software advice in relation to BR
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 67
I have a roll of $1200 . I play mostly plo50ss. About 300 -600 hands a day over 3/4 tables. Upto 6 tables and 1k hands sometimes. (Roll actually $2.5k, but withdrawing)
I need advice on what software i should consider getting, the cost. I will pay for it from my BR. hoping roll will continue to grow and at what monetary stages should i be investing _% of roll into software.
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 448
your brain is a good bit of software. try it...your be surprised
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 13,147
well if you don't have one yet, a tracker such as PT3-Omaha or HM-Omaha are bound to be worthwhile. Try FPDB first since it's Free, and AFAIK pretty good.