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Stupid question about uploading videos Stupid question about uploading videos

02-25-2010 , 06:23 AM
Hi. I am on a 16 BI downswing. I beat 10nl and moved up to 25nl and beat it for 10 buy ins and then BAM. 16 BI downswing.

So.. I decided to make a video to post in the micro stakes or beginners form or whatever of me playing to get some feedback. To make sure that I'm doing things well. Although I'm almost certain that I am. It's just such a sick downswing that I'd like to get some feedback..

Anyway, I downloaded camstasia and recorded an AVI that was 28 min and like 650 megs. I read about converting it in windows movie maker and I did and it's now 168 megs but considerably worse quality. But the quality is still readable..

Anyway, when I uploaded this to mega video the quality became even worse and the cards were unreadable.

So I'm wondering a place I can upload this video for people on this forum to easily DL. Or a way to improve the quality on mega video or whatever other site might work.

Stupid question about uploading videos Quote
02-25-2010 , 06:42 AM
I use maga uploader,
theres a free video on the deuces cracked webpage all about getting up ur software to convert it easy! coaches corner, look fo rit and rollow the instructions
Stupid question about uploading videos Quote
