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Poker Ace Hud And UB Poker Ace Hud And UB

10-30-2007 , 05:54 PM
Is there any way to make Poker Ace Hud work correctly with the updates? The stats are not being shown in the correct place when I resize the tables.. or an estimation of when this can be expected?

Also anything happening with the Hand histories? (They are written to hard drive now)
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-30-2007 , 07:00 PM
he will get around to it I'm sure if you let him know

As far as the HHs go, PT can't even import the [censored] things until I close the tables b/c UB doesn't give PT access to the files
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-30-2007 , 07:39 PM
Have you tried Realtime?
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-30-2007 , 08:40 PM
Should I interject ads for my program in threads asking for help on yours?

I'll get a fix for this out shortly. The hand histories are a godsend, as working with the HH window is tedious and error prone.
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-30-2007 , 09:05 PM
Should I interject ads for my program in threads asking for help on yours?

I'll get a fix for this out shortly. The hand histories are a godsend, as working with the HH window is tedious and error prone.
is there some way to give PT access to the HHs or is it on UBs end?

What happens is...UB creates the file, I try to scan it with PT, it recognizes it, and then PT says it cannot import b/c it can't access the file. As soon as tables are closed all is good.
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-30-2007 , 10:00 PM
That means that the UB software is keeping the file locked. I suggest complaining to UB to fix this problem. It shouldn't keep the file locked just to write a hand history every minute or so.
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-31-2007 , 12:27 PM
Hopefully youll look at this thread again but I was just curious if you could also look at the disappearing cards problem?
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-31-2007 , 01:04 PM
Disappearing cards problem?
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-31-2007 , 04:34 PM
same thing, when I have PAhud open my cards sometimes disappear
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-31-2007 , 05:19 PM
Can you post a screenshot?
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-31-2007 , 05:38 PM
Disappearing cards problem?

Ive seen its been releated to your software not sure though

Its fairly random and minizing and re opening the tables displays the cards again.
see my picture in the link
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-31-2007 , 06:28 PM
Yeah this happens to me aswell. Only with PA on.

sometimes clicking another table then back to that table will make the cards re-appear. dont always work though
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-31-2007 , 09:04 PM
Can anyone say if this has happened when PA Hud was not running? This seems too weird to be caused by PA Hud.
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-31-2007 , 09:17 PM
I do not think this is happening because of PA Hud. And if you resize the table, even a little bit, they show up again. I just tried to play and here is the problem. The hh window I open for the table I'm at is for some other random table. I have no idea why but that is why PA is displaying stats in the wrong place right now. I have played after the update and everything in terms of importing was working. I don't know what happened between yesterday and today but I don't like it.
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
10-31-2007 , 09:35 PM
anyone using windows vista with UB? I haven't tried pahud yet I definetely will but my problem right now is that UB software is not saving the hands because ?? I don't have My documents/????

In vista you dont have documents & settings/user/mydocs......
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
11-01-2007 , 02:49 PM
Dear Jeff_B
Thank you very much for contacting us!

We know that your time is valuable, and we appreciate the fact that you invested some of it to let us know about this situation.

We are aware of the situation and the feedback you provided us about these features will be sent to our Software Developers so they can take a closer look.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance or additional information.

Best regards,

UltimateBet ~ Customer Support
'The Ultimate Poker Experience'

Ensure the security of your account! Never give out your password and change it frequently!

Got that reply from UB today.
And there was an update earlier today that was not listed on their web page so maybe it was a fix.
Dont really have time to put hands in. Might not have be PokerAce after all.

still defiently need the resizeable tables working obviously.
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
11-01-2007 , 05:55 PM
The UB update works with Vista, it puts the HH in a folder called "My Hand Histories" in the User/Documents/ folder. I have also used PAH with the new update and still use it to import HH into Poker Tracker because I think UB locks the HH file it saves to your hard drive until you close the client. This prevents PT from importing the HH files. The only problem I have had with PAH is that the stats don't adjust when you resize the tables, but I think Josh at PA is aware of the issue and working on an update.
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
08-16-2008 , 02:20 PM
guessing this is still a problem...
- UB still locking HH files until client is closed
Poker Ace Hud And UB Quote
