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***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** ***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update***

08-01-2009 , 12:32 AM
Ur first problem is using a hud...most mid stakes players dont realize this but the high stakes players will all tell you that a hud is crutch that is keeping you from learning how to process information on your own...keeps you fromlearning how to read players based on their play...these are important things youll need if you ever play big or play live events...if youre a card runners member, watch some of iRockHoes videos...he talks about it alot.....take it seriously because if all the best players are right, your doing harm to your poker game.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 12:40 AM
I thought I saw a request for the KEM deck somewhere in this monster thread

anyway here is a fairly decent port of the KEM style cards

Free KEM Deck for FTP

***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 12:57 AM
This is purely a guess, but maybe it has something to do with the screen resolution you're using. Try playing with the settings.

Originally Posted by Burg Grind
OK this is so fkn weird I have to tell you now, because it is happening again.

When you first posted this deck, the same exact thing happened.

I downloaded your cards from the link provided, I went in to try them out and look at them and use them...

They look nothing like what you have taken a screenshot of above. Infact they look much much worse.

Basically the cards are the right color, but the text that is supposed to be centered in the middle, it is just not happening. The text is really big takes up just about the entire card from top to bottom, and its in some weird font that looks like crap. Looks like crap, and its NOT the cards that you posted that it is supposed to be.

It is 100% NOT the deck you posted here. Not sure if something happens when you upload the file or what - anyone else download this yet to confirm?

Something is up...

Would like to try out your deck, but this is not your deck, its something weird. Also, FWIW this same exact thing happened when you posted this deck originally. I tried to download it and use it, once I opened the cards to see how they were they looked all stretched & big in some different font, looked like **** just as these are doing now.

Not sure whats causing this, but its being caused.


Edit: the more I think about this the more riddiculous it is. It doesnt make sense. I just tried re-downloading all 3 versions of the deck you uploaded & linked in this thread, each one of them all has this problem. None of them look how they are supposed to. They all have this weird stretched out, thin font. To try to explain how this messed up font looks, the 10.svg card, is supposed to be a centered T, its basically on the right side of the card and runs off over the right side of the card - basically looks absolutely horrendous. So yeah, no idea whats causing this but hopefully poster can fix this and get the correct deck uploaded.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by ca$h cow
I just downloaded them and they seem to look just as they do in his screen shots. Can you take a screenshot of what you are seeing? Not sure why they didn't work for you. I'm not sure what font he used, and I am not sure if matters if you have that font installed on your computer or not.
The font is Tw Cen MT. It's available to me in Inkscape. I've never installed any special font packs.

The 10 looks like the image below in Inkscape. As you can see, I need to put crazy thick stroke in order to get anything to come out in FTP. The screen shots of the tables are accurate reflection of what I see within FTP. I wonder what the 10 looks like for Burg Grind if he opens it in Inkscape.

Burg Grind, if you don't have Inkscape installed, please install it and see if that changes anything. Would be great info. Inkscape download for Win32 available here.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 01:57 AM
Bah, too late to edit.

Just to be clear. Like Bar Nuthin suspects. The svg files have the text in font form. These are supposed to be easily edited files. So.. if you like Arial or some other font better than 20th Century, you can easily change it.

@ IH8TENITS: Like the Japanese stuff. A squid on an ice cream cone, lol, classic.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 03:43 AM
Ok im really high so this might be a dumb question.....Is it possible to make the table background transparent soyou can see through to the computer desktop?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by RandyJR808

Any way to get the table?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 04:56 AM
i love the classic look especially thx guys for uploading great stuff!
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by 2p2J
Any way to get the table?
its from one of Bar Nuthin's mods on
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by RandyJR808
I don't know if this has been covered already by someone, but is there a way to adjust the proportion of the table to the pods or vice versa? I'm new to the forum and not real advance in mod customizing. I was screwing around with different stuff from different people and now this is my setup.

however as you can see the pods as well as the bet placements and the cards on the table are somewhat off. here is another example.

it looks unorganized and gets confusing after a while. I assume I need to fix the .xml, but I'm not sure how to. Is there any way to fix it?

You are using the classic layout right?
I suppose you can fix it by moving the table a little up, altering the following lines in layout.xml (new table/classic/)

<image_object w="794" h="547" z="1." url="Graphics/NewTable/Classic/Backgrounds/Table.svg" dy="13" 

dx="0" id="_cloth" />
dy specifies the position of the table.svg (assuming you are using a table.svg and not only the background ind jpg format)
change dy to a somewhat lower amount to display the table.svg a little higher. see for yourself which amount does it for you! good luck
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 06:48 AM
Has anybody redone the old cards yet?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 07:09 AM
How can I get my old graphics back?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 07:20 AM
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by IH8TENITS
There is tons of different stuff blocking that useless idea.
First of, jpegs cannot be transparent, secondly, if they could, the program itself would have an actual back behind that image.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 09:38 AM
Anybody got any other chip designs, i cant seem to get the paulson ones to work

Mutch Appreachated =)
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by moneybag09
Anybody got any other chip designs, i cant seem to get the paulson ones to work

Mutch Appreachated =)
fozzy posted his nice gothic chips earlier this thread but I'm not searching for it now
btw how can you not get it to work? there is a chips folder in graphics/new table/common/, just replace the chips there
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 10:24 AM
i dont no, its strange tho cus the file does not even say what type of file it is, ill scout out fozzys chips see if i can find them
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by moneybag09
i dont no, its strange tho cus the file does not even say what type of file it is,....

My chips are here - GothicChipsFTPv11.exe
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 11:45 AM
sorry for not reading through everything, but is there a mod that looks like stars hypersimple theme? (incl cards&sounds) ?

if not, pls create one, paying 50 for that one too
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 11:51 AM
cheeeeeers Fozzy =)
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 11:53 AM
Guys, I have strange problem. After FTP update all fonts sizes were reset to default. Now there is absolutely no effect when I changing font sizes in \Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\NewTable\Classic\Layout.xml. I can even delete this file and nothing happens. I hope somedy will help me, default font is too small.
<stylesheet id="win32" >
<stylegrp id="plr_name" language="default" >
<style scale="1.90" font="Arial;20.0;white;normal;1" />
<style scale="1.70" font="Arial;18.0;white;normal;1" />
<style scale="1.50" font="Arial;16.0;white;normal;1" />
<style scale="1.30" font="Tahoma;15.0;white;normal;0" />
<style scale="1.20" font="Tahoma;14.0;white;normal;0" />
<style scale="1.10" font="Tahoma;14.0;white;normal;0" />
<style scale="1.05" font="Tahoma;14.0;white;normal;0" />
<style scale="0.75" font="Tahoma;14.0;white;normal;0" />
<style scale="0.65" font="Tahoma;14.0;white;normal;0" />
<style scale="0.00" font="Tahoma;14.0;white;normal;0" />
<stylegrp id="plr_balance" language="default" >
<style scale="1.80" font="Arial;22.0;white;normal;1" />
<style scale="1.60" font="Arial;20.0;white;normal;1" />
<style scale="1.40" font="Arial;18.0;white;normal;1" />
<style scale="1.30" font="Tahoma;16.0;white;bold;1" />
<style scale="1.20" font="Tahoma;16.0;white;bold;1" />
<style scale="1.10" font="Tahoma;16.0;white;bold;1" />
<style scale="1.05" font="Tahoma;15.0;white;bold;0" />
<style scale="0.85" font="Tahoma;15.0;white;bold;0" />
<style scale="0.70" font="Tahoma;15.0;white;bold;0" />
<style scale="0.60" font="Tahoma;15.0;white;bold;2" />
<style scale="0.00" font="Tahoma;15.0;white;bold;2" />
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Meetdaleet
Has anybody redone the old cards yet?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by IH8TENITS
Just delete the Table.svg file and you won't see a table at all. It'll be completely tranparent and you'll just see whatever your background image is.

***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 02:05 PM
i think he was asking about the background not the table...
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Eton
Guys, I have strange problem. After FTP update all fonts sizes were reset to default. Now there is absolutely no effect when I changing font sizes in \Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\NewTable\Classic\Layout.xml. I can even delete this file and nothing happens. I hope somedy will help me, default font is too small.
You're positive you're using a Classic layout and not Race Track?

I also assume that you're using English as a language and not something else?

You did make it clear that you're editing the win32 section, which is good. Using Tahoma 14 and 15 is a bit extreme, since that will cause overlap all over the place. I used 11 for both, with the plr_balance in bold. I don't think that making it too big would cause FullTilt to ignore it. The only other thing i could think of is that you're for some reason running your client from the wrong directory. I'm hoping it's the Race Track vs. Classic thing.
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