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Pokerstars with a gamepad Pokerstars with a gamepad

09-13-2008 , 06:50 AM
Hi I am new here and have a question

I try to get pokerstars work with my gamepad. I use a script for autohotkey but I had some problems with tableactivation, it doesn't work very well at all.

Someone do the same or had a working script? I want multitabling with 4 tables.
I grabbed the following script elsewhere from the internet, it's pretty old (2006)

; AutoHotKey script for PokerStars using a Logitech Dual Action Gamepad
; Hopefully this is easy to read and modify for other gamepads and poker sites

screenwide = 1680 ; right click desktop, click Settings to get screen dimensions
screentall = 1050

tchat = ty ; predefined chat messages for top left direction pad
rchat = nh
lchat = vnh
bchat = nice suck

bet5 = 4 ; NL bet amounts for buttons 5-8 on the gamepad and F keys 5-8 on keyboard
bet6 = 6
bet7 = 10
bet8 = 999999 ; make bet8 big enough and you'll go all-in.
; bet8 also makes you press Bet button to confirm (other 3 are automatic)

bet_on = 0 ; if = 0 then buttons 5-8 navigate to different 4 different corners
; same as bottom right joystick
; if = 1 then buttons 5-8 will bet NL amounts defined above

snum = 1 ; the AHK sleep time (in ms) after each action and loop cycle
; Can adjust to change performance, cpu usage

site = 1 ; 1 = pokerstars default window size 2 = stars smallest window size

Process, Priority, , High

if site = 1
fold1 = 450
fold2 = 510
fold3 = 530
call1 = 600
call2 = 530
call3 = 510
bet1 = 680
bet2 = 530
nlwin1 = 635
nlwin2 = 480
t0 = 2
tl1 = 75
tr1 = 105
bl1 = 50
br1 = 50
nlrb1 = 410
nlrb2 = 80
nlrb3 = 250
nlrb4 = 50
nlrb5 = 90
nlrb6 = 230
nlrb7 = 100
nlrb8 = 430
nlrb9 = 180
nlrb10 = 100
ap1 = 15
ap2 = 422
cb1 = 15
cb2 = 474
slidel1 = 685
slidel2 = 480
slider1 = 775
slider2 = 480
edge = 5
else if site = 2
fold1 = 260
fold2 = 315
fold3 = 330
call1 = 340
call2 = 330
call3 = 315
bet1 = 420
bet2 = 330
nlwin1 = 380
nlwin2 = 300
t0 = 2
tl1 = 75
tr1 = 105
bl1 = 50
br1 = 50
nlrb1 = 240
nlrb2 = 60
nlrb3 = 270
nlrb4 = 50
nlrb5 = 90
nlrb6 = 230
nlrb7 = 100
nlrb8 = 430
nlrb9 = 180
nlrb10 = 100
ap1 = 15
ap2 = 268
cb1 = 15
cb2 = 300
slidel1 = 410
slidel2 = 300
slider1 = 470
slider2 = 300
edge = 5

; Auto-detect the joystick number

if JoystickNumber <= 0
Loop 32 ; Query each joystick number to find out which ones exist.
GetKeyState, JoyName, %A_Index%JoyName
if JoyName <>
JoystickNumber = %A_Index%
if JoystickNumber <= 0
MsgBox The system does not appear to have any joysticks.

GetKeyState, joy_buttons, %JoystickNumber%JoyButtons
GetKeyState, joy_info, %JoystickNumber%JoyInfo

; the big loop that never ends

buttons_down =
Loop, %joy_buttons%
GetKeyState, joy%a_index%, %JoystickNumber%joy%a_index%
if joy%a_index% = D
buttons_down = B%a_index%#
GetKeyState, joyx, %JoystickNumber%JoyX
axis_info = X%joyx%
xnum = %joyx%
GetKeyState, joyy, %JoystickNumber%JoyY
ynum = %joyy%
IfInString, joy_info, Z
GetKeyState, joyz, %JoystickNumber%JoyZ
znum = %joyz%
IfInString, joy_info, R
GetKeyState, joyr, %JoystickNumber%JoyR
rnum = %joyr%
IfInString, joy_info, U
GetKeyState, joyu, %JoystickNumber%JoyU
unum = %joyu%
IfInString, joy_info, V
GetKeyState, joyv, %JoystickNumber%JoyV
vnum = %joyv%
IfInString, joy_info, P
GetKeyState, joyp, %JoystickNumber%JoyPOV
pnum = %joyp%

; function keys

GetKeyState, stateF2, F2, P ; Fold
if stateF2 = D ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, fold1, fold2
MouseClick, left, fold1, fold3
sleep, snum
GetKeyState, stateF3, F3, P ; Check/Call
if stateF3 = D ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, call1, call2
MouseClick, left, call1, call3
sleep, snum
GetKeyState, stateF4, F4, P ; Bet/Raise
if stateF4 = D ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, bet1, bet2
sleep, snum
GetKeyState, stateF5, F5, P ; bet #5
if stateF5 = D ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, nlwin1, nlwin2
Send {DEL 8}
Send %bet5%{Enter}
sleep, snum
GetKeyState, stateF6, F6, P ; bet #6
if stateF6 = D ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, nlwin1, nlwin2
Send {DEL 8}
Send %bet6%{Enter}
sleep, snum
GetKeyState, stateF7, F7, P ; bet #7
if stateF7 = D ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, nlwin1, nlwin2
Send {DEL 8}
Send %bet7%{Enter}
sleep, snum
GetKeyState, stateF8, F8, P ; bet #8
if stateF8 = D ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, nlwin1, nlwin2
Send {DEL 8}
Send %bet8%
sleep, snum
GetKeyState, stateF9, F9, P ; NL Rebuy
if stateF9 = D ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, nlrb1, nlrb2
sleep, 400
MouseClick, left, nlrb3, nlrb4
Sleep, 400
MouseClick, left, nlrb5, nlrb6
MouseClick, left, nlrb7, nlrb8
Sleep, 400
MouseClick, left, nlrb9, nlrb10
sleep, snum
GetKeyState, stateF10, F10, P ; auto-post blinds
if stateF10 = D ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, ap1, ap2
sleep, snum
GetKeyState, stateF11, F11, P ; clear NL bet amt
if stateF11 = D ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, nlwin1, nlwin2
Send {DEL 8}
sleep, snum

; gamepad buttons

If buttons_down = B1# ; Fold
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, fold1, fold2
MouseClick, left, fold1, fold3
sleep, snum
else if buttons_down = B2# ; Check/Call
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, call1, call2
MouseClick, left, call1, call3
sleep, snum
else if buttons_down = B3# ; Bet/Raise
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, bet1, bet2
sleep, snum
else if buttons_down = B4# ; Clear NL Bet Amount
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, nlwin1, nlwin2
Send {DEL 8}
sleep, snum
else if buttons_down = B5# ; Top Left
if bet_on = 0 ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
MouseClick, left, edge, tl1, t0
sleep, snum
else if bet_on = 1 ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, nlwin1, nlwin2
Send {DEL 8}
Send %bet5%{Enter}
sleep, snum
else if buttons_down = B6# ; Top Right
if bet_on = 0 ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
MouseClick, left, screenwide-edge, tr1, t0
sleep, snum
else if bet_on = 1 ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, nlwin1, nlwin2
Send {DEL 8}
Send %bet6%{Enter}
sleep, snum
else if buttons_down = B7# ; Bottom Left
if bet_on = 0 ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
MouseClick, left, edge, screentall-bl1, t0
sleep, snum
else if bet_on = 1 ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, nlwin1, nlwin2
Send {DEL 8}
Send %bet7%{Enter}
sleep, snum
else if buttons_down = B8# ; Bottom Right
if bet_on = 0 ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
MouseClick, left, screenwide-edge, screentall-br1, t0
sleep, snum
else if bet_on = 1 ;
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, nlwin1, nlwin2
Send {DEL 8}
Send %bet8%
sleep, snum
else if buttons_down = B9# ; NL Rebuy
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, nlrb1, nlrb2
sleep, 400
MouseClick, left, nlrb3, nlrb4
Sleep, 400
MouseClick, left, nlrb5, nlrb6
MouseClick, left, nlrb7, nlrb8
Sleep, 400
MouseClick, left, nlrb9, nlrb10
sleep, snum
else if buttons_down = B10# ; Auto-post Blinds
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, ap1, ap2
sleep, snum
else if buttons_down = B11# ; Switch Apps
sleep, snum
else if buttons_down = B12# ; Switch Apps
sleep, snum

; bottom right joystick for window selection

else If (znum < 30) and (rnum < 30) ; top left
Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
MouseClick, left, edge, tl1, t0
sleep, snum
else If (znum > 40 and znum < 60) and (rnum < 30) ; top middle
Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
MouseClick, left, screenwide / 2, tl1, t0
sleep, snum
else If (znum > 70) and (rnum < 30) ; top right
Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
MouseClick, left, screenwide-edge, tr1, t0
sleep, snum
else If (znum < 30) and (rnum > 40 and rnum < 60) ; middle left
Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
MouseClick, left, edge, screentall / 2, t0
sleep, snum
else If (znum > 70) and (rnum > 40 and rnum < 60) ; middle right
Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
MouseClick, left, screenwide - edge, screentall / 2, t0
sleep, snum
else If (znum < 30) and (rnum > 70) ; bottom left
Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
MouseClick, left, edge, screentall-bl1, t0
sleep, snum
else If (znum > 40 and znum < 60) and (rnum > 70) ; bottom middle
Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
MouseClick, left, screenwide / 2, screentall-bl1, t0
sleep, snum
else If (znum > 70) and (rnum > 70) ; bottom right
Coordmode, Mouse, Screen
MouseClick, left, screenwide-edge, screentall-br1, t0
sleep, snum

; top left direction pad for chat

else If pnum = 0 ; top
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, cb1, cb2
MouseClick, left, cb1, cb2
Send {DEL 12}
Send %tchat%{Enter}
sleep, snum
else If pnum = 9000 ; right
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, cb1, cb2
MouseClick, left, cb1, cb2
Send {DEL 12}
Send %rchat%{Enter}
sleep, snum
else If pnum = 18000 ; bottom
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, cb1, cb2
MouseClick, left, cb1, cb2
Send {DEL 12}
Send %bchat%{Enter}
sleep, snum
else If pnum = 27000 ; left
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, cb1, cb2
MouseClick, left, cb1, cb2
Send {DEL 12}
Send %lchat%{Enter}
sleep, snum

; bottom left joystick up/down for scrolling (ie web browsing), left/right for NL slider

else if ynum < 30 ; scroll up
Send {PgUp}
sleep, snum
else if ynum > 70 ; scroll down
Send {PgDn}
sleep, snum
else If xnum < 30 ; NL slider left
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, slidel1, slidel2
sleep, snum
else If xnum > 70 ; NL slider right
Coordmode, Mouse, Relative
MouseClick, left, slider1, slider2
sleep, snum

sleep, snum

} ; the end of the big loop


; The End. not bad eh? 7/14/2006
Pokerstars with a gamepad Quote
09-13-2008 , 07:29 AM
I use a combination of the Pokerpad AHK script and Xpadder.

The pokerpad script has all the hotkeys I need and Xpadder is a program which allows me to assign any keyboard key or any combination of keys to any button or axis on the gamepad.

Hope this helps.
Pokerstars with a gamepad Quote
09-13-2008 , 10:32 AM
Search for Table Navigator. It is brilliant.
Pokerstars with a gamepad Quote
10-04-2008 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by luke277
I use a combination of the Pokerpad AHK script and Xpadder.

The pokerpad script has all the hotkeys I need and Xpadder is a program which allows me to assign any keyboard key or any combination of keys to any button or axis on the gamepad.

Hope this helps.
xpadder works great!

Someone have a solution for partypoker. It doesn't work for me and i am not able to add some hotkeys to my gamepad with xpadder. They wont work!
Pokerstars with a gamepad Quote
10-04-2008 , 08:40 PM
most modern game controller software have keymappers where you can map gamepad buttons to keys. doing that, I have been able to use the L and R triggers along with betpot script to automate bet sizing as well as having an all-in button and a reload button. Pretty sweet when used with starsassistant which moves your mouse to the table awaiting action.
Pokerstars with a gamepad Quote
