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software that tracks preflop betsizing on pokerstars software that tracks preflop betsizing on pokerstars

12-11-2019 , 09:51 AM
I know heatmaps are forbidden on stars. But is there maybe a smiliar way that is allowed and tells me something about villains preflop betsizing?

-what cards he limps
-when does he minraise
-does he have different raise sizings on the button?
-when does he 3-bet small/big
software that tracks preflop betsizing on pokerstars Quote
12-16-2019 , 05:35 PM
Based on my understanding of the rules, you might be able to come up with something in Notecaddy that shows you how often they raise one amount versus another, but you wouldn't be able to assign a hand range value to one raise size or the other.
software that tracks preflop betsizing on pokerstars Quote
