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New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE

08-20-2006 , 01:22 AM
That's what the data column is

-its showing 1.7 for a 6-handed table where I have stats on all 6 players. On another 2.8 where I have stats on all 6 players.

I assume the data field is some how weighted towards some statistical measure because its not just the number of players with stats at a table.
New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 11:32 AM
Not for me - they are always integer numbers (although stated as 5.0, 6.0 etc). Weird.
New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 02:05 PM

This has been going on for a while and it's mildly annoying: there seems to be a timing problem with clicking the join button and the subsequent table opening. I use Open and Join and almost half the tables and up open, but NOT joined.
New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 02:22 PM
hi SS
thanks for the great support,when do we have to pay up?

Thanks for asking.

We plan on doing our release early next week, probably Monday.

For everyone that has an existing account on SS, their trial period will begin the first time they use SS. The trial period is free of course, and starts at 3-Days, but you can extend it to 15-Days using SS's "Manage Subscription" Dialog (see below).

There will be a "Manage Subscription" dialog from SS's Menu that you can use to view your Account Status, sign up for a subscription, cancel a subscription, start a trial, etc.

The pricing will be $15, $30, and $45 per month for the Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels. These levels are explained in SS's Game Filter dialog. The "Subscribe" button will tell you which level you need based on what levels of games you are requesting data for currently.

Gold - access to ALL Stakes
Silver - Up to $400 NL and $5/$10 Limit
Bronze - Up to $50 NL and $1/$2 Limit

We'll also be offering discounts if you sign up for more than 1 month at a time. The discounts will be 10% for 3 months, 20% for 6 months, and 25% for 12 months.

Payment can be through PayPal or through SWREG ( SWREG will work best for international customers, or anyone that wants to pay by check, wire transfer, etc. Everyone else should use PayPal if they can.

Finally, as a way of saying "Thank You" to everyone at 2+2 for helping us beta test our product, you can enter "BETA2P2" into the "Bonus Code" field in the Subscribe dialog to get an additional 10% off. That bonus code will only be valid until Sept 4, 2006.

Thanks again to everyone that helped us improve SS by providing us feedback, bug reports, suggestions, etc. We will continue to improve SS and add features as they are suggested to us of course.

A special thanks to those who subscribe to SS. Your support will help us to maintain our multiple servers, to improve the client & server software over time, and to provide quality support to the customers.

New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 02:29 PM
I haven't figured out just WHY it does this, nor WHEN, but sometimes it resets the order of data fields in the TABLE LIST back to the default ordering...
It appears to happen whenever I switch the search parameters from LHE games to NL, and then back...the order of the rows seems to reset.
Look into it, although it's just a minor annoyance.
This is occurs when you change the visible fields. It is a bug (low-priority).

New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 02:31 PM
Another issue:
So I recently REPLACED a DB on my laptop with one of the very same name. E.g. I had postgres database XYZ on my laptop, then used the SQL Database functions window in PT to delete it completely, and copied over a NEWER version of that same XYZ DB from my desktop (which i use to mine).

So essentially I simply replaced the DB with one of the same name, but with 200,000 or so new hands in it. But I fire up PTAGG, expecting it to start importing all the new hands, but it doesn't seem to recognize that there's a whole batch of new hands (albeit in the DB of exactly the same name.)

Is there a way to get it to recognize these new hands?
Based on what you describe, PTAgg *should've* found the new hands and imported them. It stores a "Last GameID" for each database, and checks to see when it goes higher. Maybe if for some reason that 2nd database you had started at a higher GameID? That would be strange though, I can't think of a case that would cause that.

I've heard other reports that PTAgg doesn't always import new data, so its something I'm looking into. When I find something I'll let everyone know. Also, if you notice any obvious patterns in something that causes it please let me know too.

New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 02:32 PM
n/m - I'm experiencing really slow scanning but I think it may be my system..
Check some of the previous pages in this thread that talk about slowdowns from Party's monster tables. The solution is to use the de-monster AHK script also on this board.

New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 02:33 PM
-its showing 1.7 for a 6-handed table where I have stats on all 6 players. On another 2.8 where I have stats on all 6 players.

I assume the data field is some how weighted towards some statistical measure because its not just the number of players with stats at a table.
Not for me - they are always integer numbers (although stated as 5.0, 6.0 etc). Weird.
Yes, there is a weighting going on. Also, there's an option in the Custom User Scoring called "Use Convergence", if this is turned off you'll just get integer values, otherwise they are scaled for players < 300 hands.

New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 02:34 PM

This has been going on for a while and it's mildly annoying: there seems to be a timing problem with clicking the join button and the subsequent table opening. I use Open and Join and almost half the tables and up open, but NOT joined.
Thanks. I'm not the expert on the AHK scripts, Dan is, but I'll forward this to him.

New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 04:39 PM
The pricing will be $15, $30, and $45 per month for the Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels.
New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 05:50 PM
The pricing will be $15, $30, and $45 per month for the Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels.

Yeah....This is kind of way more than I was expecting. Looks like I'll be going back to PokerTableScan. Oh well. It was a fun ride while it lasted.
New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 05:58 PM
Why dont you guys release a pricing scheme also weighted on how many sites you're using 6thsense for? Isn't multiple site scanning what would take up the most bandwidth? If I only want to use it with Party, why should I pay the same amount as people who are acanning across 5 different sites?
New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 06:23 PM
Wow... yeah back to PTS for me as well.. pity.
New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 06:28 PM
Another issue:
So I recently REPLACED a DB on my laptop with one of the very same name. E.g. I had postgres database XYZ on my laptop, then used the SQL Database functions window in PT to delete it completely, and copied over a NEWER version of that same XYZ DB from my desktop (which i use to mine).

So essentially I simply replaced the DB with one of the same name, but with 200,000 or so new hands in it. But I fire up PTAGG, expecting it to start importing all the new hands, but it doesn't seem to recognize that there's a whole batch of new hands (albeit in the DB of exactly the same name.)

Is there a way to get it to recognize these new hands?
Based on what you describe, PTAgg *should've* found the new hands and imported them. It stores a "Last GameID" for each database, and checks to see when it goes higher. Maybe if for some reason that 2nd database you had started at a higher GameID? That would be strange though, I can't think of a case that would cause that.

I've heard other reports that PTAgg doesn't always import new data, so its something I'm looking into. When I find something I'll let everyone know. Also, if you notice any obvious patterns in something that causes it please let me know too.

1) Oh, well this might help with figuring out the above. What is the GameID you speak of, and is it ordered by the DATE the hand was played, or when the HH was imported into PT, or something? Because think about what would happen if I imported a batch of HHs from Aug 21, for example, and then ran PTAGG, but then realized I had a bunch of HHs from Aug 1 through 20 that I hadn't imported, so I then imported those...if PTAGG asssigns GameID based on when the HH is imported, then no prob, b/c it will assign the older HHs a higher GameID and "find them"...but if it assigns GameID based on date the hand was played, then it will give LOWER GameIDs to the Aug 1 - 20 HHs, and then "skip" them tne next time it looks for "new" HHs. I'm not 100% sure that this is what happened in my case, because I do a lot of moving around and importing of HHs...but it's one explanation, no? Even if I'm right, it's not something that necessarily needs to be changed...still the user should probably be made aware that s/he should always import HHs in chronological order...

2)I have never been a huge fan of the "converge data" method (preferring, instead, a way that you could just tell SS to assign a full weight to players with a min # of hands), but I've gradually come to appreciate that it's not all that different...but as another poster alluded to, I think the NumData field (or whichever one tells you how many players you have data for at the table) is one that really should be done "my way", as opposed to the convergence way. Just intuitively: it doesn't make sense to "have data" on 2.7 out of 6 players at the table. The reason people want to see that field is for a quick look at how many of the players at the table they will have "reads" on. Anything less than a whole integer is a little confusing. This is more of a minor annoyance since my DBs are so robust, I usually don't even bother looking at that field anymore...still something for which I see where other ppl are coming from.

3) Pricing is just fine, guys. Don't fall for the 'guess i won't be using it' line.
New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 07:41 PM
3) Pricing is just fine, guys. Don't fall for the 'guess i won't be using it' line.

I agree-the pricing is extremely reasonable especially with the 2p2 bonus code discount and the discount for long term subscription. I will be a 12 month gold subscriber for sure.

This thing pays for itself easily in one or two days for the month.
New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 07:58 PM
I haven't completely read the last couple of pages, so I'm sorry if you already answered the same questions somewhere.
- After the ptagg release (and after the ptagg import, of course) SS got really slow. Before that version SS never took more than 5 min for the first scan and all scans after that were really fast <1min. Now it takes up to 10-15min to scan the 30 tables for my limits and it don't 'speed up' after the initial scan. Is there no caching anymore?
And if the speed is because of the large amount of data I have, is there a way to tell ptagg just to take the datamining files from the last 3 month and delete the data that's older? (My pc is a 2.8GHz dualcore with 2GB ram dedicated for poker, so I don't think cpu speed should be an issue).

- I really don't like the table opener. It doesn't find any table when there is this PartyMonster-Welcome-Box open (after you joined a monster table), sometimes it just opens a different table than what I selected and I think there is no need to open the JoinWL-Dialog every time even I don't want SS to join the waitinglist for me (I like autoresizer )

- add wts and w$sd to the table fields. I don't use the custom scoring function and just sort the list for vpip. But , for me, the second most interesting stat is went to sd. So please add that and won@sd.

PS: 360$ (12*45*.75*.9 = 364, right?) for a year is a lot, but since there is no real/cheaper alternative I think I'm in.

New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-20-2006 , 11:31 PM
Also,I forgot to mention -- I think the PTAGG window needs a "Stop Import" button. For the same reason that I suggested a "Cancel Scoring" button for the main SS window: but the argument is all the stronger for the PTAGG window, which the user is much more likely to want to suspend/restart later: I think people feel much more comfortable when they have an explicit "Stop Import" button (and it could say beside it "Don't Worry, no data will be lost, and the import will re-start where it left off next time you run PTAGG").

Even though it says that beside the INFO row in the bottom-most table, it wasn't clear just what the correct method was to shut down PTAGG. Was I supposed to just click the X in the upper-right? Should I use the Exit button? Should I Ctrl-Alt-Del 'kill' the process?
The point is that after an import has been running for hours, or even days, the user might be understandably ancy about being reassured that he is stopping the search the "right way", and that no data will be corrupted, or lost, and I think that is best accomplished with an explicit "Stop Import" button (perhaps with the instructions I suggested above placed beside it.)
Just to make it more user-friendly.
New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-21-2006 , 08:05 AM
without me having to read hundreds of replies what does PT Aggregator do if it is not just another name for the Sixth sense program. thx
New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-21-2006 , 09:24 AM
OK, so it's more of a fantasy, but if you dont' ask, you don't get, right?

This would possibly require co-development with PA HUD, so I think right off the bat it's nill...

Is it possible to be able to have your note field be an editable popup window for each player?

Crossing Fingers,

New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-21-2006 , 11:50 AM
Win SD is 0 for all players on all tables that SS displays. Why?

I am using PT aggregator and have imported all the PTracker database I am interested in using.

New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-21-2006 , 11:55 AM
I get the following message:
"NumStatbyGameType: Type mismatch for field 'game_type', expecting WideMemo actual: WideString." Whenever I request a report from PT Aggregator.

New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-21-2006 , 11:59 AM
pt aggregator is importing at about 1000 hands/hour, this is going to take weeks at this rate, I have no other programs running at the same time, any way to speed this up? I read someone mention vacuming your database or something earlier in this thread but I have no idea what that means.
New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-21-2006 , 03:09 PM
(snip) the user should probably be made aware that s/he should always import HHs in chronological order...
GameID's are just assigned in order as the hands are imported. So it shouldn't matter if you import new hands then old hands. PTAgg *should* find them either way.

2)I have never been a huge fan of the "converge data" method (preferring, instead, a way that you could just tell SS to assign a full weight to players with a min # of hands), ...snip... Anything less than a whole integer is a little confusing.
I agree its confusing (but helpful in situations where you only have < ~10 hands on someone). But this field works off the "Converge" option from the Custom User score. So if you turn it off it will give you integer results. Are you saying you want to use Convergence for the Fish Score, but integers for the NumData column? If so its possible, but complicates things a bit.

3) Pricing is just fine, guys. Don't fall for the 'guess i won't be using it' line.

New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-21-2006 , 03:15 PM
- After the ptagg release (and after the ptagg import, of course) SS got really slow. (snip)
At around the same time Party came out with their Monster tables, which slow EVERYTHING down. Next time it gets slow, just try closing down Party to see if it speeds up. Also, find the "De-Monster" script on this forum, that should speed things back up.

I really don't like the table opener.
We don't have a direct interface into Party, so we have to "fake" sending keystrokes and mouseclicks, this is not 100% reliable. We will definitely work on making it more stable, etc. Also, try shutting down any other AHK scripts you might be running, as there can be some conflicts between the scripts. If you have a "must-have" AHK script, let us know so we can see if we can make them compatable.

add wts and w$sd to the table fields.
Already on the to-do list.

PS: 360$ (12*45*.75*.9 = 364, right?) for a year is a lot, but since there is no real/cheaper alternative I think I'm in.
Yes, that's correct. The additional 10% is a multiplier, just like you calculated it.

New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
08-21-2006 , 03:16 PM
Also,I forgot to mention -- I think the PTAGG window needs a "Stop Import" button.
Yup, I agree, thanks. -Ben
New Software Announcement - SIXTH SENSE Quote
