Originally Posted by CannibalCrowley
Just started having the same problem, any solutions?
You can blame the auto windows updates. :mad;
First try a simple reboot.
If no help, try this:
Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Stop Service
Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Start Service
If you have Vista, please verify that UAC is still off. -
http://www.holdemmanager.net/faq/afmmain.aspx?faqid=73. If it is on, please turn it off and reboot.
Add exceptions to the windows firewall, even if it is off. If you have a 3rd party firewall, uninstall it completely before installing HM/SQL -
Please try following all of these FAQs, step by step:
If that doesn't help at all we may want to schedule a remote support session to assist you.