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PA Hud lag....Suggestion Please?!?!?! PA Hud lag....Suggestion Please?!?!?!

07-11-2008 , 12:07 AM
I was browsing through the prefecences tab of paHAD, trying to find some option that would alleviate the unbearable lag on full tilt. I tried adjusting every setting and option but the lag never decreases. I even upgraded my RAM and noticed very miniscule changes.

Does anyone have any tips on improving the performance of PAHud+ Full Tilt without adding tons of additional hardware?

Also can someone explain what exactly is the purpose of a cache, and would creating one increase performance of Hud?
PA Hud lag....Suggestion Please?!?!?! Quote
07-11-2008 , 01:40 AM
More info bro, how many tables are you playing, how many HH's in your DB, what tracker are you using, Poker Tracker2? If so, do you have Postgres? The cache is a must BTW if your DB is of a decent size, in simple terms I guess it stops PAH going round and round through data unnecessarily. PAH and FTP was bad for me at one point when I used it, but getting my computer right got it firing pretty well.
PA Hud lag....Suggestion Please?!?!?! Quote
07-11-2008 , 05:11 AM
Usually I play between 3-6 tables. It is indeed PT2 and I have not converted to Postgres. What would be the benefits of doing so?

My Ring game database I have 10,594 players and my total hands are 55,838. Im not exactly sure how many HH I have imported.

Should I consider doing some conversion with my database and creating a cache on my Hud?
PA Hud lag....Suggestion Please?!?!?! Quote
07-11-2008 , 05:23 AM
Certainly try enabling the cache - this will speed up stat retrieval.
Also make sure you are running the latest PAH version 1.19.6.
Do you have other stuff running on your computer that could be slowing things down?
PA Hud lag....Suggestion Please?!?!?! Quote
07-11-2008 , 06:08 AM
The longer you put off installing Postgres, the longer it takes when you do It runs a lot better better and the maintenance is easy and is built in to Poker Tracker. If you mean that you have 55,000 of your own hands then yes, I'd do it as soon as you have the time. The conversion is pretty easy and is pretty well documented on the old PT forum.
PA Hud lag....Suggestion Please?!?!?! Quote
07-11-2008 , 08:54 AM
Thanks a lot for the input! I dont mean to sound ignorant but what is the diff. between the default PT2 database and Postgres?

Also, should I do a cache on HUD before or after I convert my database?
PA Hud lag....Suggestion Please?!?!?! Quote
07-11-2008 , 12:04 PM
You might as well cache PAH if you can't do the whole operation in the immediate future, you should get a performance lift from that- might take a couple of hours first time, might even be best to let it run overnight, depends on your PC I guess. If you only want to do it occasionally then just set it not to cache each time you open PAH. The database that PT works with by default is the Microsoft standard DB called Access. Postgres is capable of handling loads more data than it, the trackers that are coming out at the moment can run 10-20 million hand databases where access gets the wobbles in the low hundreds of thousands. I guess when they design standard PC's they aren't planing on the average customer doing what Poker players do
PA Hud lag....Suggestion Please?!?!?! Quote
