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Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods

06-29-2009 , 01:36 PM
Could one of you Photoshop guys do me a quick favor since Im clearly ******ed. I am trying to make the top part of this image file transparent to make the box around the players' names smaller like some of you have done. However it keeps coming out as white like this:

I have even googled for Photoshop help. It sounds so easy to make it transparent. I have spent about two hours trying to do it so as I say there is clearly something wrong with me. If anyone could spare a moment that would be really great. Here is the file:

Many thanks.
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
06-29-2009 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Ratamahatta
I edited folders and everything but it's not working. I am playing on RedKings and I guess it's not working because of this line:

WinWait, Tower Gaming - Welcome

What shall I change it to? There are no welcome messages at RedKings.
My script for RedKings is the following:


SkinName=RedKings Poker
SkinPath="insert path here"
TableImageSourceFile="insert path and filename here"

;Code starts here

Run, StartRedKingsPoker, %SkinPath%

WinWait, %SkinName% - Welcome

FileDelete, %SkinPath%\%DestinationFileName%
FileCopy, %TableImageSourceFile%, %SkinPath%\%DestinationFileName%


Easier with the %...%'s
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
06-29-2009 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by LuhankaDonk
My script for RedKings is the following:


SkinName=RedKings Poker
SkinPath="insert path here"
TableImageSourceFile="insert path and filename here"

;Code starts here

Run, StartRedKingsPoker, %SkinPath%

WinWait, %SkinName% - Welcome

FileDelete, %SkinPath%\%DestinationFileName%
FileCopy, %TableImageSourceFile%, %SkinPath%\%DestinationFileName%


Easier with the %...%'s
I changed everything and it didn't work, an error message said that there are illegal characters. But then when I removed most of %'s it worked. So thanks a lot!
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
06-29-2009 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by PalcekSmuk
No, the table always opens 800x600 size. That would be so nice if it remembered the previous size ..
Just AHK like
winwait, table#
winmove habla habla habla,,,, x,y

and its done.
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
06-30-2009 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by AssFrister
Here is the file:

Many thanks.
That file seems to be already transparent (the white part), you can check it by puting it in a dark background PowerPoint file, for example.

Anyway, I've done the process again, try this one:


Last edited by corpcd; 06-30-2009 at 11:35 AM.
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
06-30-2009 , 11:52 AM
This is really weird. Thank you for that file. It looks fine when I open it in paint as below:

But then when I put it back into the .swf file I get this same problem:

Do I even have the right idea here? Is transparency the way you guys are making the box appear smaller? It seems like the client cant even "show" transparency just like a .jpg cant. This is driving me mad now. WTF am I not doing right?
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
06-30-2009 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by gorlom
is there a possibility to turn off all sounds except the "your turn" and "wake up" sound?
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
06-30-2009 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by AssFrister
This is really weird. Thank you for that file. It looks fine when I open it in paint as below:

But then when I put it back into the .swf file I get this same problem:

Do I even have the right idea here? Is transparency the way you guys are making the box appear smaller? It seems like the client cant even "show" transparency just like a .jpg cant. This is driving me mad now. WTF am I not doing right?
Try not to copy this image but actually download it

Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
06-30-2009 , 06:35 PM
Thank you thank you thank you Any idea what the hell I was doing wrong?
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
06-30-2009 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by icecld
Vingte, I registered here because of your great Ongame mod,
which makes me love to play there (almost), it is like playing on fulltilt w/o the sharks :-)

I dont know if you still work on it, but if yes I would be really grateful to see 2 more changes, only to make it really PERFECT:

1) sizing these large box frames into smaller ones around the player name (as we could see in other mods) these stupid original ones (by ongame) basically hide the cards!!!
2) the fold-check-raise buttons could get some shiny color instead of black while popping up (like orange) , it could serve well while multitabling as they attract your eyes

Please report to us if there is any hope :-)
Many thx!

Hey, here it is with the box smaller. I did not do the buttons though im afraid. I suck with photoshop as you can see above.
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-01-2009 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by AssFrister
Hey, here it is with the box smaller. I did not do the buttons though im afraid. I suck with photoshop as you can see above.
Hey AssFrister, it is great, works just as it should!
Thanks for your effort!
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-01-2009 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by AssFrister
Thank you thank you thank you Any idea what the hell I was doing wrong?
I am not sure
Your image was with 100% transparent white
I made it 100% transparent black

Maybe the difference in colors
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-01-2009 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Emwi
Just AHK like
winwait, table#
winmove habla habla habla,,,, x,y

and its done.
Sory, I just know litle about AHK... but it is possible to open tables always the same size (smaller than it actually opens)? And without the chat?
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-01-2009 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by LordDogs
Sory, I just know litle about AHK... but it is possible to open tables always the same size (smaller than it actually opens)? And without the chat?
Just minimizes the table and remove chat
Loop {
WinWait, Table #
WinMove,Table #, ,, ,510,393

Minimize, Remove and stacks the tables in pos x=0, Y=0
Loop {
WinWait, Table #
WinMove,Table #, ,0,0 ,510,393

works for sngs..
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-01-2009 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Emwi
Just minimizes the table and remove chat
Loop {
WinWait, Table #
WinMove,Table #, ,, ,510,393

Minimize, Remove and stacks the tables in pos x=0, Y=0
Loop {
WinWait, Table #
WinMove,Table #, ,0,0 ,510,393

works for sngs..
works only for sngs, but I just want it to sngs to

Great work, Thank You
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-01-2009 , 03:00 PM
Is there any easy way to block your account balance when you buy-in? I really like the not having your account balance in the lobby feature but having it show when you try and by-in makes it a bit pointless.
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-01-2009 , 03:35 PM
Garak, post it in the thread in the Zoo started by the Hollywood rep. He is hearing feature requests.
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-01-2009 , 03:55 PM
Its amazin how many good looking table can be found

Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-01-2009 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by LordDogs
works only for sngs, but I just want it to sngs to

Great work, Thank You
Ill sort something better out during this night.. At work and nothing to do. Will get it working for both,
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-01-2009 , 09:19 PM
I've been trying to figure out how to disable all the action text (raise, fold muck etc.). It clutters the table and is not really necessary imo. I've been digging through the XML file, but haven't found anything that works yet. Anyone got an idea how to do this?
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-02-2009 , 04:33 AM
Finally figured it out, just edit the lang-en.xml file and insert a space instead of the action text. You need to copy the language files every time you start up the client, in the same way the TableImages.swf file is copied every time.
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-02-2009 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by SzS
Its amazin how many good looking table can be found

Amazing indeed ... But where???? :-)
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-02-2009 , 07:08 AM
Hey, guys, when you resize the table to minimum, doesn`t the dealer button cover Hero`s whole cards at some positions?
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-02-2009 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by icecld
Amazing indeed ... But where???? :-)
Here is the first in 2 version with M4TTs KEM cards and one of Fozzys and Bar Nuthin's decks and wit mine Advert Hybrid
Use at your own risk I just played around with this yesterday


Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
07-02-2009 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by _Vice_
Hey, guys, when you resize the table to minimum, doesn`t the dealer button cover Hero`s whole cards at some positions?
it does....
Ongame , some not professionally made ported mods Quote
