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08-15-2006 , 12:55 PM

We thought about making IdleMiner update on its own but we thought that would cause even more security questions. Basically, we did not think it was a good idea to install anything on someone's computer without a click for consent.

If Party Poker was the crash or come down for some reason IdleMiner would most likely crash. Since we have not seen anything like this yet we are not really sure. If something like this does happen we would like all the info we could get from our BetaTesters so we could gracefully handle the event. The good news is that Party Poker does not update nearly as much as a site like stars so often you will be able to mine for a week straight with no problems.
08-15-2006 , 01:09 PM
I took the screen saver off and now want to reenable it but IM isn't an option. Ideas? Thanks,

08-15-2006 , 01:22 PM

We are aware of this issue. For now a temporary fix can be used by shutting down IdleMiner and then going into the installation directory and opening up options.ini you should see a line that says something to the effect of "SSInstalled=1", if you delete that line and restart IdleMiner it will install the screensaver again.

This should be fixed in the next patch.
08-15-2006 , 01:32 PM
I wasn't really aiming my comments at any of you. It was just a general post meant for anyone who might think that all these software developers are greedy and trying to make a ton of money. I have been developing software most of my life and even I didn't realize just how much work was required to maintain and support a popular software product.

Just as an FYI, I had the "PokerAce" name and was posting here way before developing my software. I may have started the trend though.
08-15-2006 , 06:11 PM
We released another update. Mostly bug fixes for the UI changes. If anyone has any problems let us know.
08-15-2006 , 09:35 PM

When you select multiple limits is there a priority set to each limit as in iWitness or do they just open even ammounts of tables for each limit?
08-15-2006 , 09:55 PM
The number of tables to open is evenly spread. If there is enough demand for it, we will consider adding a feature where the user can select the number of tables for each limit they want to open.
08-15-2006 , 11:48 PM
i have 2 cpu's connected via Cat5 cable and networkcards, is there anyway 2 have cpu2 data mine pp while i play on cpu1. i use a PostgreSQL database with Poker Tracker and maybe once an hour would like 2 transfer the data from cpu2 to 1
08-15-2006 , 11:50 PM
i have 2 cpu's connected via Cat5 cable and networkcards, is there anyway 2 have cpu2 data mine pp while i play on cpu1. i use a PostgreSQL database with Poker Tracker and maybe once an hour would like 2 transfer the data from cpu2 to 1
You're not trying to login twice with the same account, are you? Of course you won't be able to log-in on both computers at once; this has nothing to do with IdleMiner.
08-15-2006 , 11:56 PM
As long as the file that the hand histories are ending up in is shared you should be able to import them onto CPU1 from CPU2 any time you want too.

Edit: Sam's post also makes alot of sense. You can datamine 4 tables however without logging in.
08-16-2006 , 12:32 AM
I just DLed the program and it works fine. I only have two questions, and they may be fairly dumb and noobish, but I really don't know the answers lol.

The first is: Do I need PokerTracker running for this to work? Do I need it auto-updating hand histories from Party?

The second is: If I don't need PT running, how do I utilize this information?

Sorry for the dumb questions, and thanks for the software, it seems as though it's going to be great.

Edit: Also, one last n00b question: This is in no way illegal at Party, right? I don't wanna get banned or anything for this. I'm pretty sure it's on the up and up, but I just had to ask.
08-16-2006 , 12:47 AM
Don't worry no questions are dumb. Chances are someone else has the same question.

I think I can answer both your quetions in one resopnse. You can do it either way. You can have poker tracker auto imoporting the hands as they come in while using IdleMiner or you can imoprt them later. Either is fine. If you need more help with this email me at
08-16-2006 , 01:00 AM
So if I leave IdleMiner open all night without PT running, when I go to play the next day and auto-import the first batch of hands, all the hands IdleMiner logged the night before will be updated into my database? Very nice, indeed! Thanks for the quick response.
08-16-2006 , 01:01 AM
So if I leave IdleMiner open all night without PT running, when I go to play the next day and auto-import the first batch of hands, all the hands IdleMiner logged the night before will be updated into my database?
Yes, but that will likely take a couple hours to import. As long as you keep that in mind, you're good to go.
08-16-2006 , 01:10 AM
the obvious solution would be to run PT at the same time (importing every 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 minutes or whatever) as you run idleminer.

i'd be surprised if using the processor to import hands made a significant difference to the electricity costs- but it would make a significant difference to your ability to use the recently datamined hands as soon as possible when you sat down.
08-16-2006 , 04:43 AM
i have 2 cpu's connected via Cat5 cable and networkcards, is there anyway 2 have cpu2 data mine pp while i play on cpu1. i use a PostgreSQL database with Poker Tracker and maybe once an hour would like 2 transfer the data from cpu2 to 1
You're not trying to login twice with the same account, are you? Of course you won't be able to log-in on both computers at once; this has nothing to do with IdleMiner.
ok cpu2 needs only 1 version of IdleMiner to search the 4 accounts, right? and how can i get that data to cpu1 via network for PT
08-16-2006 , 08:27 AM
Remind me again (as I don't play on Party) - is datamining permitted under Party TOS? Didn't they change the hh format a while back to stop it? Is there some sort of 'unfair advantage' restriction or is that limited to data sharing (like the old PokerEdge)

At Stars a program like this (created for no other purpose than to mine observed tables) would be a clear breach of TOS (as Starspy indeed was).

Has the programmer cleared this app with Party or is there a risk that users end up with frozen accounts for using it?
08-16-2006 , 09:05 AM
you want the man to call partypoker for ya? im sure its probably technically illegal. but, who is going to ask
08-16-2006 , 02:41 PM
Are you trying to use IdleMiner with more than one party account on the same computer? If so, that is not something we support as it is against the party TOS. If you are just trying to get the information from your second computer to the first, the best method would be the share the folder that the hand histories are being saved in on CPU2. When you click import hands in poker tracker you can browse to that shared folder on CPU2 from CPU1 and just import thatm directly.
08-16-2006 , 07:53 PM
well I would hope the mods on this site would before allowing folks to promote and test illegal software via this forum..

or are you the kind of 'playa' who would be happy to use bots too if you thought they would win and you wouldn't get caught?

or maybe half a dozen tags like good ol ZJ?

either something is allowed or it's cheating - if it's cheating don't do it - simple enough for most people to understand I would have thought...
08-17-2006 , 12:57 AM
Remind me again (as I don't play on Party) - is datamining permitted under Party TOS? Didn't they change the hh format a while back to stop it? Is there some sort of 'unfair advantage' restriction or is that limited to data sharing (like the old PokerEdge)

At Stars a program like this (created for no other purpose than to mine observed tables) would be a clear breach of TOS (as Starspy indeed was).

Has the programmer cleared this app with Party or is there a risk that users end up with frozen accounts for using it?
On the Party cruise, one of the reps supposedly announced at a Q&A that personal datamining was fine. Take that for what you will.

This is a hijack that this thread probably doesn't need. I feel like we've discussed this many (many) times.
08-17-2006 , 01:03 AM
Further, when you come out of screensaver mode, IdleMiner will not automatically kill all of the games. The configuration window will be active so you can choose how you want to stop the program.
It is still closing down Party entirely whenever it exits screensaver mode. You probably know that by now, but just wanted to make sure.
08-17-2006 , 01:13 AM
Is anyone else having that problem? We cant seem to reproduce on our end. Could you please send a log to and we will try to figure it out.
08-17-2006 , 04:23 AM
Is anyone else having that problem? We cant seem to reproduce on our end. Could you please send a log to and we will try to figure it out.
For me, when it comes out of screensaver mode (assuming it was activated by the screensaver), everything exits, but I have hand histories, so I know it was working during that time.
08-17-2006 , 04:54 AM
We've actually replicated this problem and it turns out it is a windows issue. The details of which are irrelevant but essentially windows shuts down the screensaver and all of its child applications automatically. A child application will include any application IdleMiner started, namely Partypoker.

We're working on a solution as we speak.
