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sharkscope question sharkscope question

09-07-2007 , 12:37 AM
how can so many searches i do have a negative ROI but a positve net profit?
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09-07-2007 , 01:00 AM
Their Av. ROI is negative but they've profited.


Joe plays 100 $5 sit&gos and 1 $5000 sit&go. Joe wins the $5000 sit&go but does poorly in the $5 sit&gos. His Av. ROI after 101 games would be negative, yet he would show a profit.

sharkscope question Quote
09-07-2007 , 01:07 AM
The difference is the ROI is an average.

The profit is a "Net" i.e. "Total profit after all expenses", not an average.
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09-07-2007 , 04:46 AM
Ive read that sharkscope isnt 100% correct as well, dont know if that is true but its what ive read
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