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postgres upgrade - did I just completely F myself in the A postgres upgrade - did I just completely F myself in the A

08-08-2008 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by teddyFBI
Instructions here:


From what i understand (and dave can correct if wrong), u can have 8.0 and 8.2 co-existing peacefully and running at the same time, with PT using 8.0 and HEM using 8.2. Read this whole thread -should have all the info u need

My SQL 8.3 is for HM, and my SQL 8.2 (on port 5433) is for my PTO and PTS DB's.
postgres upgrade - did I just completely F myself in the A Quote
08-08-2008 , 07:16 PM
Ok I've installed 8.2.9 and put it on port 5433 (8.0 is on 5432).

How can I move the HEM db I had on 8.0 over to 8.2? Is this even necessary? Thanks very much for the help, I'm hoping this fixes the problem. This whole thing has been super life tilting.
postgres upgrade - did I just completely F myself in the A Quote
08-08-2008 , 07:19 PM
^^^ read this entire thread. Dave explains exactly how to do that above.

EDIT: oh wait, i see u want to move the 8.0 HEM DB over to 8.2...Dave's advice was about how to convert PT 8.0 DBs to PT 8.2 DBs.

TBH, if i were u (and b/c it doesn't sound like ur DB is all that big), i'd just completely zap ur existing 8.0 HEM DB and re-import them all into a new 8.2 DB.

Given the errors that u and i had during the import process with 8.0 HEM, i wouldn't be surprised if some data got lost or corrupted. Why not play it safe and reimport everything overnight.
postgres upgrade - did I just completely F myself in the A Quote
08-08-2008 , 07:26 PM
Ah ok. I will just start a new DB and reimport the HEM hands and the hands I want from PT. This should be easy enough for a noob like me.
postgres upgrade - did I just completely F myself in the A Quote
08-08-2008 , 07:51 PM
I've managed to import my played hands from my HEM processed files folder and have exported the played/observed hands I want over from PT, but how do I export the observed hands off my 8.0 db? Again, thanks for the help.
postgres upgrade - did I just completely F myself in the A Quote
08-08-2008 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by jgunnip
I've managed to import my played hands from my HEM processed files folder and have exported the played/observed hands I want over from PT, but how do I export the observed hands off my 8.0 db? Again, thanks for the help.

Options > DB Management > Connect > Export Hands

That will export ALL hands from HM

Or just run DBControlPanel.exe - instead of launching hm first.
postgres upgrade - did I just completely F myself in the A Quote
08-09-2008 , 12:14 PM
Looks like I'm not out of the woods just yet wrt the nuking of all my DBs (which I've since recovered, thx to this thread). The last frontier: PAHUD...i hadn't started PAHUD since the beginning of this ordeal, and once i got PT2 up and running again like it had been before the nuking, I figured I was out of the woods. But when I started up PAHUD, it gave me a series of 9 consecutive errors, which all looked like this (1 error window popping up after another corresponding to each of the DBs i have PAHUD configured to read from)

What does this mean? I don't really understand, given that after I reinstalled 8.0, i figured that everything would have 'gone back' to the way it had been before without missing a step. I even used PAHUD's "update DB cache" feature, and it quickly returned a msg saying "update complete"...i want to get PAHUD to recognize my DBs again without having to recreate the entire Cache DB (a process that takes close to 16 hrs w/ all my big DBs).

EDIT: I think I figured out what was going's more 8.2 vs. 8.0 drama; i hadn't yet changed the port # for 8.2, so 8.0 and 8.2 couldn't run concurrently, and i had 8.2 running, which PAHUD (and sixthsense) wasn't recognizing properly. i shut down 8.2 and started 8.0 and they started working again. So i bet i just have to change the port so they both run side by side.

Last edited by teddyFBI; 08-09-2008 at 12:29 PM.
postgres upgrade - did I just completely F myself in the A Quote
