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Old Full Tilt Mods (Pre-Update) Old Full Tilt Mods (Pre-Update)

07-23-2007 , 09:36 AM
this are really nice, but you really need some red.


Your mods are amazing, and highly appreciated.
Can you do this deck in four colors , please.
07-23-2007 , 10:32 AM
fozzy is there a way to change the size of the cards?
07-23-2007 , 12:40 PM
Can you do this deck in four colors , please.
Working on it - actually was working on it before that deck, but ran into some issues. I have 2 forum readers beta-testing it for me, and it needs some changes. Once I get it sorted out so the characters in the Upper Left are easily readable at all sizes, I will make/post it. Probably later this week. I am painting/packing/moving by the end of the month.

fozzy is there a way to change the size of the cards?
Possibly. BarNuthin (I think) made a deck back in April/May that was oversized. When I tried making my own oversized, I was getting transparency issues on the card corners. I "think" I "might" know how to do it now. It will require me to resize a new deck, from my existing cards3.psd for whichever deck you prefer. Tell me which deck you play with, and I will make an oversized deck for you to beta test.
07-23-2007 , 12:48 PM
fozzy, i'm trying to change the table colours of my party table mods (if it's possible).

What software do you recommend for this?

I messed around with paint, but i couldn't get the round edges of the tables correct. Is there anything which makes this easier?
07-23-2007 , 01:05 PM
I use Photoshop V7 - havent taken the time to upgrade. If you can't get your hands on a cheap/free copy of that, try -

Free, Open-Source Image Editing software. Supposed to be very good, but I have never used it.
************************************************** ************************************************** **
Oversized Beta 1
Please test and let me know what you think. I just opened and did a screen grab, I havent played with them yet.

There is no cardsmall.png - just use the old version from 10.8-AT-C

Original Size - XL Size
420x252 - 490x294
504x300 - 560x336
588x354 - 672x403
700x420 - 812x487
840x504 - 980x588
980x588 - 1176x708
1176x708 - 1302x781

Screen grab from smallest table size (cards0.png)
07-23-2007 , 07:26 PM
Not sure if I can make the hand FTP hand replayer work properly using the oversized files. I haven't actually played yet with them, but I think I will like them. The hand replayer uses cardsmall.png for the hole card faces/backs, and cards3.png for the community cards. I think the Hand Replayer requires that cards3.png is actually the default 700x420. I think the only cards that really need to be oversized are the cards0, 1, and 2 (possibly).

Anyone played with the oversized cards yet?

I personally dont ever use the replayer during actual play. I started using the new RealTime HUD by MikeChomps, and it shows mucked cards briefly after the hand ends. Saves me from ever hittin "Last Hand".

07-24-2007 , 01:21 PM
************************************************** ************************************************** **
Oversized Beta 2

Over-sized Cards0, 1, 2 for smaller tables
Default size for Cards3 -> cards6 - Hand replayer works now, and most people never play over default table size.

Original Size - XX Size
420x252 - 490x294
504x300 - 560x336
588x354 - 672x403
700x420 - 700x420
840x504 - 840x504
980x588 - 980x588
1176x708 - 1176x708
07-24-2007 , 07:15 PM
Been a while since I did anything with a table.

07-24-2007 , 09:45 PM
Re-Made the PhattyLiver cards in the X-Large style.
Cards3 - Cards6, and cardsmall are all the same size.

Cards0 , cards1, cards2 are oversized for multi-tabling small tables.

07-25-2007 , 08:24 AM
Hey fozzy - I can't see any difference between the oversized deck and the normal deck except that they are overlapping a bit on very small table sizes. I wonder for which purpose these decks are supposed to be?
Best regards, <3 ur phattyliver FT deck!
edit: on the wikia page the link to the PL gray deck is false, delete the ZIP in the end of the link to get the correct link!
07-25-2007 , 12:54 PM
Thank you for noticing that error on the wiki page. I just needed to add a space, that "ZIP" was part of the text to display, not the filename.

The oversized cards arent a huge visible difference. I have had a few people ask for over-sized cards for the smaller tables though. This just makes your hole cards, and community cards a "little bit" bigger than the default card size. Personally, I never thought it was enough difference to re-make the decks, but I sure like em now that I have used em.

Here is a visual example -

Smallest table size, Typical cards0 = 420x252

Smallest table size, XX cards0 = 490x294
07-25-2007 , 01:07 PM
I really liked these cards Riina posted but wanted to change the colors a bit. I thought I would share my changed colors in case any one else finds them useful. The image corresponds to Cards3.png and if you want any other sizes you will have to resize them yourselves. Also, I did all my changing off the .png that Riina posted so I don't have any other files except this .png file I link here.

I tried creating a cream table with a dark brown rail for Full Tilt (much like Everlong's great Stolen_Identity Stars table but with a darker rail on the mods wiki page) but don't have the know-how to make a nice one.

07-26-2007 , 11:57 AM
Another HD table

07-26-2007 , 10:56 PM
Hey guys, just finished a set of chips. $1-$500 are based on Foxwoods Casino, then $1000-$100,000 are WSOP chips. Hope you like them.

Foxwoods and WSOP Chips
07-26-2007 , 11:53 PM
Hey guys, just finished a set of chips. $1-$500 are based on Foxwoods Casino, then $1000-$100,000 are WSOP chips. Hope you like them.

Foxwoods and WSOP Chips
ummm, post pics please. I want to know what i am downloading.
07-27-2007 , 12:28 AM
Download doesn't work for me- unexpected error- forwarded to MediaFire Development Team
07-27-2007 , 12:53 AM
any tutorials out there to help the Photoshop illiterate like myself to achieve these sick mods?

I am guessing the learning curve for this is relatively quick (You don't need to be Admo to do this), so maybe I could churn out a cool mod after a week of slaving?
07-27-2007 , 01:10 AM
Tables are easy.

Cards - took me many hours to make my first deck - and many attempts before I made a good mod. I would be glad to share some tips via MSN/Yahoo messenger. Have you ever used Photoshop? Do you know the basics? If you are wanting to make cards - the first thing you need is this, layout 700x420, PNG, everything that looks white here, is actually transparent:

I am rather busy the next week moving, and then may be without internet for a short time.

The new house is 4 miles out of town - no cable, no dsl. Gotta go from 10mb/1mb to 1.5mb/200k satellite FFS
07-27-2007 , 07:58 AM
Here's what the chip set looks like as of now.

And here's the download
Foxwoods and WSOP zip

The link is a download for the zip file containing chips0-6.
07-27-2007 , 07:12 PM
perhaps someone can rewrite this awesome partypoker table skin and the cardmod for fulltilt.
07-27-2007 , 09:51 PM
no cable, no dsl. Gotta go from 10mb/1mb to 1.5mb/200k satellite
From your US friends:

Bubbles says... Tell Ms. Lahey to buck up for dsl

07-27-2007 , 10:21 PM
There is NO DSL and NO CABLE on the road, period. Verizon could only offer me dial-up. Just found a possible alternative - 3mb/786k - hoping that happens
07-28-2007 , 07:32 AM
New to this mod caper and love the cards. Cards look great when playing in a large window but when minimized they remain at original sizes! Please help.
07-28-2007 , 11:52 AM
Did you download all 8 of the MOD'ed card files? you have to replace all files cards0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and cardsmall.png. Here is a screen grab of my /elements\ folder - sorted by date modified recently.

07-28-2007 , 04:03 PM
Great Mods Fozzy71 thanks. But I have two problems. The Cards are not fully visible at the top of the RT Table.

And when I resize the table I get this

I followed the instructions at the Wiki Page very carefully.
Help please, thank you
