update.


Originally Posted by tarath
We actually are spending less than half of our time on the FullTilt version at this point in time (and have been for the past month) so there is no worry that the PokerStars version will fall by the wayside We're in the middle of one of our biggest updates ever for the PokerStars version.

I know you've requested this feature numerous times and I appreciate your patience. We get so many feature requests that the sad truth is that things that are requested by one person are generally hard for us to justify making a top priority, and the "Call Any" button is not something many people use.

We have features that we wish to add that have been requested by dozens of people that we are working on and we feel like we owe it to our user base to prioritize these things.

Anyways I can pretty much guarantee that AA Call Any will not be in the first FT beta version, but I think there's a chance that it will be in the next PokerStars update.

I hope this is understandable.

08-08-2009 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by flight2q
Would be nice to have a hotkey to minimize the lobby. For myself, I'd wish it to be the same hotkey that does "Show the Lobby".

I have [x] Don't let tables steal focus from other programs.
As I type this post, I can't type Space and have it go here if TableNinjaFT is running (Space is mapped to goto next-in-line table). FTP is not even running, just TableNinjaFT, and yet it captures all my spaces. Is this supposed to happen? What does not letting tables steal focus actually do if not stopping this?

This is a bit of a confusing issue. I'll explain it as best I can and if you can think of a better way for things to work let me know.

TableNinja automatically turns off all hotkeys that target tables (action hotkeys, pot betting hotkeys, etc) when you are not targeting a table (ie typing in IM).

Any hotkey that does NOT target (like the Cycle to First in Line Table hotkey) a table remains on at all times unless you turn it off with the disable hotkeys toggle. The reason for this is that a lot of people use these hotkeys even when they are browsing the internet or IMing. For example, a lot of people use the Cycle to First in Line hotkey to jump back to the action at the urgent table if they are in the middle of writing an email or something.

Finally, the "Let Tables Steal Focus from Other Windows" option mainly applies to non-hotkeys. By default FullTilt windows will pop up and steal focus from your other windows. This can be a problem because for example the "Enter" button bets with FullTilt (even without TableNinja running). If you are in the midst of typing an IM and a table pops up and steals focus just as you hit enter you might accidently minbet.

So in summary. Any hotkey that targets a table turns off automatically. Hotkeys that do not target tables are always on unless you use the "Disable Hotkeys Toggle" (which I HIGHLY recommend using). And the "Let Tables Steal Focus from Other Windows" option is there so that all the keyboard input from things that are not hotkeys does not get sent to Fulltilt windows when they pop up.

Hopefully this makes sense.

08-08-2009 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by warmachine
Thanks for the direct response. That's one of my favorite things about Table Ninja, excellent communication with the customer base.

I definitely understand having to address more commonly requested features first. Still, squeaky wheel gets the grease! I guess I should rally support. Let's hear it for Advanced Action keys for NL and PL, people!

It surprising that more people don't use the advance action keys when multitabling NLHE and especially PLO. I suppose it's more helpful for those that tile or overlap than stack.

Again, great product. Looking forward to the next "big" update.

Thanks for being so understanding about this. Rallying support definitely won't hurt your cause

08-08-2009 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by tarath
Hopefully this makes sense.
That makes perfect sense.

One of the difficulties is that when you are taking a note on someone, Ninja will capture the hotkeys that Show Lobby or do cycling. So got to disable hotkeys to take a note. It would have been so convenient if I could have just set Lobby&cycling to V&Space. Rather than trying to use unusual keys, like F1, I tried using mouse for these functions, but I'm stymied there. It doesn't allow me to use CTRL+MLeft, nor ALT+MRight and such. This means I have almost nothing available on my basic mouse. If I reserve MRight for taking notes and wheel movement for bet sizing, then all I have left is WheelClick, which is only one function and too physically awkward for table cycling.

Enabling CTRL/ALT/SHFT combinations with the mouse would be huge. Alternatively, some kind of option to disable the non-targeting hotkeys whenever mouse is not over table. Otherwise, I think I've got to resort to using ~ and Tab for hotkeys, or maybe arrow keys (although I use arrow keys in the lobby sometimes).

N.B. From my experiments I'm guessing that you are looking for white pixels in the lower left corner of where the board cards go to ID what street it is. Do I win a cookie?
08-09-2009 , 08:06 PM
Any ETA on the general beta version being made available?
08-10-2009 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by theMBK
Any ETA on the general beta version being made available?
7 posts ago,......

Originally Posted by tarath
Glad you like the program

TableNinjaFT is currently in closed beta and we hope to start a public beta sometime this month.


08-10-2009 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by flight2q
That makes perfect sense.

One of the difficulties is that when you are taking a note on someone, Ninja will capture the hotkeys that Show Lobby or do cycling. So got to disable hotkeys to take a note. It would have been so convenient if I could have just set Lobby&cycling to V&Space. Rather than trying to use unusual keys, like F1, I tried using mouse for these functions, but I'm stymied there. It doesn't allow me to use CTRL+MLeft, nor ALT+MRight and such. This means I have almost nothing available on my basic mouse. If I reserve MRight for taking notes and wheel movement for bet sizing, then all I have left is WheelClick, which is only one function and too physically awkward for table cycling.

Enabling CTRL/ALT/SHFT combinations with the mouse would be huge. Alternatively, some kind of option to disable the non-targeting hotkeys whenever mouse is not over table. Otherwise, I think I've got to resort to using ~ and Tab for hotkeys, or maybe arrow keys (although I use arrow keys in the lobby sometimes).

N.B. From my experiments I'm guessing that you are looking for white pixels in the lower left corner of where the board cards go to ID what street it is. Do I win a cookie?
You do in fact win a cookie :P

There was a good reason that making shift, control, alt, etc modify mouse buttons was tricky, but to be totally honest I have no idea what it was. This would certainly be a nice thing to change so I will look into it again.

Thanks for all your great feedback, you've been an excellent tester

08-10-2009 , 06:37 PM
with ninja running i seem to have to double-click alot of buttons that require single-clicking
08-10-2009 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by tarath
You do in fact win a cookie :P
If you can pick a good spot on the left strip of the card, about halfway down, to check for white pixels, then modders can put white pixels there and be compatible. We just need to know the location.

Ideally, we'd put a white symbol at the location. Our cards are 50 by 70. Looking at the FTP default cards, the suit symbol extends to a point 7.9 from the left and 37.2 from the bottom. Modders would need to make their suit symbol a bit lower and white. A location like (7.9, 34) for checking looks good. If that's too close and makes you nervous; perhaps modders can lower the suit symbol further and/or raise the table felt (not positive that this raises the cards with it).
08-10-2009 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by I Gotta Push
with ninja running i seem to have to double-click alot of buttons that require single-clicking
Do you mean you have to hit a hotkey twice, or that you are actually clicking with your mouse and nothing is happening?

Originally Posted by flight2q
If you can pick a good spot on the left strip of the card, about halfway down, to check for white pixels, then modders can put white pixels there and be compatible. We just need to know the location.

Ideally, we'd put a white symbol at the location. Our cards are 50 by 70. Looking at the FTP default cards, the suit symbol extends to a point 7.9 from the left and 37.2 from the bottom. Modders would need to make their suit symbol a bit lower and white. A location like (7.9, 34) for checking looks good. If that's too close and makes you nervous; perhaps modders can lower the suit symbol further and/or raise the table felt (not positive that this raises the cards with it).
Ok I will investigate this when I get a chance. As I recall the cards were shaded so we just tried to pick a spot where the shading was the easiest to deal with.


08-15-2009 , 02:35 AM
Anybody know how to make vista not switch from aero to vista basic theme whenever i open stars or the ftp client?
08-15-2009 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by tarath
At the moment they will only work together if you have different hotkey setups for each one.

We may add full multisite support in the future but its not in the beta version.

This would be awesome to be able to 40 table smoothly
08-15-2009 , 03:38 AM
Hi sir is it means by the time now windows xp will not support auto timebank click as stacking table. In the future will it works? Only windows vista or windows7 will support it? Thanks
08-15-2009 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by uofi2012
Anybody know how to make vista not switch from aero to vista basic theme whenever i open stars or the ftp client?
Right click on the Stars/FTP client and click properties. Make sure that all the boxes under "Compatability" are unchecked and that should fix things.

Originally Posted by pokernoobs
Hi sir is it means by the time now windows xp will not support auto timebank click as stacking table. In the future will it works? Only windows vista or windows7 will support it? Thanks
Most likely it will never be supported on XP. Unfortunately the technology in XP just doesn't allow for this to be done smoothly on Full Tilt. The PokerStars version of TableNinja will auto click time bank while stacking in any operating system.

08-15-2009 , 04:46 AM
Thanks for the quick reply! So the thing I can do Is going to change my os to vista! I will try to play on tilte on xp and stack on vista! Can u guide me to the correct config on vista
08-15-2009 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by pokernoobs
Thanks for the quick reply! So the thing I can do Is going to change my os to vista! I will try to play on tilte on xp and stack on vista! Can u guide me to the correct config on vista
As long as you get Vista Home Premium or higher (any version of Vista except Vista Home Basic) everything should work smoothly with the default settings. Just download the latest version of TableNinja and run it.

You could also try windows 7, I believe you can still download the Windows 7 release client for free.

If you don't want vista to drive you crazy I would definitely consider turning User Account Control off (its not necessary for TableNinja and it is a bit of a security risk but it makes using Vista a lot more pleasant). Instructions on how to do this and the pros and cons of doing it are here:

Hope this helps,

08-15-2009 , 11:27 AM
thanks alot tarath.

i have try out todays
with windows XP tilte 16 table with overlaping
all function working good, there just the 1 function not working that is pot betting~
i dunno why i have set up the hotkey but when the games running hotkeys is not working
08-15-2009 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by pokernoobs
thanks alot tarath.

i have try out todays
with windows XP tilte 16 table with overlaping
all function working good, there just the 1 function not working that is pot betting~
i dunno why i have set up the hotkey but when the games running hotkeys is not working
Hmm we haven't had anyone have problems with pot betting. Can you email me a screen shot of your table with your HUD running and your TNFTConfigAutoLoad and TNFTlog files from your TableNinja install directoy?

Did you ever set a QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS environment variable for some reason?


08-15-2009 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by tarath
At the moment they will only work together if you have different hotkey setups for each one.

We may add full multisite support in the future but its not in the beta version.

This would be a very important feature and I had assumed that it would be part of the initial project. Couldn't be that hard... right?

When I used to use separate scripts for Stars and FTP I solved this problem by using macros on my gaming keyboard (Logitech g13 and g15 and Nostromo n52). If I had ctrl-B for bet on Stars and ctrl-8 for bet on my FTP script, I would record a macro that did "ctrl-press + B-press + 8-press + B-release + 8-release + ctrl-release".

I don't remember if I had to insert delays between keypresses, but I don't remember having any significant problems with this set up. Also, I don't think you have to have a special gaming keyboard to do this as there are macro programs that just use your normal keyboard.

So, hopefully, if TN isn't an all-in-one solution, it will at least be compatible with this macro work around.

