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Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables

05-31-2008 , 04:42 AM
Yep working for me. Do you run it as administrator?
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
05-31-2008 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by bluffingguus
There is a betpot script around at this forum, but I never got it to work.
If you replace this line
ControlSetText, RichEdit20W3, , ahk_class AfxFrameOrView70u ; clear it
ControlSetText, RichEdit20W3, 8, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView70u ; clear it
it always puts in 8 (and of course when you can change 8 to whatever)
I get the fully number to work, but is there a way to get for example 5,5 also? If you use a . (dot) it will put 55 and with , (comma) it just does not work.

Any ideas?
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
05-31-2008 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Treiks
I get the fully number to work, but is there a way to get for example 5,5 also? If you use a . (dot) it will put 55 and with , (comma) it just does not work.

Any ideas?
Do this:

amount := "5,5"
ControlSetText, RichEdit20W3, %amount%, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView70u
Should work. I think you can also put "5,5" directly at the place op %amount%, but I'm not sure.
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
06-01-2008 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by bluffingguus
Do this:
It almost works - the number appears, but if I hit bet, then the amount is wrong. Usually the BB or minimum raise.

The code is as follows:
IfWinActive, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView70u
ControlFocus, RichEdit20W3, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView70u ; focus on the amount input field
amount := "2,5"
ControlSetText, RichEdit20W3, %amount%, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView70u

Last edited by Treiks; 06-01-2008 at 11:43 AM.
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
06-03-2008 , 03:39 AM
Try this:

IfWinActive, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView70u
ControlFocus, RichEdit20W3, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView70u
amount := "2,5"
ControlSetText, RichEdit20W3, %amount%, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView70u
ControlClick, RichEdit20W3, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView70u
Send {Space}
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
06-03-2008 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by bluffingguus
Try this:
Thanks! Will try it out today evening.
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
06-04-2008 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by bluffingguus
Try this:
Thanks! Works almost perfectly well! A small problem arises when you move the slider before pressing Ctrl, but that can be easily avoided

So again and again: thanks a lot!
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
06-19-2008 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by bluffingguus
Not very usefull, but sometimes when I have 14 tables open after like 2000 hands the software becomes very laggy. Then on some tables when I click the table the bet amount field is not the active field, but the chatbox is. So when I enter an amount to bet, it's entered in the chatbox.

Normally, you'd click the bet amount field with your mouse, but when the software becomes laggy, this can take a while (which is very annoying with 14 tables). When you hit left control the amount field becomes active and empty, so you can hit the amount directly.

That's all.
Thank You for this tip alone
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
07-09-2008 , 06:54 PM
A+, thanks for this script
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
07-15-2008 , 10:04 PM
Thank you so much OP, I love u!
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
07-20-2008 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by gorlom
Thank you so much OP, I love u!
I'm getting married this friday, so thanks but sorry .
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
08-12-2008 , 03:00 PM
works fine, lets see if its useful enough clicking each time f11-12 !!
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
08-29-2008 , 01:07 PM
Can someone add autoclick "Add" button when pop-up shows up?
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
08-29-2008 , 05:03 PM
I was about to post the same request...would it be possible, Gus, to make this script auto-top up for you too? In other words, can you add in, let's say F10 which would bring up the cashier's window AND press the ADD button so that it would top up ur balance to the max?

(In fact, the ultimate nuts would be if it a script could automatically detect when u were at less than the max buy-in and automatically top you up...but that might be asking too much, so just the top-up functionality i described above would be great!)
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
08-29-2008 , 05:11 PM
Any thoughts why this isn't working?
SetTimer, KillPopUps, 200

WinGet, id, id, , "Add Chips to Table"
If WinExist, ahk_id%id%
	ControlClick, Button63, ahk_id%id%
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
08-31-2008 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Beefeater
I was about to post the same request...would it be possible, Gus, to make this script auto-top up for you too? In other words, can you add in, let's say F10 which would bring up the cashier's window AND press the ADD button so that it would top up ur balance to the max?

(In fact, the ultimate nuts would be if it a script could automatically detect when u were at less than the max buy-in and automatically top you up...but that might be asking too much, so just the top-up functionality i described above would be great!)
+1 -- any chance of this happening?
Seems like it should be easy to turn this into an auto-reload script! Seems like the only reason you'd be opening up the cashier is to reload to max anyway (die shortstackers), so why not make it so that it automaically clicks add for you.
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
09-04-2008 , 12:18 PM
Reload script stopped working at Betsson, but my friend has it still working at Tower. Is there a working version already? ty
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
09-05-2008 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Flu
Reload script stopped working at Betsson, but my friend has it still working at Tower. Is there a working version already? ty
It stopped working for me at white bet too. Any solution yet?
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
09-06-2008 , 05:54 AM
Stopped working for me at Hollywood too.
It sort of half works, but eventually all the tables just go back to normal and I have to keep pressing F11 to start it again
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
09-09-2008 , 07:56 AM
Does anyone have a solution yet for this problem?
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
10-05-2008 , 07:25 PM
This script isn't working anymore, anyone have a solution?
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
10-06-2008 , 03:45 AM
This is the script and it should now be working. I don't play on Ongame anymore, but I'm willing to keep this script up-to-date as long as it's possible (Ongame frowns upon these scripts as far as I know and sometimes these methods are no longer possible to use). Anyway, pm me when the script isn't working anymore (and please post here that you pmed me, so I don't get tons of them) and I will look into it and keep you guys updated.

This one hasn't been tested extensively, but it should do what the old script did and F10 is to reload to the max. So hit F10 and it clicks the 'Add Chips' button and after that the 'Add' button in the popup.

Have fun and let me know of any trouble.

; Disable disappearing tables on the Ongame network and don't sit out to reload
; v1.1 by bluffingguus (06-10-2008)
; WARNING: 	This script modifies the behaviour of Ongame software in some circumstances.
;		Of course the usage of this script is at your own risk.
; Open one Ongame table and press F11 to start the script. It should be automatically enabled on all other Ongame tables you open. Sit out will become active
; once you're dealt in the first time, but will disable again when you click the table.
; Hold down F12 at a table to restore the buttons (hold it down until all buttons are as they should be).
; Hit F10 to reload chips to the max

~F11:: ; activate
IfWinActive, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView80su
	Loop ; the loop is here to prevent Ongame software from changing the states back (i.e. when you have reloaded)
		Control, Disable, , Button7, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView80su ; disable sit out
		Control, Disable, , Button9, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView80su ; disable leave
		GetKeyState, state, F12
		if state = D ; F12 is pressed so break out of the loop.

~F12:: ; inactivate
IfWinActive, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView80su
	Loop ; the loop is here to prevent Ongame software from changing the states back (i.e. when you have reloaded)
		Control, Enable, , Button7, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView80su ; enable sit out
		Control, Enable, , Button9, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView80su ; enable leave
		GetKeyState, state, F11
		if state = D ; F11 is pressed so break out of the loop.

~F10:: ; reload chips to the max
IfWinActive, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView80su
	ControlClick, Button10, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView80su, , ,2 ; click on the add chips button
	Sleep 800 ; wait for a while
	ControlClick, Button67, ahk_class AfxFrameOrView80su, , ,2 ; click on the add button

O and btw, don't ask me for an auto reload script, because that really is not as simple as it sounds. My script is very simple, because it doesn't need any input from the table.
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
07-09-2010 , 12:00 PM
still works?
Ongame AHK script - no more sitting out to reload and disappearing tables Quote
