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01-10-2009 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by HaiaN
How can I get ahk scripts to work with vista home?
Turn off UAC.

Alternatively, set autohotkey.exe, and the poker client exes to all "run as administrator". There's some Vista tips in the BetPot thread OP.
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01-10-2009 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_
Turn off UAC.

Alternatively, set autohotkey.exe, and the poker client exes to all "run as administrator". There's some Vista tips in the BetPot thread OP.
sorry, didn't find them
I need to be more specific:
raise/call/fold work, increase/decrese bet amout works as well but stuff like Pot(getid(),"1 0.81 0.85 0.85", "smallblind", "ssnl", 0) does not.
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01-10-2009 , 04:42 PM
Tick the "disable desktop composition" checkbox in PokerStars shortcut's properties, if this is for Stars.
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01-11-2009 , 01:13 AM
I'm trying to install the Stars Theme. I was able to successfully install the Hyper-Simple Theme a second ago. When I click Install, it says A program needs your permission to continue, I hit Continue, it looks like it starts to install, the little progress circle pops up for just a second, then nothing happens, it doesn't install. I try the Install button again, same thing every time. This is on Vista 64.

Please help.
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01-11-2009 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by a nonymous
I'm trying to install the Stars Theme. I was able to successfully install the Hyper-Simple Theme a second ago. When I click Install, it says A program needs your permission to continue, I hit Continue, it looks like it starts to install, the little progress circle pops up for just a second, then nothing happens, it doesn't install. I try the Install button again, same thing every time. This is on Vista 64.

Please help.
Worked after restart.

Still would like to hear if anyone knows why this would happen.
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01-11-2009 , 01:21 AM
A number of AHK scripts assign action to keys f13 through f24. How do I press these keys? My keyboard (102 key windows keyboard) only has keys f1 through f12.

Thanks in advance.

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01-11-2009 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by MKR
A number of AHK scripts assign action to keys f13 through f24. How do I press these keys? My keyboard (102 key windows keyboard) only has keys f1 through f12.

Thanks in advance.

lol, you don't afaik. Edit the script to set it to keys that you have, or use your mouse software to assign buttons to F13-F24.
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01-11-2009 , 01:27 AM
I can't get my custom PokerStars themes to install in Vista 64. What am I doing wrong? I've done this successfullly in XP.

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01-11-2009 , 12:25 PM
What software/AHK do ppl use to cascade SNGs on Stars? I normally use Planner, but I'm going to try cascading and want them to fall into different stacks automatically.
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01-11-2009 , 04:34 PM
stars question

is there any way to make tables of different limits have different backgrounds? this might make things easier when mixing stakes.
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01-11-2009 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by pairtheboard69
stars question

is there any way to make tables of different limits have different backgrounds? this might make things easier when mixing stakes.
not other than manually - get my SimpleModManager script to make this much easier, it's on and Fozzy has it for download bundled in some packs including fancy backgrounds too on tiltbuster.
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01-11-2009 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Sly Caveat
What software/AHK do ppl use to cascade SNGs on Stars? I normally use Planner, but I'm going to try cascading and want them to fall into different stacks automatically.
Does Planner not work for some reason? I don't know of any other software/ahk that cascades into different stacks. Either Planner or the built-in cascade function (which doesn't do different stacks). I guess you could try saving a layout but I'm not sure if that will do what you want.
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01-11-2009 , 07:41 PM
How do I add a program to my startup programs in Vista 64? I see how to remove them but not add. When I click "Change startup programs" in the control panel it takes me to Windows Defender but I see no add option. Ty.
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01-11-2009 , 07:43 PM
I downloaded the 64 version of allsnap. It doesn't work though. I ran as admin. Ideas?
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01-11-2009 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by a nonymous
I downloaded the 64 version of allsnap. It doesn't work though. I ran as admin. Ideas?
It's working now but only for folders, Stars tables and lobby don't snap at all. wtf

Last edited by a nonymous; 01-11-2009 at 08:04 PM. Reason: Vista is tilting me so hard right now.
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01-11-2009 , 08:18 PM
Having a little bit of a tough time finding current stars software. Can someone please help me find the features I want, thank you. Btw most of the links in the FAQ point to the same post.

This is all for my Thinkpad T400 so if anyone else has that machine and has a good setup let me know.

1. Table positions(does stars do this now?)
Would like to have 6 SNGs open in 6 predefined spots. Would like to have them open in those predefined spots as I sit down and open up new tables after I bust.

2. Bet pot button
On laptop so there is no traditional middle mouse button. There is however a middle button to use with the pointstick, not with the trackpad though. Would be great if I can use the trackpad buttons in the traditional sense and then use all three trackpoint buttons for poker, that seems a little too good to be true though.

3. Auto sit and go registration
Would like to tell software for instance 20 dollar 9 person NLHE sit and gos and have it register for 6 of them and buyin at all of them, then have them go to the spot I want as in table positioning heading.

4. Auto click time bank
When does stars click the time bank now? Does it wait like 15 seconds then automatically click it or does it not? If it does does it click it after the 15 or right when it pops up, and if so when does that happen?

Don't want to get timed out obv but would also not have to waste time with the time bank when I don't have to.

5. Randomize time on auto functions
On autofold I don't care but alot of times I click check/fold on the big blind and it seems to make my opponents more aggressive on the flop. I can understand why, I like to use the auto buttons though when multi-tabling but do not like how it goes automatically, I think UB used to have this feature built in(might still, haven't played on UB in forever)

6. Autoclick popups(I have stars assistant to do this already but still like this feature)

7. Autosit and buyin for max at NL and 25 BB at limit

8. Autoclick wait for bb

9. Display pot odds by dealer

10. Autorebuy to original buyin(I think stars does this now, am I right?)

Thanks for everyone's help. I plan on grinding some for the next few weeks and am kinda sluggish from surgery, would like to cut down the annoyances of stars a little bit.
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01-11-2009 , 08:30 PM
1) Try Stars Planner
2) Try BetPot. See thread for info about setting up your own hotkeys.
3) Don't know about this, try a search, I think there might be something out there but I haven't used it.
4) Stars will auto click the time bank if you have already put money into the pot. Otherwise you will be folded. You can click the time bank as soon as it shows up without wasting any of your time bank - it will only start using time once the normal time has run out. There are several scripts that auto click the time bank button. I don't use any of them so you'll need to click through this forum/search a bit and then test them out to make sure they work for you.
5) Stars would have a problem w/ this. You need to act when you want to act, can't have something autoact at a particular time. You can use BetTimer though.
6) You have Stars Assistant to do it already but still like this feature? I don't get it. Are you trying to avoid using Stars Assistant for some reason? Or does it not click all the pop-ups for you?
7) Don't know about this.
8) Click around on the big threads/search this forum, multiple scripts do this.
9) Don't know of any scripts for this.
10) Open up Stars and check out the rebuy function.

You really should have done more searching instead of starting this thread, but I've been asking for a lot of help lately so I helped a little. If you search this forum thoroughly and still can't find what you are looking for, post in the quick questions and answers thread found at the top of the forum.


edit: Weird. Didn't think we were already in that thread. Either _dave_ did ninja-moving or I just wasn't paying attention. You're (now?) in the right place.
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01-11-2009 , 08:41 PM
I posted in here to start with. The time bank works fine with stars assistant but if there was like a do it all program then obv I wouldn't need to use stars assistant anymore.
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01-11-2009 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by KeithF40
I posted in here to start with. The time bank works fine with stars assistant but if there was like a do it all program then obv I wouldn't need to use stars assistant anymore.
Yea, my mistake.

There is no do it all program. There are several scripts that autoclick the time bank. Maybe you'll find a script you want to use for another reason that also has the autotimebankclicking.

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01-11-2009 , 09:16 PM
Anyone wanna help me setup FTS and HEM HUD? Will offer some crappy compensation in return.
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01-11-2009 , 09:28 PM
jhsadkfhsakldfhsadkfj hasdfkj

Does anything work in Vista?

I can't get the dealer chat to display the action (yes, I selected Everything under Dealer Messages). Any ideas?

edit: on Stars
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01-11-2009 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by a nonymous
jhsadkfhsakldfhsadkfj hasdfkj

Does anything work in Vista?

I can't get the dealer chat to display the action (yes, I selected Everything under Dealer Messages). Any ideas?

edit: on Stars
You gotta be dealt in the hand to see this now, they changed things to confuse dataminers IIRC
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01-11-2009 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_
You gotta be dealt in the hand to see this now, they changed things to confuse dataminers IIRC
ohhh that makes sense. Just assumed it had to be a problem w/ Vista due to the timing. tyty
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01-11-2009 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by a nonymous
It's working now but only for folders, Stars tables and lobby don't snap at all. wtf
I tried the old non 64 version and it works. If there's a reason I shouldn't be using this, let me know, but as far as I can tell I no longer need help w/ this. ty
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01-11-2009 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by a nonymous
I tried the old non 64 version and it works. If there's a reason I shouldn't be using this, let me know, but as far as I can tell I no longer need help w/ this. ty
Nevermind, I just found out why I shouldn't use it. Worked after I installed it but then I restarted and it froze my entire computer when I launched it.

Anyone have the 64 version working? Anything I can try? Ty.

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