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Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension

01-05-2009 , 11:46 AM
love this, good job
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
01-05-2009 , 05:27 PM
Bug fix release v1.2.1, including:

- Forum formatting issue with ten-ranked cards.
- Forum formatting issue with pot totals with decimals.
- Stack size floats are now rounded properly
- Stack sizes are currency-converted (so 5.1 now displays as 5.10)

get it from the normal page on
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
01-05-2009 , 05:32 PM
albin: I tested a variety of game types including omaha and the 'simulate' always showed when appropriate (with 2 or more known hands to evaluate). If you've got a certain hand this isn't working, let me know.

Idolatrous: i looked in to 5CD and i remember now why i never added support - because it seems to me the original format is incorrect.

an original hand looks like this:

zdomini calls $0.25, xaxas21r calls $0.25, jeanchris2 checks, candideloic bets $0.75, zdomini calls $0.75, xaxas21r calls $0.75, jeanchris2 folds.

candideloic changes 6C for 6S.

zdomini changes 5D for QH, zdomini changes 3H for 2C, zdomini changes 7S for 9S, xaxas21r changes AC for 6H, candideloic checks, zdomini checks, xaxas21r checks.

Now i don't play 5CD, but shouldn't all those "xxx changes y for z" lines be in the "draw" section rather than the "post-draw"? i.e. it should go

zdomini calls $0.25, xaxas21r calls $0.25, jeanchris2 checks, candideloic bets $0.75, zdomini calls $0.75, xaxas21r calls $0.75, jeanchris2 folds.

candideloic changes 6C for 6S, zdomini changes 5D for QH, zdomini changes 3H for 2C, zdomini changes 7S for 9S, xaxas21r changes AC for 6H.

candideloic checks, zdomini checks, xaxas21r checks.

Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
01-05-2009 , 05:41 PM
anyway to have it so when you copy hand to clipboard for 2p2 it doesnt include the green text with bigblinds?
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
01-05-2009 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by ADK
anyway to have it so when you copy hand to clipboard for 2p2 it doesnt include the green text with bigblinds?
No problem, new version 1.2.2 is online with option to turn off the bbs in forum output.
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
01-06-2009 , 06:45 PM
cool man cheers!

your the guy that figured out the ram disk trick right? any idea why it doesnt work for me on vista? i install it and it asks me to reboot, on reboot it says the drive is unaccessible by windows and may be corrupt. ive googled' non stop but cant find an answer! happened on xp aswell (just formatted today)
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
01-06-2009 , 07:10 PM
couple of thoughts:

is the drive you selected (R taken by anything else?
are you using the default settings? you're not creating a really big drive are you? (leave 32mb default)
are you running the program under admin (vista)?
have you got any anti-virus or firewall protection that may prohibit the driver being installed? disable any monitoring services you may have
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
01-06-2009 , 07:45 PM
yes to all! disabled anti virus still no luck. ive got a new one called superspeed ramplus, its working for now, going to reboot in a sec so i'll see how it goes!
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
01-06-2009 , 08:17 PM
Get v1.2.3 which fixes a couple more small formatting bugs introduced with the bb change i made in 1.2.2.
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
01-28-2009 , 11:57 PM
this doesn't work for me at all. i can't figure out why it wouldn't

other add-ons i use in firefox are ubiquity and noscript. i also use a mac.

errr :/
dunno what to say to help
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
02-10-2009 , 05:57 PM
great work, very usefull!

can we have the rake too?

thanks, have a nice day
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
02-19-2009 , 08:46 AM
3 words sweeeet sweeeet sweeet...2 more love it

thank you sir
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
02-19-2009 , 11:08 AM
I'm getting the following error (started a couple of days ago iirc)

Error: ar is null
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
02-20-2009 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Banzai
I'm getting the following error (started a couple of days ago iirc)

Error: ar is null
Working fine again now.
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
02-20-2009 , 11:28 AM
Looks like a great program.
Any chance for iPoker support?
I play a lot of PLO there and your add on would be awesome for that (Equity calcs ect.).
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
02-21-2009 , 10:05 PM
hey great program, thanks op
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
02-23-2009 , 07:51 AM
- Banzai, not sure what your problem was, glad it fixed itself
- There is currently an outstanding issue with hands where one of the BBs is forced all in from posting the blind. When i get a chance, i'll get that fixed.
- @HPR1978 - not really, ipoker doesn't have HTML hand histories online, does it? so i'm not sure how you would want it to work (although i've never played at ipoker, so i could be wrong)
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
02-27-2009 , 04:38 AM
thanks man that is very nice of you indeed. Run for president or something
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
05-14-2009 , 11:15 PM
No update for the new format (ie bwin) ?
Also, site seems down, no way to dl the extention.
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
05-15-2009 , 11:54 AM
If you provide a link to the new format HHs, I can take a look.

The extension can still be downloaded directly at:
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
06-12-2009 , 09:54 AM
we can not give you a link for new hand histiory (P5)

it opens a windows wich is not firefox, and we can no use Ctr C / Ctr V to copy it

we are well used to your nice hand history, it will be bad if we have to go back to old times

so if you can do something we would be very gald

thanks have a nice day

edit here they are, same format as before i believe but not open with firefox

View Previous Next

played at "Kota Bhoro" for USD PM from 2009-06-12 05:29 until 2009-06-12 05:50

Seat 3: paataa90 ($50 in chips)
Seat 5: lezajshk19 ($76.63 in chips)
Seat 6: Misoxx123 ($56.26 in chips)
Seat 7: uhu1515 ($57.97 in chips)
Seat 8: wesllenen69 ($131.65 in chips)

wesllenen69 posts blind ($0.25), paataa90 posts blind ($0.50).

lezajshk19 calls $0.50, Misoxx123 calls $0.50, uhu1515 folds, wesllenen69 calls $0.50, paataa90 raises to $3, lezajshk19 folds, Misoxx123 calls $3, wesllenen69 calls $3.

FLOP [board cards: 6D,7S,AC ]
wesllenen69 folds, paataa90 checks, Misoxx123 bets $0.50, paataa90 calls $0.50.

TURN [board cards: 6D,7S,AC,QD ]
paataa90 checks, Misoxx123 bets $0.50, paataa90 calls $0.50.

RIVER [board cards: 6D,7S,AC,QD,2S ]
paataa90 checks, Misoxx123 checks.

paataa90 shows [ TD,JH ]
Misoxx123 shows [ 6C,8H ]
Misoxx123 wins $10.93.

Dealer: uhu1515
Pot: $11.50, (including rake: $0.57)
paataa90, loses $4
lezajshk19, loses $0.50
Misoxx123, bets $4, collects $10.93, net $6.93
uhu1515, loses $0
wesllenen69, loses $3

Last edited by rohan68; 06-12-2009 at 10:02 AM.
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
06-28-2009 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by Hood
If you provide a link to the new format HHs, I can take a look.
Examples of new handhistories: (Texas Hold'em) (Omaha)

You can see URLs in the Ongame browser by right-clicking and selecting Properties.

By modifying the Links.xml file, it is possible to open the hand histories in stand-alone browser windows (just add showInExternalBrowser="true").

For starters, I made the following fixes to your script:

1. script-compiler.js:47: changed the regexp to /https?:\/\/...

2. ongamehandhistoryviewer.js:1207,1211: changed regexps to ...posts (?:small )?blind... and ...posts (?:big )?blind...

Other changes are likely needed too, for example test the hand #R5-728935-1.
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
06-29-2009 , 01:14 AM
Hood, and others who use this extension, important Q for you:

I'm just discovering this thread for the first time and it looks like an awesome tool. But there's a potentially troubling concern tied to something Ongame used to do, but I don't know if they still do:

They USED to lock your account if you requested too many HHs in the browser. I know this because there used to be a datamining tool that grabbed HHs by simply opening up a recent HH, writing the content to file, then pressing the "back" link, writing that HH, and so on and so on. So basically, you could activate it, and then go to sleep and by morning, the dataminer would have basically mined HHs 'in reverse'. Problem soon arose, though, when the Ongame skin locked my account, and I was told that it was because I had queried their server too much.

After discussing it with a few other players, it seemed that they had some sort of automated system in place whereby if you requested more than 100 HHs in any day, it simply locked your account, I guess figuring that something shady must be going on. The BS part of it all was that it would apparently lock your account even if the 100 HH requests were 'legitimate', i.e. from a marathon session rather than from a 3rd-party datamining tool (which I guess they frowned upon).

So anyway, if this firefox extension continuously requests HHs from the browser, I'd be a little worried about tripping that automatic seems, after all, as if it's requesting every single HH to be displayed in the you'd quickly get to 100 (if that was, indeed, the threshold for account-locking.)

As I said, though, I'm just discovering this thread, and it appears that your users were using it for a good few months, so if no one reported any account lockings or other problem, it's possible that Ongame simply got rid of that function...just wanted to bring it to your attention.
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
06-29-2009 , 11:46 AM
A couple of thoughts:

- I definitely requested more than 100 hhs in a day. Whilst writing the extension i went through hundreds of refreshes a day and received no warning and never had my account locked. However i may not have requested 100 different hands a day. Either way, it's just an extension on the browser so really you shouldn't be at any more risk than not using this than normal. The only exception to this is that in a tourney hand, it does an ajax request in the background to get the first hand of the tourney, to work out how many players in the game. So 1 tourney hand would result in 2 requests.

- Ongame have changed to their new P5 engine, which i think doesn't use the HHs in the browser. Maybe some sites do, i'm not sure. I don't play at ongame any more. But I have a feeling the extension is now pretty redundant, or it will be soon once all rooms switch over to the new system.
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
06-29-2009 , 11:47 AM
I've just seen the two posts above regarding the new format: if i have some time i'll take a look at fixing the hh format. no promises tho as i don't play on ongame any more.

fwiw the format is "open", in that you can extract the extension (its just a zip file), edit the javascript and repackage it. If any one else feels like making these fixes i will happily rehost the extension.
Ongame Hand Histories In Style: The HH firefox extension Quote
