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08-28-2006 , 09:24 PM
FYI, the 1.35 patch seems to have stopped the crash problem for me. Quick fix!
08-28-2006 , 11:29 PM
I love the program, especially the fact that it takes so little of my processor compared to iWitness & FPHG.

I do have a feature request for SNGs, which iWitness already supports - the ability to open only tourney which are pending registration. That way, IM mines the entire tourney, so my PT stats can show wins, losses, etc.

Cheers, Carl.
08-29-2006 , 12:02 AM
FYI, the 1.35 patch seems to have stopped the crash problem for me. Quick fix!
I just downloaded Build 35 to try Idleminer for the first time, and I'm getting a crash (access violation). Here's my call stack:

NTDLL! 7c901010()
IDLEMINER! 0040fb6e()

08-29-2006 , 12:06 AM

Unfortunately a stack isn't enough to go in this case, can you send us your log.txt file at
08-29-2006 , 02:23 AM
I do have a feature request for SNGs, which iWitness already supports - the ability to open only tourney which are pending registration. That way, IM mines the entire tourney, so my PT stats can show wins, losses, etc.

08-29-2006 , 01:20 PM
Working wonderfull now. One thing I'd like added is the ability to specify where PT is installed, since I don't have it in the default location and therefor IdleMiner fails to start up PT.
08-29-2006 , 04:13 PM
Along similar lines, I have Idleminer installed in a non-default directory, and would love it if I didn't have to re-select that with each version upgrade. Now, this concern may go away if the update process works, but, right now, I have to download the update and run it manually.

08-29-2006 , 04:25 PM
As of 1.35 the update loop that people were getting caught in should no longer be occuring, atleast it stopped occuring in our own testing and we haven't heard of anyone having this problem.

We're going to put out a 1.36 patch today, see if you can just upgrade without downloading manually.
08-29-2006 , 05:27 PM
First, great program. I love it.

Since the upgrade to 1.35, when I start Idleminer, it typically runs for about 2-3k hands (I have it observing 12 tables), then it generates a windows error and windows pops up the message for send error report, don't send. I'm going to send a copy of the logfile, and I'll also try v1.36 when I get a chance to see if I have the same problem.
08-29-2006 , 06:19 PM
How do I change the limit or kind of tables that I have selected?

I know how to add a type or a limit, but I do not know how to get rid of my previous choice.
08-29-2006 , 06:43 PM
How do I change the limit or kind of tables that I have selected?

I know how to add a type or a limit, but I do not know how to get rid of my previous choice.
Just double click on the limit you already have selected and it will go away.
08-29-2006 , 06:47 PM
Double click on it
08-29-2006 , 07:08 PM
Ok, here's an interesting bug. Only started happening with v1.35. Twice, now, I've had my PS2 mouse freeze up completely when stopping the mining process. Closing Idleminer wouldn't get it working again, the only solution is to reboot the computer.

I've only seen this happen when using Idleminer so I'm pretty sure the problem is related somehow. Perhaps a conflict between it and the MS Intellimouse drivers?
08-29-2006 , 07:22 PM
can you send a log to also include c:\services.txt as well as log.txt
08-30-2006 , 06:32 AM
Idlemine still crashes on me. I am sending you an email with services.text and log.txt.
08-30-2006 , 08:03 AM
Just wanted to post that your program works beautifully for me, Windows XP Home.
08-30-2006 , 09:39 AM
technically, it works great. no bugs, no difficulty in operating the software.

However, from a practical point of view for a SNG player like myself, there are some serious problems - I think. I may be doing something wrong, in which case, please let me know.

in the interests of feedback and improving it:
a) allow us SNG players to set it to mine either regulars or speeds (or both, i guess) - I've found a workaround here to manually set the partypoker filter to show only speeds

b) allow us SNG players to set it to open registering tournaments. the most valuable data, i think, comes in the early rounds, as good players play very tight then, and you can get data on all 10 players at the table, rather than just the 2/3/4/5/6 left at late game stages. thus, your amount of data/hand is massively higher. the software seems to open late game SNGs only - 'cause they seem to be listed first in the table list
08-30-2006 , 01:48 PM
This software is really good, thanks!

My only want right now is something really really minor - I would love an option to not only open Poker Tracker but also start the timer in the auto-import bit, so Poker Tracker will import them as the datamining is going along. It's not really a big issue because I can set it to do that before leaving it going but if the screensaver comes on I end up with a load of hands to wait for Poker Tracker to import when I do get back.

08-30-2006 , 01:58 PM

IdleMiner should start the auto import timer every time it runs if you have Auto Start PT checked. If you are still having this problem, could you send the file log.txt from the idleminer directory to
08-30-2006 , 03:46 PM
I can, but its nearly 3mb in size right now. I can send that if you would like, or I can delete the current one to get a smaller one (if that even works) if you would prefer?

08-30-2006 , 04:34 PM
Yeah you can delete it and generate a new one if that'd be easiest for you.

08-30-2006 , 05:15 PM
anyone with windows 2K able to get this to work yet?
08-30-2006 , 05:25 PM
I've been trying to get someone to send me their log.txt and their services.txt file from a win2k installation, because we have been unable to get ahold of a copy of Win2k. Can you please send us a copy of your log.txt and your c:\services.txt so that we may diagnose the problem? Send it to
08-30-2006 , 07:30 PM
We have succesfully tested with Win2k just now. It worked fine first try, do you know what service pack you have? Also have you tried it with version 1.36?
08-30-2006 , 11:43 PM
Hey there!

Oddity: the auto upgrade to 1.36 worked fine on Win2K, but the current auto upgrade (assuming to 1.37?) is failing with the Windows error message.

