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08-01-2009 , 03:06 PM
You're positive you're using a Classic layout and not Race Track?

I also assume that you're using English as a language and not something else?

You did make it clear that you're editing the win32 section, which is good. Using Tahoma 14 and 15 is a bit extreme, since that will cause overlap all over the place. I used 11 for both, with the plr_balance in bold. I don't think that making it too big would cause FullTilt to ignore it. The only other thing i could think of is that you're for some reason running your client from the wrong directory. I'm hoping it's the Race Track vs. Classic thing.
Thanks a lot for trying to help. Im using Classic View and English language in client. I dont using Tahoma 15, its just to prove that nothing works. Before this huge FTP update with the new lobby i had successful experience with changing layout.xml file. But now it doesnt work and I absolutely have no idea why. I tried Notepad and free XML editor. Also tried to reinstall FTP client.
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08-01-2009 , 04:01 PM
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 04:03 PM
Weird. Aside from making certain that you're editing the file in the correct directory and saving it with the right name and path, i'm about out of ideas. Also, you don't have multiple Full Tilt clients, do you?

Did you make your changes while the FTP client was still open? If so, the client could have overwritten your Layout.xml on exit, undoing all your changes.

I'm grasping at straws here, but it's hard to debug that over the forums.
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08-01-2009 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by luvrhino
Weird. Aside from making certain that you're editing the file in the correct directory and saving it with the right name and path, i'm about out of ideas. Also, you don't have multiple Full Tilt clients, do you?

Did you make your changes while the FTP client was still open? If so, the client could have overwritten your Layout.xml on exit, undoing all your changes.

I'm grasping at straws here, but it's hard to debug that over the forums.
I can confirm that it's not just him. Twice now I've had to completely uninstall + wipe out my Full Tilt folder because it stopped accepting changes to the layout.xml files. It's bizarre. I even deleted the xmls and still the client worked as if nothing had happened.
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08-01-2009 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Dilznoofus
I can confirm that it's not just him. Twice now I've had to completely uninstall + wipe out my Full Tilt folder because it stopped accepting changes to the layout.xml files. It's bizarre. I even deleted the xmls and still the client worked as if nothing had happened.
haha, thats ridiculous!

stupid ftp!
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08-01-2009 , 04:21 PM
08-01-2009 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by 2pro4monitor
There is tons of different stuff blocking that useless idea.
First of, jpegs cannot be transparent, secondly, if they could, the program itself would have an actual back behind that image.
How dare you call my idea useless you ex evening soap star...the only thing useless is your hideous gault deck...I know you thought you were picasso there for a minute but its nasty looking a nobody uses it

Last edited by IH8TENITS; 08-01-2009 at 05:05 PM.
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08-01-2009 , 05:19 PM
but it is useless
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Quicksilver
but it is useless
When i was at my highest last night I came up with two needs for it....

1-I wanted to have my desktop background be outer space and my tables/background be completely transparent to create a 3D feel like they were floating...Imagine it...its would actually look kinda cool...

2-alot of times at night I grind out on the deck outside and theres no TV out there...I get kinda bored so I wanted to have a movie going on under my tables that I could watch while I 6 table on top of it...

excuse me for living outside the box lol
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 05:36 PM
lol@ movie under your tables
good for the winrate?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 05:44 PM
Anybody figured out how to alter positions of the dealerbutton ?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Dilznoofus
I can confirm that it's not just him. Twice now I've had to completely uninstall + wipe out my Full Tilt folder because it stopped accepting changes to the layout.xml files. It's bizarre. I even deleted the xmls and still the client worked as if nothing had happened.
It's a good sign that the client still works if the XML files don't exist. It should use default values internal to the client. I would think it'd write out a fresh new Layout.xml file in that case, but that's just how i would do it. It's reasonable that if you make an error when editing Layout.xml that the client will decide it's a bogus file and just use its internal defaults. It may also be that if you edit the XML file using the wrong editor that additional formatting symbols could corrupt the file. That's why you shouldn't use Microsoft Word or WordPad. Notepad or an XML editor shouldn't cause problems, though.

If you're doing a complete wipe and reinstall, you may have to delete the stuff in the local settings Application Data folder. However, i wouldn't have thought that that directory would affect how Layout.xml is used. I don't see why FullTilt would ever be getting some cached version of the file. Anyway, that Application Data folder is located at:

c:\Documents and Settings\<Windows_user_name>\Local Settings\Application Data\FullTiltPoker - for XP
c:\Users\<Windows_user_name>\AppData\Local\FullTiltPoker - for Vista

Do you use the C-drive for both your system directory and Full Tilt install directory? And you have FullTilt installed in C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker?

I'm asking in case a lazy programmer hard coded the path to the Layout.xml file. Again, i'm just guessing with what little information i have.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by neverbeclever
Anybody figured out how to alter positions of the dealerbutton ?
It's done on a pod-by-pod basis in the last section of Layout.xml:

<seat_object x="156" y="51" z="1." dlrdx="149" dlrdy="90" id="9" inherit="dflt" >

The dlrdx and dlrdy attributes are relative to the pod. After rearranging the position of my Omaha cards, i had to move the button around for many of my seats so it wasn't blocked by my cards. I also made my button bigger than normal by editing the graphics file.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Quicksilver
lol@ movie under your tables
good for the winrate?
your mom doing tow touches in the nude couldnt mess with my winrate
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 05:54 PM
Others have taken on this and I don't say those were completely awful(but were definetly blurred severely at default size) so here is a screenshot and you can judge if you want this or not (the upper is mine took on the port, lower is an other conversion).

So if you want it

Grey Spades, Gold Spades, Lores, Replayers are Included
Try/use at your own risk

***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Nero1877
that table is it uploaded anywhere?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 06:08 PM
thats awesome...much appreciated upgrade to the perfect deck
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 06:21 PM
I have a huge problem cause i tried to change the deck and i fallowthe instructions on but now i don't see the cards anymore(and it's not b/c of the 4 colors deck option)
Did someone have or had the same problem?

this is the file i download from the wiki page :
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by luvrhino
It's a good sign that the client still works if the XML files don't exist. It should use default values internal to the client. I would think it'd write out a fresh new Layout.xml file in that case, but that's just how i would do it. It's reasonable that if you make an error when editing Layout.xml that the client will decide it's a bogus file and just use its internal defaults. It may also be that if you edit the XML file using the wrong editor that additional formatting symbols could corrupt the file. That's why you shouldn't use Microsoft Word or WordPad. Notepad or an XML editor shouldn't cause problems, though.

If you're doing a complete wipe and reinstall, you may have to delete the stuff in the local settings Application Data folder. However, i wouldn't have thought that that directory would affect how Layout.xml is used. I don't see why FullTilt would ever be getting some cached version of the file. Anyway, that Application Data folder is located at:

c:\Documents and Settings\<Windows_user_name>\Local Settings\Application Data\FullTiltPoker - for XP
c:\Users\<Windows_user_name>\AppData\Local\FullTiltPoker - for Vista

Do you use the C-drive for both your system directory and Full Tilt install directory? And you have FullTilt installed in C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker?

I'm asking in case a lazy programmer hard coded the path to the Layout.xml file. Again, i'm just guessing with what little information i have.
Yeah, my installation is standard. I edit in notepad too. When I deleted the layout files, the client would still use my custom layout rather than revert to original settings. Uninstalling alone would not bring back the original layout either. I had to do that plus delete all the stuff the uninstall left behind. Maybe it had to do with the application.prefs file. I'm too lazy to figure it out. For now it's working, and I don't plan on making any more changes any time soon.

I'm not telling you this because I need you to fix anything for me. Everything's fine for now, but I guess I'll mention that I don't have a full tilt folder in my application data folder. I have windows set to show hidden files.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Dilznoofus
Yeah, my installation is standard. I edit in notepad too. When I deleted the layout files, the client would still use my custom layout rather than revert to original settings. Uninstalling alone would not bring back the original layout either. I had to do that plus delete all the stuff the uninstall left behind. Maybe it had to do with the application.prefs file. I'm too lazy to figure it out. For now it's working, and I don't plan on making any more changes any time soon.

I'm not telling you this because I need you to fix anything for me. Everything's fine for now, but I guess I'll mention that I don't have a full tilt folder in my application data folder. I have windows set to show hidden files.
Are you editing the actual layout.xml in place? It's better if you edit the file in a different 'working' location, and then paste it into place, imo.

Also, Notepadd++ FTW. You can thank me later.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Are you editing the actual layout.xml in place? It's better if you edit the file in a different 'working' location, and then paste it into place, imo.

Also, Notepadd++ FTW. You can thank me later.
I was. Will try to remember this for next time.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by SzS
Others have taken on this and I don't say those were completely awful(but were definetly blurred severely at default size) so here is a screenshot and you can judge if you want this or not (the upper is mine took on the port, lower is an other conversion).

In all honesty, I have found that it boils down to what table size do you use most. I have ported tons of decks at all sizes from cards3.png and up. Each cards.png size affects how your cards will appear at various table sizes. Cards3.png ported looks good at default, but when you start going below default, you will reach a point where the rendering looks bad, almost overcontrasted with some jaggedness. This varies from deck to deck. One way to work around this is porting at a larger cards.png size. The larger the cards.png size you port, the better the cards will look at smaller table sizes (granted you use the stock size always option). This comes at the expense of fuzzier rendering at larger tables, such as default and up. I never use default or bigger tables, so achieving great clarity at those sizes isn't a top priority.

SzS, this is the problem I ran into with your deck. Porting at cards3.png size looked good at default, but when I used my typical 4 table tiled size on 20" monitor, there was lots of jaggedness around the upper portion of the main numbers. I ported at cards6.png, and the problem went away.

Here are the examples:

Cards3.png port size: This is the size of the table when 4-tabling tiling on 20" monitor. Notice the jaggedness on the top portion of the numbers?

Cards6.png port size. Same table size as above. Notice the jaggedness on top part of the numbers/letters is gone.

Now I didn't do screen shots at default and larger, but the cards3.png port looks better at that size than the cards6.png. A deck I am using ATM is fozzys gothic ported at cards5.png, which seems to give me a nice balance between the 4 table tiled size and default.

Cards3.png works best for the replayer.

anyone who has the cards3.png, you can resize this prior to porting if you want to experiment. For reference

Cards3.png 700x420
Cards4.png 840x504
Cards5.png 980x588
Cards6.png 1176x708.

Just experiment and see what works best for your common size table you use the most.

Hope this helps.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 06:43 PM
I replaced all the advertisemnts in the lobby in the MIA folder...hows come Howard Ledderer's ugly face still appears...nothing changed
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Are you editing the actual layout.xml in place? It's better if you edit the file in a different 'working' location, and then paste it into place, imo.

Also, Notepadd++ FTW. You can thank me later.
I second using Notepad++ (available here). I do my alterations in place using Notepad++, but i have the Auto-Backup enabled. I also make aggressive use of Undo/Redo. I have also been doing a backup my Full Tilt directory before letting any software update to proceed.

As for the Application Data folder, my FullTiltPoker folders are a different location than the %APPDATA% environment variable. It's a bit difficult debugging some of these issues when don't have access to the user's machine nor to any guidance from Full Tilt aside from their file names and what comments they have in their XML and other text files. It might also have helped if i had any XML experience outside of playing with Full Tilt's files.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 07:14 PM

I like my setup at the moment with the exception of blue free seats which don't match to the overall black scheme:

By VincePL

Could someone explain to me how to make the seats grey/black or provide me the file ?
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