Originally Posted by amulet
Are you nuts?
1. You wrote a version of what I wrote about playing live.
2. You used the comment wise-ass trashing someone else.
If you want to participate in these forms I request that you do 2 things;
1. Learn to read.
2. Be considerate of others.
Or please don't post anymore.
No, I'm not nuts,
1. I wasn't replying to what you said, I was replying to what the other guy said. And if that guy wasn't being facetious, he sure made it look that way. Thats why I called him a wise ass. It looked like he was suggesting that I was too dumb just to leave the table and sit down in another seat.
2. Yes, I know, I was quoting myself.
1. I know how to read, I've been an avid reader of these forums for years, I just never had a real reason to post, I just use the search feature (ty pokey) since most questions I've had were already asked one time or another.
2. As far as I know, I've handled this extremely well despite being treated like a preschooler. I'm not some unimaginative 9/7 nit, I do have some idea about how to play poker.