There are many users that will appreciate you looking into this, and not to worry about the time. We've had this broken since that update I spoke of, and that was nearly two months ago now. A few more days seems great to me. If this is not enough, let me know and I'll post the whole hand history. Here's the two header lines from the SAME hand since I have the original and requested the same history from Stars, but it has the updated line. Thanks again and I hope the poker gods smile on you today...
PokerStars Game #33094616768: Omaha Hi/Lo Pot Limit ($0.05/$0.10) - 2009/09/20 22:15:55 PT [2009/09/21 1:15:55 ET]
PokerStars Game #33094616768: Omaha Hi/Lo Pot Limit ($0.05/$0.10 USD) - 2009/09/20 22:15:55 PT [2009/09/21 1:15:55 ET]
I might note here, since I can't get a copy of it, that the file "should" probably be able to accept "EUR" in the same position as the "USD" as there are European friends
that might have their hand histories with that slight difference. But USD is the most important issue for the majority.
AND... here's the actual script I use personally in hopes that you can see it without having to download and unzip the original...
HTML Code:
SendMode Input
#SingleInstance, Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
ignore_hero := 0
pathStars := A_ProgramFiles . "\PokerStars"
hhpath := pathStars . "\HandHistory"
GroupAdd, StarsTables, Logged In as ,,, PokerStars Lobby
SetTimer, UpdateTables, 1000
tables := ""
SysGet, border, 32
SysGet, caption, 4
timezone_difference_EST := "-5"
OnExit, ExitSub
;OnMessage(0x0F, "testmsg")
DetectHiddenWindows, On
SetTitleMatchMode 2
WinGet, alreadyopen, list, _StarsReads_
Loop, %alreadyopen%
id := alreadyopen%A_Index%
WinKill, ahk_id%id%
global tables
global screenname
global hero
tables := ""
SetTitleMatchMode 2
WinGet, id, id, PokerStars Lobby
SetTitleMatchMode 2
WinGet, id, id, PokerStars Lobby
WinGetTitle, hero, ahk_id%id%
StringTrimLeft, hero, hero, InStr(hero, "Logged in as ", true, 0)+12
screenname := hero
StringReplace, hero, hero, %A_SPACE%,, All
;Msgbox, %hero%
WinGet, pid, PID, ahk_id%id%
WinGet, list, list, Logged In as ahk_pid%pid%
Loop %list%
this_id := list%a_index%
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%this_id%
If (this_id != id)
tables = %tables%,%this_id%
StringTrimLeft, tables, tables, 1
Loop, Parse, tables, `,
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, alreadyopen, id, _StarsReads_%A_LoopField%.ahk
if (alreadyopen)
;WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%alreadyopen%
str := "#NoEnv`n"
str := "#NoTrayIcon`n"
str := str . "table_id := """ . A_LoopField . """`n"
str := str . "ignore_hero := """ . ignore_hero . """`n"
str := str . "pathStars := """ . pathStars . """`n"
str := str . "timezone_difference_EST := """ . timezone_difference_EST . """`n"
str := str . "hero := """ . hero . """`n"
str := str . "SetTimer, updatepos, 1000`n"
str := str . "SetTimer, killonexit, 1000`n"
str := str . "SysGet, border, 32`n"
str := str . "SysGet, caption, 4`n"
str := str . "OnMessage(0x201, ""WM_LBUTTONDOWN"")`n"
str := str . "OnMessage(0x204, ""WM_RBUTTONDOWN"")`n"
str := str . "return`n"
str := str . "killonexit:`n"
str := str . " IfWinNotExist, ahk_id%table_id%`n"
str := str . " {`n"
str := str . " ExitApp`n"
str := str . " }`n"
str := str . " WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%table_id%`n"
str := str . " StringTrimRight, title, title, (StrLen(title) - Instr(title, "" - "", true, 0))+1`n"
str := str . " est := A_NowUTC`n"
str := str . " est += " . timezone_difference_EST . ", hours`n"
str := str . " FormatTime, est, %est%, yyyyMMdd`n"
str := str . " filename := """ . hhpath . "\" . hero . "\HH"" . est . "" "" . title . "".txt""`n"
str := str . " StringReplace, filename, filename, /, -, All`n"
str := str . " FileGetSize, fsize, %filename%`n"
str := str . " if (fsize)`n"
str := str . " {`n"
str := str . " FileGetTime, ftime, %filename%`n"
str := str . " if (ftime > oldftime)`n"
str := str . " {`n"
str := str . " Sleep, 40`n"
str := str . " oldftime := ftime`n"
str := str . " FileRead, hh, %filename%`n"
str := str . " StringTrimLeft, hh, hh, Instr(hh, ""PokerStars Game #"", true, 0)-1`n"
str := str . " SeatsNamesStars(hh)`n"
str := str . " updatehud()`n"
;str := str . " Msgbox, %st%`n"
str := str . " }`n"
str := str . " }`n"
str := str . " else`n"
str := str . " {`n"
str := str . " WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%table_id%`n"
str := str . " StringTrimLeft, title, title, Instr(title, "" "")`n"
str := str . " StringTrimRight, title, title, (StrLen(title) - Instr(title, "" ""))+1`n"
str := str . " hhfpath := """ . hhpath . "\" . hero . """`n"
str := str . " Loop, %hhfpath%\HH*T%title%*.TXT`n"
str := str . " {`n"
str := str . " filelist = %filelist%%A_LoopFileTimeModified%`t%A_LoopFileName%`n"
str := str . " }`n"
str := str . " Sort, filelist, N R`n"
;Msgbox, %filelist%
str := str . " Loop, parse, filelist, ``n`n"
str := str . " {`n"
str := str . " if A_LoopField =`n"
str := str . " continue`n"
str := str . " StringTrimLeft, filename, A_LoopField, Instr(A_LoopField, ""`t"")`n"
str := str . " filename := hhfpath . ""\"" . filename`n"
str := str . " FileGetSize, fsize, %filename%`n"
str := str . " if (fsize)`n"
str := str . " {`n"
str := str . " FileGetTime, ftime, %filename%`n"
str := str . " break`n"
str := str . " }`n"
str := str . " }`n"
str := str . " if (ftime > oldftime)`n"
str := str . " {`n"
str := str . " Sleep, 40`n"
str := str . " oldftime := ftime`n"
str := str . " FileRead, hh, %filename%`n"
str := str . " StringTrimLeft, hh, hh, Instr(hh, ""PokerStars Game #"", true, 0)-1`n"
str := str . " SeatsNamesStars(hh)`n"
str := str . " updatehud()`n"
str := str . " }`n"
str := str . " }`n"
;str := str . " }`n"
str := str . "Sleep, 40`n"
str := str . "return`n"
FileRead, fns, %A_ScriptFullPath%
StringTrimLeft, fns, fns, InStr(fns, ";-------------- CHOP --------------;", true, 0)
StringTrimLeft, fns, fns, InStr(fns, "`n")
str := str . "`n`n" . fns
filename := "_StarsReads_" . A_LoopField . ".ahk"
FileDelete, %filename%
FileAppend, %str%, %filename%
Run "AutoHotkey.exe" "/f" %filename%, , , ahkpid
WinWait, ahk_pid%ahkpid%
FileDelete, %filename%
;-------------- CHOP --------------;
SetParent(win, gui) {
Gui, %gui%: +LastFound
return DllCall("SetParent", "uint", WinExist(), "uint", win)
msgbox, test
seat_desc := SeatCountStars(hh)
if (seat_desc = "six_max")
max_players = 6
else if (seat_desc = "nine_max")
max_players = 9
else if (seat_desc = "two_max")
max_players = 2
else if (seat_desc = "eight_max")
max_players = 8
else if (seat_desc = "ten_max")
max_players = 10
;msgbox, fail
prefseat%max_players% := prefSeatStars(pathStars, max_players)
;Msgbox, % prefseat%max_players%
;msgbox, %hero_seat%
if (prefseat%max_players%>0)
Loop, %max_players%
s := A_Index + (hero_seat - prefseat%max_players%)
if s > %max_players%
s := s - max_players
if s < 1
s := s + max_players
;msgbox, %A_Index%, st%s%
draw_rect(st%s%, A_Index, max_players)
Loop, %max_players%
draw_rect(st%A_Index%, A_Index, max_players)
draw_rect(player="", seat=1, max_players=6, linewidth=8)
;msgbox %player%
;msgbox, %player%, %seat%
if (seat = 10)
;Msgbox, sdsa
if (player)
if (ignore_hero && (player = hero))
Gui %seat%1: Hide
Gui %seat%2: Hide
Gui %seat%3: Hide
Gui %seat%4: Hide
FileGetSize, fsize, %A_ScriptDir%\players\%player%.ini
if (fsize)
IniRead, color, %A_ScriptDir%\players\%player%.ini, color, 1
;FileReadLine, color, %A_ScriptDir%\players\%player%.txt, 1
;Msgbox, %color%
FileAppend, [color]`n1=0xFFFFFF, %A_ScriptDir%\players\%player%.ini
color := 0xFFFFFF
Gui %seat%1: Hide
Gui %seat%2: Hide
Gui %seat%3: Hide
Gui %seat%4: Hide
6s1x1 = 728
6s1y1 = 122
6s1x2 = 731
6s1y2 = 125
6s2x1 = 769
6s2y1 = 252
6s2x2 = 772
6s2y2 = 255
6s3x1 = 650
6s3y1 = 364
6s3x2 = 653
6s3y2 = 367
6s4x1 = 204
6s4y1 = 361
6s4x2 = 207
6s4y2 = 364
6s5x1 = 81
6s5y1 = 251
6s5x2 = 84
6s5y2 = 254
6s6x1 = 127
6s6y1 = 122
6s6x2 = 130
6s6y2 = 125
10s1x1 = 563
10s1x2 = 566
10s1y1 = 51
10s1y2 = 54
10s2x1 = 707
10s2x2 = 710
10s2y1 = 106
10s2y2 = 109
10s3x1 = 777
10s3x2 = 780
10s3y1 = 219
10s3y2 = 222
10s4x1 = 694
10s4x2 = 697
10s4y1 = 338
10s4y2 = 341
10s5x1 = 524
10s5x2 = 527
10s5y1 = 390
10s5y2 = 393
10s6x1 = 346
10s6x2 = 349
10s6y1 = 390
10s6y2 = 393
10s7x1 = 175
10s7x2 = 178
10s7y1 = 338
10s7y2 = 341
10s8x1 = 90
10s8x2 = 93
10s8y1 = 219
10s8y2 = 222
10s9x1 = 160
10s9x2 = 163
10s9y1 = 105
10s9y2 = 108
10s10x1 = 312
10s10x2 = 315
10s10y1 = 51
10s10y2 = 54
9s1x1 = 574
9s1y1 = 63
9s1x2 = 577
9s1y2 = 66
9s2x1 = 750
9s2y1 = 125
9s2x2 = 775
9s2y2 = 130
9s3x1 = 777
9s3y1 = 244
9s3x2 = 780
9s3y2 = 247
9s4x1 = 653
9s4y1 = 366
9s4x2 = 656
9s4y2 = 369
9s5x1 = 433
9s5y1 = 400
9s5x2 = 436
9s5y2 = 403
9s6x1 = 208
9s6y1 = 359
9s6x2 = 211
9s6y2 = 362
9s7x1 = 90
9s7y1 = 244
9s7x2 = 93
9s7y2 = 247
9s8x1 = 134
9s8y1 = 120
9s8x2 = 137
9s8y2 = 123
9s9x1 = 293
9s9y1 = 63
9s9x2 = 296
9s9y2 = 66
8s1x1 = 599
8s1y1 = 70
8s1x2 = 602
8s1y2 = 73
8s2x1 = 770
8s2y1 = 188
8s2x2 = 773
8s2y2 = 191
8s3x1 = 708
8s3y1 = 327
8s3x2 = 711
8s3y2 = 330
8s4x1 = 534
8s4y1 = 387
8s4x2 = 537
8s4y2 = 390
8s5x1 = 314
8s5y1 = 387
8s5x2 = 317
8s5y2 = 390
8s6x1 = 152
8s6y1 = 325
8s6x2 = 155
8s6y2 = 328
8s7x1 = 88
8s7y1 = 188
8s7x2 = 91
8s7y2 = 191
8s8x1 = 265
8s8y1 = 70
8s8x2 = 268
8s8y2 = 73
2s1x1 = 668
2s1y1 = 255
2s1x2 = 763
2s1y2 = 289
2s2x1 = 35
2s2y1 = 255
2s2x2 = 128
2s2y2 = 290
if (seat)
relStarsClientPoint(table_id, %max_players%s%seat%x1, %max_players%s%seat%y1, rx1, ry1)
relStarsClientPoint(table_id, %max_players%s%seat%x2, %max_players%s%seat%y2, rx2, ry2)
relStarsClientPoint(table_id, %max_players%s10x1, %max_players%s10y1, rx1, ry1)
relStarsClientPoint(table_id, %max_players%s10x2, %max_players%s10y2, rx2, ry2)
;relStarsClientPoint(table_id, 6s%seat%x1, 6s%seat%y1, rx1, ry1)
;relStarsClientPoint(table_id, 6s%seat%x2, 6s%seat%y2, rx2, ry2)
rw := 792
WinGetPos, , , w, h, ahk_id%table_id%
linewidth := Round(linewidth * (w/rw))
offset := Round(linewidth /3)
w := (rx2 - rx1)+linewidth
h := (ry2 - ry1)+linewidth
rx1 -= offset
rx2 -= offset
ry1 -= offset
ry2 -= offset
Gui %seat%1: -Resize -Caption +ToolWindow ;+AlwaysOnTop
Gui %seat%1: Color, %color%
Gui %seat%1: Show, x%rx1% y%ry1% w%w% h%linewidth% NoActivate, MinihudStars || %seat% || hwnd:%hud%
g = %seat%1
SetParent(table_id, g)
Gui %seat%2: -Resize -Caption +ToolWindow ;+AlwaysOnTop
Gui %seat%2: Color, %color%
Gui %seat%2: Show, x%rx1% y%ry2% w%w% h%linewidth% NoActivate, MinihudStars || %seat% || hwnd:%hud%
g = %seat%2
SetParent(table_id, g)
Gui %seat%3: -Resize -Caption +ToolWindow ;+AlwaysOnTop
Gui %seat%3: Color, %color%
Gui %seat%3: Show, x%rx1% y%ry1% w%linewidth% h%h% NoActivate, MinihudStars || %seat% || hwnd:%hud%
g = %seat%3
SetParent(table_id, g)
Gui %seat%4: -Resize -Caption +ToolWindow ;+AlwaysOnTop
Gui %seat%4: Color, %color%
Gui %seat%4: Show, x%rx2% y%ry1% w%linewidth% h%h% NoActivate, MinihudStars || %seat% || hwnd:%hud%
g = %seat%4
SetParent(table_id, g)
SeatsNamesStars(hh) {
local i,sn,a
Loop, 10
st%A_Index% =
Loop, Parse, hh, `n
if (A_Index <=2)
if ! InStr(a_loopfield, "Seat ", 1)
s := StrMid(a_loopfield, a_space, ":")
sn := StrMid(a_loopfield, ": ", " (")
;Msgbox, %s%, %sn%
st%s% = %sn%
if (sn = hero)
hero_seat := s
;msgbox, fgfghfgh`n%hero_seat%
relStarsClientPoint(id, x, y, ByRef rx, ByRef ry)
global border
global caption
rw := 792
rh := 546
WinGetPos, , , w, h, ahk_id%id%
w := w - (2*border)
h := h - (2*border) - caption
rx := Floor( ((x) / rw ) * w )
ry := Floor( ((y) / rh) * h )
; extracts a substring from between str1 and str2
; I find this function to be convenient and quite powerful
; take a close look at it to see how it works
StrMid(str, str1, str2, sP1=1, sP2=1, cS=0) {
sP1 := ( sP1="" ) ? 1 : sP1
sP2 := ( sP2="" ) ? 1 : sP2
StringTrimLeft, s, str, InStr(str, str1, cS, sP1) + StrLen(str1)-1
StringLeft, s, s, InStr(s, str2, cS, sP2)-1
return s
; see
varize(var, autofix = true) { ; by Titan
Loop, Parse, var
{ c = %A_LoopField%
x := Asc(c)
If (x > 47 and x < 58) or (x > 64 and x < 91) or (x > 96 and x < 123)
or c = "#" or c = "_" or c = "@" or c = "$" or c = "?" or c = "[" or c = "]"
IfEqual, autofix, 1, SetEnv, nv, %nv%%c%
Else er++
} If StrLen(var) > 254
IfEqual, autofix, 1, StringLeft, var, var, 254
Else er++
IfEqual, autofix, 1, Return, nv
Else Return, er
IsStudHHStars(hh) {
If ( InStr(hh, "7 Card Stud Limit")
|| InStr(hh, "7 Card Stud Hi/Lo Limit")
|| InStr(hh, "Badugi Limit")
|| InStr(hh, "Razz Limit") )
return 1
Is6maxHHStars(hh) {
If ( InStr(hh, " 6-max Seat #") )
return 1
IsHeadsUpHHStars(hh) {
If ( InStr(hh, " 2-max Seat #") )
return 1
Is9maxHHStars(hh) {
If ( InStr(hh, " 9-max Seat #") )
return 1
Is10maxHHStars(hh) {
If ( InStr(hh, " 10-max Seat #") )
return 1
seat_desc := ""
if (Is6maxHHStars(hh))
seat_desc := "six_max"
else if (Is9maxHHStars(hh))
seat_desc := "nine_max"
else if (Is10maxHHStars(hh))
seat_desc := "ten_max"
else if (IsHeadsUpHHStars(hh))
seat_desc := "two_max"
else if (IsStudHHStars(hh))
seat_desc := "eight_max"
return seat_desc
WM_RBUTTONDOWN(wParam, lParam)
if (StrLen(A_Gui) = 1)
seat_number = 10
StringTrimRight, seat_number, A_Gui, 1
if (prefseat%max_players%>0)
s := seat_number + (hero_seat - prefseat%max_players%)
if s > %max_players%
s := s - max_players
if s < 1
s := s + max_players
s := seat_number
sn := st%s%
if (sn)
popup_gui(s, sn)
;Msgbox %sn%
WM_LBUTTONDOWN(wParam, lParam)
;Msgbox %A_Gui%
popup_gui(seat, sn)
if (seat = 10)
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, mx, my
FileRead, default_colours, %A_ScriptDir%\default_colours.txt
Gui %seat%5: -Resize +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
Gui %seat%5: Color, 0x222222
Gui %seat%5: Font, Bold Underline
Loop, parse, default_colours, `n
StringTrimLeft, col_hex, A_Loopfield, InStr(A_LoopField, ",")
StringTrimRight, col_name, A_LoopField, StrLen(A_loopField) - (InStr(A_LoopField, ",")-1)
Gui %seat%5: Add, Text, c%col_hex% gSetCol, %col_name%
Gui %seat%5: Show, x%mx% y%my% w100 NoActivate, %sn%
new_col := A_GuiControl
FileRead, default_colours, %A_ScriptDir%\default_colours.txt
Loop, parse, default_colours, `n
StringTrimLeft, col_hex, A_Loopfield, InStr(A_LoopField, ",")
StringTrimRight, col_name, A_LoopField, StrLen(A_loopField) - (InStr(A_LoopField, ",")-1)
if (new_col = col_name)
;msgbox, %col_hex%
if (col_hex)
MouseGetPos, , , id
WinGetTitle, this_sn, ahk_id%id%
;MsgBox, %this_sn%,%col_hex%
Gui %A_Gui%: Destroy
col_hex := varize(col_hex)
IniWrite, %col_hex%, %A_ScriptDir%\players\%this_sn%.ini, color, 1
prefSeatStars(pathStars, max) {
max := max=2 ? 1 : max=6 ? 2 : max=8 ? 3 : max=9 ? 2 : 5
IniRead, seats, % pathStars "\user.ini", Options, SeatPref
StringSplit, seat, seats, % a_space
return seat%max%+1
fileSearch(file, dir="", ex="*") {
dir:=dir!="" ? dir : a_workingDir
Loop %dir%\*.%ex%
{ if InStr(a_loopFileName, file)
return dir "\" a_loopFileName
If you need anything else, just buzz and I'll be glad to post it. I've made a few changes to the "boxes" sizes, but that is not important since I've used it for well over a year with no changes... that stupid update messed a lot of AHK scripts. Have a good one...