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Old Full Tilt Mods (Pre-Update) Old Full Tilt Mods (Pre-Update)

05-04-2007 , 08:11 PM
Fozzy, thanks so much for your help. Am I correct in assuming that for the resizable tables I need one of the card mods that has a bunch of different sizes?
05-04-2007 , 08:19 PM
Can someone explain how to get the corner mods to work?
05-04-2007 , 08:32 PM
Here it is - sorry it took so long

05-04-2007 , 08:36 PM
yes - the new FT client has a total of 8 card files that need to be modded.

cards0.png - (420x252)
cards1.png - (504x300)
cards2.png - (588x354)
cards3.png - (700x420)
cards4.png - (840x504)
cards5.png - (980x588)
cards6.png - (1176x708)

Not a bad idea to rename and save the default cards, in case u need them later. I was only modding cards0 and cards1 for myself, as i never play with the tables any bigger than that. But now that I have spent a few hours makin decks from scratch, its easy enough to make the mod, and then re-size em for a complete set.
05-04-2007 , 09:29 PM
yes - the new FT client has a total of 8 card files that need to be modded.

cards0.png - (420x252)
cards1.png - (504x300)
cards2.png - (588x354)
cards3.png - (700x420)
cards4.png - (840x504)
cards5.png - (980x588)
cards6.png - (1176x708)

Not a bad idea to rename and save the default cards, in case u need them later. I was only modding cards0 and cards1 for myself, as i never play with the tables any bigger than that. But now that I have spent a few hours makin decks from scratch, its easy enough to make the mod, and then re-size em for a complete set.
Thanks, exactly what I needed. Everyone who hasn't modded their cards0, cards1, etc. files yet, download Irfanview and resize them (uncheck Preserve aspect ratio) with the above sizes.
05-04-2007 , 10:22 PM

these are my new favorite cards. very nice job.
05-04-2007 , 10:37 PM
thank you. I plan on re-doing the 3.2 very soon. I am going to use a small suit marker under the left numbers, instead of the big suit marker in the center. And, of course, make some different backs when i do that.

I guess that will be version 3.3

Any suggestions for card backs??
05-04-2007 , 11:19 PM
fozzy, love the new mod but I tried to use them and some of the cards show up and some of them just show up as a card outline and the card isnt there!! whatd I do wrong?
05-04-2007 , 11:47 PM
How do you edit the card backs?

I used to have a mod that had the Flaming Guy from The Matrix, and after the last update it went away...
So I've been playing with differnt card mods here, and I found some that I like but I really don't like the backs that are on them....

any help would be much appreciated
05-05-2007 , 12:42 AM
fozzy, love the new mod but I tried to use them and some of the cards show up and some of them just show up as a card outline and the card isnt there!! whatd I do wrong?
Change to/from "4-colour deck" setting.
05-05-2007 , 12:48 AM
How do you edit the card backs?

I used to have a mod that had the Flaming Guy from The Matrix, and after the last update it went away...
So I've been playing with different card mods here, and I found some that I like but I really don't like the backs that are on them....

any help would be much appreciated

The card backs are the four cards in the right-most column in these image files.

You can edit the files in an image editor supporting PNG files (I don't think mspaint works for these), I suggest GIMP (Free) or Paint Shop Pro. PhotoShop if you got the monies.

Then you can just copy/paste matrix from your old mod on to the new ones

05-05-2007 , 12:51 AM
Fozzy, these are awesome.


I am going to use a small suit marker under the left numbers, instead of the big suit marker in the center.

Please make a version with BOTH big bar-nuthin style suit in addition to a new small suit indicator under the numbers.

That would be my ideal... I like a small indicator but wouldn't want to give up the big suits for it

Many thanks for your hard work so far.

05-05-2007 , 01:15 AM
I will see if i can pull that off. I had a layer for each one, on the Ace when I was starting that deck. The problem i saw with that was the 2 different suit marks overlapping each other. So I just opted for the big suit mark. Perhaps I need to find a different style of suit marks to use, so they interfere less. I will work with the scale of each mark and see what I come up with.

Glad you liked em. I am sure I will be makin a few more decks yet. I often make a few versions for myself, of each mod, just to have a lot of different backs to choose from.
05-05-2007 , 03:07 AM
Dave - what do you think? Comments? Suggestions?

And I just tried the - Option > Full Card - to see the entire card for your hole cards. That is pretty cool
05-05-2007 , 04:01 AM
Fozzy can you make the orig 3.2 cards with some legit bright backs?
I use red, that would be awesome!
05-05-2007 , 05:36 AM
I tried that tonight, and was gettin some weird alignment issue on my smaller sized .png's. I will try it again 2moro, with a fresh start, and a clear head. If you have any actual samples of a specific red (or other color)post em here, and I will try and use them if I can.
05-05-2007 , 05:40 AM
I don't really, just some sort of bright flame/fire red.
05-05-2007 , 07:22 AM
I tried to use the table mod in one of the very first caused an error and wouldnt work...what do I need to do differently?

fozzy- my first session with your cards was 2K hands at 16PTBB/100. <3
05-05-2007 , 12:07 PM
Which table mods are you trying to use? What kind of error?

Racetrack - rename ...\elements\tablert.png (so the client wont find it). Then copy your new racetrack mod table, and paste it into one of the table folders of your choice (\graphics\table\racetrack\red carpet\ for example). You will need to rename your default "table.png" in that folder, to "table_orig.png", and then rename your new table mod to "table.png" Then re-start the client, and switch to that table.

I have a different mod table in each of the folders. I can easily to switch to a different table look, with out having to rename and replace other files

+16 ptbb/100? and my cards are the reason? You can send me my % whenever you want
05-05-2007 , 12:39 PM
Version 3.3

- Replaced my "artsy-fartsy" backs, with the more commonly accepted "bright-colored" backs. Hope you like.

- Edit - just started playing with these and i noticed:

The backs of the cards don't show the edge very well, so the backs blend together a bit. I will redo these later today or tonite, and I will add a 1 or 2 pixel black border around the edge of the card backs. This should help distinguish the 2 different card backs better.

- Edit - Just noticed - 1 and only 1 card back( the blue) had the gradient turned on, while the rest of the backs had no gradient . Way to go Fozzy

Please comment on the back colors - I think I need to pick a different shade of yellow and blue.

05-05-2007 , 01:46 PM
I had to fix the backs on version 3.3 ASAP.

Version 3.4

05-05-2007 , 01:53 PM
these looking great to bad i play at stars
could you make this for stars too ?
05-05-2007 , 02:08 PM
I don't play at stars. I would have to download, and figure theirs out, etc. It wouldn't be worth it to me. I just started making these for myself, and I am posting them to repay 2+2 for all I have learned here over the years.

I recommend you get in touch with:

Bar Nuthin @ -

He posted some FT cards in this thread.
05-05-2007 , 03:43 PM
Your cards are pretty [censored] sick.
I think the club could look a lot better, in game it looks very squahsed but its not like I really care.
Also they seem to be a tad bit small
05-05-2007 , 04:07 PM
Thanx alot - I appreciate the kind words.

What do you think of this??

I made the club -

1. a little bit bigger to start
2. scaled/stretched it up and down to fill up more of the card.

Can anyone say " Version 3.5?"

Let me know what u guys think.

I am thinkin the new, bigger club, should be a bit more opaque/transparent?
