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***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** ***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update***

07-31-2009 , 04:53 PM
start reading from the beginning of that thread. everything is in the NewTable folder, not where it used to be.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 04:59 PM
Yes but when i go C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\Graphics\NewTable i tried to change the file and replace it with a mod but it doesn't change anything...
And for example i don't see the table files anymore.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by ca$h cow

This should be the final time! lol. These are SzS's decks. Included in the upload is both decks, yellow and black spades, with brighter cardbacks, ported to SVG. This also includes the replayer for each version. The replayer is much cleaner than the one I posted yesterday, thanks to SzS supplying the clean cards3.png. Just put the appropriate replayer.swf file into the /cache folder. The replayer will only work correctly with the 4-color card option turned off. The deck itself during play will work with both options. Best to turn off 4-color cards to get your replayer to match correctly.

Just a note to anyone converting this or other .png decks yourself. I have had better success using cards6.png as a base. When I converted the recent cards3.png uploaded by SzS, there seemed to be some weird jaggedness rendering on the upper left turn area of the lettering/numbering of the Q, 9, 2, etc. when tiling 4-6 tables. So I redid the porting by resizing the cards3 to cards6 (cards 6 demension is 1176x706), then reporting. The cards looked much better when tiled with no more weird jagged rendering artifact. I would encourage you to experiment with different png sizes when porting and see what works best for you.

Thanks bro.

Def appreciate your help (twice now)

that's weird about the porting problem, but smart to resize & re-port for better results - if I take one of my old TB decks and port, how good/bad does it look on default size? are there always misaligned cards or oversized parts? or do they actually look pretty good?
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07-31-2009 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by matti5
Anybody know why my cards become blurry when I reduce the size of the tables? When playing on a default sized table the cards look great but when i reduce the size of the tables the cards lose focus and become a little bit blurry. I am using fozzy's arial deck but this has been the problem with all the decks I've tried.
Send an email to ftp bitching about it. It happens with all decks, afaik. Even ones created in SVG from scratch.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Burg Grind
Thanks bro.

Def appreciate your help (twice now)

that's weird about the porting problem, but smart to resize & re-port for better results - if I take one of my old TB decks and port, how good/bad does it look on default size? are there always misaligned cards or oversized parts? or do they actually look pretty good?
Here is a ported deck to try out.

***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 07:16 PM
When I copy the handhistory text in the last hand window, the HH has observer chat included. I have obs chat UNchecked in both the last hand window and in options->chat. Obviously I want to get rid of the obs chat in the HHs. Anyone else got this problem and/or know how to fix it?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Pokertini
PM sent
Thanks =)
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 07:30 PM
Does anyone have any custom Pods for the classic table? Something to suit the sleak glass top table that someone did.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Burg Grind
Thanks bro.

Def appreciate your help (twice now)

that's weird about the porting problem, but smart to resize & re-port for better results - if I take one of my old TB decks and port, how good/bad does it look on default size? are there always misaligned cards or oversized parts? or do they actually look pretty good?
No prob. I think a lot has to do with the quality and sizing of the .png decks you are starting with. I have had some work well with Cards3.png, and others had some rendering issue. It really ends up being trial and error.

Originally Posted by fozzy71
Here is a ported deck to try out.

Any chance we can get the cards3.png for the replayer
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by SheepMoose
Does anyone have any custom Pods for the classic table? Something to suit the sleak glass top table that someone did.
I made some as posted earlier in this thread.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 07:44 PM
I suspect it's not possible, but does anyone know change the size of the displayed chips and/or how that's managed?

My goal is to make even smaller chips so i can more easily play with smaller-than-min size tables. I changed the chips0.png file to make the chips 49% their normal size. That doesn't help because for a chip, the software just grabs whatever pixels are located at a certain position within the file. Unfortunately, with my reduced chips0.png file, that means i sometimes get weird, two-toned chips that are half as one, half of another.

Though they appear small, i think they take up still use up the same amount of space. Even when i made super tiny sized chips, instead of that space being taken up by chip, i have a box of nothing (or table felt-color) using the space of the chip. This means that image can partially cover the text indicating the bet amount, even though the chip part of the image isn't covering the text. I did do a text search for "chips0" in the Full Tilt directories in the Program Files and Application Data directories, with no hits.

Anyway, here's what my 349x240 table looks like min-sized:

Yes, i realize that for maximum-tiling purposes, i should reduce my Windows Title Bar to be size 12 instead of 18. I'm used to having it that size and i didn't change it. I also might want to play some more with which fonts work at 6-pt and 7-pt. This is my first time trying these cards, which work great...though Syfted's do as well. The text in the betslider is hard to read when selected (white on blue), but otherwise this tiny table is surprisingly playable on my 12" monitor.

For those with a 1920x1200 monitor, you could fit 25 tables of this size (5-by-5) with some extra space on the sides. Wee. Of course, you'd need to lobby FullTilt to get to play that many.

I can post this Layout.xml file if anyone's interested.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by flight2q
Updated Dodo Simple high-contrast card deck to include a dark outline on the lettering on the cards to enable a white lettering on a gold background.

Here is table width 640.

Here is table width minimum.

Mix and match as you like it, from suit choices:

black lettering on card colored: yellow (can be seen in my previous post.)
white lettering on card colored: gold, red, green, blue, violet, chocolate

Download here:

dealer button only
cards only
complete skin

The complete skin has button, cards, and various stuff, mostly cribbed or edited free stuff in this thread. Includes: near-black background; classic empty seat; classic dark green felt; card backs (yellow, magenta, cyan, lime green; also included in cards only download); reduced size ironman icon; chips; large stack size font; circular note icons (rank diodes); and Miranda Kerr logs you in. No buttons are altered; you keep whatever you're using. Table.xml up to date for latest FTP release.

OK this is so fkn weird I have to tell you now, because it is happening again.

When you first posted this deck, the same exact thing happened.

I downloaded your cards from the link provided, I went in to try them out and look at them and use them...

They look nothing like what you have taken a screenshot of above. Infact they look much much worse.

Basically the cards are the right color, but the text that is supposed to be centered in the middle, it is just not happening. The text is really big takes up just about the entire card from top to bottom, and its in some weird font that looks like crap. Looks like crap, and its NOT the cards that you posted that it is supposed to be.

It is 100% NOT the deck you posted here. Not sure if something happens when you upload the file or what - anyone else download this yet to confirm?

Something is up...

Would like to try out your deck, but this is not your deck, its something weird. Also, FWIW this same exact thing happened when you posted this deck originally. I tried to download it and use it, once I opened the cards to see how they were they looked all stretched & big in some different font, looked like **** just as these are doing now.

Not sure whats causing this, but its being caused.


Edit: the more I think about this the more riddiculous it is. It doesnt make sense. I just tried re-downloading all 3 versions of the deck you uploaded & linked in this thread, each one of them all has this problem. None of them look how they are supposed to. They all have this weird stretched out, thin font. To try to explain how this messed up font looks, the 10.svg card, is supposed to be a centered T, its basically on the right side of the card and runs off over the right side of the card - basically looks absolutely horrendous. So yeah, no idea whats causing this but hopefully poster can fix this and get the correct deck uploaded.

Last edited by Burg Grind; 07-31-2009 at 08:00 PM. Reason: above
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 08:02 PM
@luvrhino: is that deck available for download somewhere?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Burg Grind
OK this is so fkn weird I have to tell you now, because it is happening again.

When you first posted this deck, the same exact thing happened.

I downloaded your cards from the link provided, I went in to try them out and look at them and use them...

They look nothing like what you have taken a screenshot of above. Infact they look much much worse.

Basically the cards are the right color, but the text that is supposed to be centered in the middle, it is just not happening. The text is really big takes up just about the entire card from top to bottom, and its in some weird font that looks like crap. Looks like crap, and its NOT the cards that you posted that it is supposed to be.

It is 100% NOT the deck you posted here. Not sure if something happens when you upload the file or what - anyone else download this yet to confirm?

Something is up...

Would like to try out your deck, but this is not your deck, its something weird. Also, FWIW this same exact thing happened when you posted this deck originally. I tried to download it and use it, once I opened the cards to see how they were they looked all stretched & big in some different font, looked like **** just as these are doing now.

Not sure whats causing this, but its being caused.


Edit: the more I think about this the more riddiculous it is. It doesnt make sense. I just tried re-downloading all 3 versions of the deck you uploaded & linked in this thread, each one of them all has this problem. None of them look how they are supposed to. They all have this weird stretched out, thin font. To try to explain how this messed up font looks, the 10.svg card, is supposed to be a centered T, its basically on the right side of the card and runs off over the right side of the card - basically looks absolutely horrendous. So yeah, no idea whats causing this but hopefully poster can fix this and get the correct deck uploaded.
I just downloaded them and they seem to look just as they do in his screen shots. Can you take a screenshot of what you are seeing? Not sure why they didn't work for you. I'm not sure what font he used, and I am not sure if matters if you have that font installed on your computer or not.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by eule
@luvrhino: is that deck available for download somewhere?
His table is crazy small, so its hard to tell, but I believe it may be this deck.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by eule
@luvrhino: is that deck available for download somewhere?
ca$h cow posted the deck here, though i don't remember if he designed them or not. Edit: SzS deserves the credit...thanks ca$h cow...

The card backs are from Syfted's 1.2 deck, i believe.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by ca$h cow
I just downloaded them and they seem to look just as they do in his screen shots. Can you take a screenshot of what you are seeing? Not sure why they didn't work for you. I'm not sure what font he used, and I am not sure if matters if you have that font installed on your computer or not.
this - depending on the method used to create the cards
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 10:34 PM
New BBC collection

get them here..
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 10:39 PM
Like the last three.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 10:59 PM
I don't know if this has been covered already by someone, but is there a way to adjust the proportion of the table to the pods or vice versa? I'm new to the forum and not real advance in mod customizing. I was screwing around with different stuff from different people and now this is my setup.

however as you can see the pods as well as the bet placements and the cards on the table are somewhat off. here is another example.

it looks unorganized and gets confusing after a while. I assume I need to fix the .xml, but I'm not sure how to. Is there any way to fix it?
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
07-31-2009 , 11:04 PM
Heres my question about the pods...hypothetically...if the above pods were the standard issue full tilt poker pods and then someone posted the actual standard ftp mods as new version...would everyone go crazy over them and want them?

because they seem to be alot better than all the ones people have come up with
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by IH8TENITS
Heres my question about the pods...hypothetically...if the above pods were the standard issue full tilt poker pods and then someone posted the actual standard ftp mods as new version...would everyone go crazy over them and want them?

because they seem to be alot better than all the ones people have come up with
Myself, no. While I want something that looks decent too, I mod for better multi-tabling and hud placement purposes.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 12:07 AM
i think the std pod are cool
but ppl like to have some change in the layout
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by IH8TENITS
Heres my question about the pods...hypothetically...if the above pods were the standard issue full tilt poker pods and then someone posted the actual standard ftp mods as new version...would everyone go crazy over them and want them?

because they seem to be alot better than all the ones people have come up with
No. I don't care for the stock FTP pods. Too bulky for my tastes. I prefer a slim basic pod and timer. Easier to fit my HUD on the table when multitabling.
***New Full Tilt Mods Post-Update*** Quote
08-01-2009 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by RandyJR808
I don't know if this has been covered already by someone, but is there a way to adjust the proportion of the table to the pods or vice versa? I'm new to the forum and not real advance in mod customizing. I was screwing around with different stuff from different people and now this is my setup.

however as you can see the pods as well as the bet placements and the cards on the table are somewhat off. here is another example.

it looks unorganized and gets confusing after a while. I assume I need to fix the .xml, but I'm not sure how to. Is there any way to fix it?
Looks to me you are using a RaceTrack table with a classic background and (i believe) pods. wish I could tell you exactly how to fix, but seems that the table is just a little lower than it should be. There are several posts ITT that show you how to alter the .xml, maybe just find the line that controls table position?

hope this helps
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